Consultancy to support grant management, proposal development, reports and operational case studies


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” The IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises.

The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of the IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

The IFRC has five regional offices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The IFRC also has country cluster delegations and country delegations throughout the world. Together, the Geneva Headquarters and the field structure (regional, cluster and country delegations) comprise the IFRC Secretariat.

At Geneva level the Health and Care Department consists of three teams: Emergency Health, WASH and Community Health. This consultancy will support the work of the Community Health Team, and in particular grants on COVID-19, malaria, community epidemic and pandemic preparedness, EVD and immunization.

Overall objective:

The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the management of a multi-country multi-million US dollar framework grant agreement with a timeframe until 30 September 2024, working with global, regional and national IFRC thematic file holders to manage the donor relationship, ensure compliance with obligations and exploring new opportunities, and developing and reviewing reports, proposals and operational case studies for USAID.

Consultancy objectives / outputs:

1. Support to global grant management

a) Support the Team Lead in effective grant management with one of our biggest global health donors, including facilitating biweekly donor calls and addressing requests for information. Contribute to the continuation of a strong working relationship between the IFRC and its donor.

b) Finalize monthly and quarterly narrative reports in support of a multi-country grant as per the schedule and content agreed with each project manager. This will require contact with individual project file holders responsible for the project’s delivery across numerous IFRC offices at the country, regional and global level, and ensuring appropriate technical quality assurance (content, data, gaps) to ensure high-level reporting to address donor needs.

c) Work with IFRC file holders, partnerships and finance colleagues to finalise donor financial reports in line with the agreed financial reporting schedule for the donors, and support closure of financial commitments once projects have ended.

d) Ensuring compliance with obligations and required tracking, such as vehicle purchases and waiver documents, tax notifications, environmental impact assessments and risk management.

e) Facilitating connections between the donor and relevant IFRC file-holders, initiating these where necessary and supporting processes to completion, including exploring potential opportunities, negotiations and high-level meetings.

f) Support country-based project managers and technical profiles on issues related to project management, and advise on relevant donor funding rules, regulations and standards as required.

g) Ensuring a high degree of accuracy, professionalism and attention to detail in finalising official documents submitted to the donor.

  1. Proposal development

a) Working with IFRC thematic colleagues to identify funding gaps and initiatives of potential interest to the donor.

b) Develop project proposals in line with partner’s proposal requirements / template, working with IFRC thematic file-holders.

  1. Develop operational reports / Case studies

a) Develop project specific reports (end of project report, lessons learned reports) and case studies to highlight the Community Health team’s work as well as the needs of the most vulnerable, working with key thematic file-holders.

How to apply

The consultant will be contracted by the IFRC and the standard contractual terms will apply.

Applications should include the following documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. A cover letter summarizing your experience, suggested an approach to the work, your daily rate, and three professional references.

Interested candidates should send their CV, letter of interest, and daily consultancy rate in CHF (Swiss francs) to

Email subject: “Consultancy to support grant management, proposal development, reports and operational case studies”.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic there will be not travel associated with this consultancy. All work can be done from the consultants home location

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