Gender and Social Norms in Jordan Specialist Short-Term Consultancy (AWAL consultancy)

CARE Jordan

Terms of Reference (ToR) Date: September 2nd 2021

Gender and Social Norms in Jordan Specialist Short-Term Consultancy


USAID is anticipated to release a call for proposals on August 1st for a 10 to 25 million dollar USG opportunity entitled: The Advancing Women’s Agency and Leadership Activity (AWAL). AWAL will create transformational changes in gender relations at the family, community and national levels to enhance gender equality and advance women’s leadership in Jordan. This will be achieved by: 1) strengthening the enabling environment and institutional capacity and addressing structural barriers for women to fully exercise their rights, express their agency and freely lead and participate in society without restrictions; 2) partnering with local stakeholders to counter prevailing prohibitive social norms that perpetuate gender inequality, undermine women’s agency to exercise their rights, and prevent transformative change in gender relations; and 3) advancing the inclusive and transparent leadership and decision-making participation of girls and women.


CARE is looking for a gender and social norms specialist with deep knowledge of the gender context and local and international gender NGO/INGO eco-system in Jordan, as well as practical and theoretical knowledge and experience working on gender equality and social norms change programming, for a short-term 20 day consultancy focused on helping to support the core proposal team in the design of the social norms change components of the program. The bulk of the work is expected to be undertaken in August, but could be pushed forward to September depending on final release of the bid.


· Map and liase with local women-led and gender-focused NGOs and INGOs to strengthen, form and secure partnerships and commitments of support.

· Map the gender-focused social norms change programming currently underway in Jordan highlighting successes, gaps, entry points.

· Undertake focus group discussions and Key informant interviews with members of local women’s organizations/NGOs/gender projects/government ministries, relevant stakeholder communities.

· Attend and actively participate in and contribute to virtual partner project design workshops and meetings.

· Lead and co-facilitate CARE design workshops on gender social norms change along with CARE Gender staff.

· Lead the development and writing of proposal design documents, including results frameworks, methodology selection, theory of change, etc. in coordination with CARE HQ Gender staff

· Provide locally-contextualized input to the design of all 3 objectives orally and in writing

· Contribute to writing sections of the proposal, including background context, methodology, theory of change, activities, partnership, as requested

· Working with proposal team to identify key activities, partners, geographic focus areas, etc

· Working with budget team to cost out key activities


· Action Plan and calendar for finalizing the design of the Program’s social norms change component

· Power point Presentation(s) to facilitate the collective design of program’s social norms change strategies and activities

· Mapping of past/current gendered social norms programming in Jordan, with successes, gaps, entry points

· Write ups of focus group discussions and interview with local stakeholders

· Finalized Design documents outlining CARE’s goal, objectives and plans for program design components focused on gendered social norms

· Finalized narrative components of the proposal in English (as requested/required).

· Other technical documents and presentations as required.

Timeframe :

*The consultancy will be in place for 2 months (*early to mid of September 2021) with the possibility of extension. Total number of working days = 20**


Consultant(s) shall receive full compensation upon the completion of the consultancy and the receipt of all deliverables as agreed with CARE Jordan.

3.4 Consultancy conditions:

1- Payment is subject to satisfactory work performance, deliverables and production of payment documents such as invoice and timesheets.

2- The consultant(s) is responsible for the use of personal assets in order to complete this assignment (laptop, internet, etc.)

3- The consultant(s) shall not receive any other facilities or shall not be reimbursed any other expenses under this assignment.

Key Colleagues:

HQ Proposal Manager and Gender Lead

HQ Proposal Support

HQ Social Norms Technical Support

CARE Jordan Proposal Manger and Technical Advisor

CARE Jordan Budget lead

CARE Jordan HR lead


CARE Jordan CD

Other CARE Jordan Office Staff

CARE MENA Regional Staff


The position requires outstanding design and writing skills, in depth knowledge, expertise in and experience working on gender-transformative and social norms change approaches and programming in Jordan, excellent communication and presentation skills; and experience in program design/proposal development, preferably for United States government donors.

Essential qualifications:

· Gender equality and social norms in Jordan: At least 5 years of demonstrated experience working on gender equality and women’s empowerment programs in Jordan and demonstrated knowledge of gender equality issues, gender-related social norms, the local NGO and INGO gender players, and key government and private sector players.

· Women’s rights in Jordan: Demonstrated commitment to and established networks with women’s rights and gender justice groups in Jordan

· Project/Program Design: Significant demonstrated experience designing and/or delivering successful gender equality and social norms changed development programming in Jordan


· Remote and Team work: Experience working effectively as part of a virtual team.

· Technical leadership: Experience leading and working with technical experts to design a program

· Communication skills: Strong and demonstrated oral and written communications skills in English and Arabic

· Program Design: Demonstrated successful experience in program design and proposal development; Results and output focused

Education: Specialization in Gender or Social Norms at the Graduate level preferred (but not required)


• Written and Oral Fluency in English and Arabic

Name and Contact details for the person supervising the work:

How to apply

Applicants are requested to send their CV, cover letter, samples of previous relevant work, and proposed budget (the currency of submission should be Jordanian Dinar (JOD) or USD and the prices inclusive all tax)

The deadline for submitting your full technical and financial offers by email will be on September 12th,2021 to with subject line: “AWAL consultancy”.

Questions related to the proposal may be directed to

Emily Usher Shrair- Senior Technical Advisor for Gender Program Design and Resource Mobilization-

Note: CARE Standard Payment Terms are 30 days from receipt of goods or service and a CARE approved invoice.

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