Resource Development Consultancy At Right To Play

1. Right To Play International

Right To Play is a global organization committed to improving the lives of children and youth affected by conflict, disease and poverty. Established in 2000, Right To Play has pioneered a unique play-based approach to learning and development which focuses on quality education, life skills, health, gender equality, inclusion, child protection and building peaceful communities. With programming in 15 countries, Right To Play transforms the lives of more than 2,3 million children each year, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to our work with children, Right To Play advocates with parents, local communities, civil society organization (CSO) partners and governments to advance the fundamental rights of all children.

Right To Play is headquartered in Toronto, Canada as well as London, UK, and has operations in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Our programs are facilitated by more than 600 international staff and 31,900 local teachers and coaches. For more information, follow @RightToPlayIntl and visit

2. Program Overview

Enhancing Quality and Inclusive Education (EQIE) is a five-year education program currently being implemented by Right To Play in six countries that aims to improve learning outcomes of boys and girls – specifically minimum proficiency levels in reading in lower primary Grades 1-4 – and to increase retention of out-of-school girls and children with disabilities.

These goals will be achieved by building the capacity of education staff, teachers and parents to give children better and more opportunities to practice reading skills (both inside and outside school) using child-centred, play-based and active learning methodologies. Right To Play will also build the capacity of CSO partners to identify out-of-school girls and children with disabilities and to develop follow-up and support systems, together with schools and local communities, which ensure access and sustained retention in school. Through these interventions, the program will contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4, ensuring “inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all”, including its underlying principle of “leave no one behind”.

Countries of Implementation: Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali, Mozambique, Palestine, and Tanzania

Target Beneficiaries: Total Number of Schools: 165; Total Number of Children: 114,165 (boys: 53,082; girls: 61,083)

Project Timeline: January 1, 2020-December 31, 2024

Resource Development/Consultancy Timeline: October 1, 2021 – December 17, 2021

3. Purpose of Consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to review and where possible, revise and upgrade, Right To Play’s existing training resources for teachers and community leaders on disability, inclusion and Inclusive Education. It is also expected that key gaps – namely around inclusive education and play – will be filled through this consultancy. The new resource package will create a critical foundation for Right To Play by not only providing quality content for dissemination and training under the EQIE program, but also through creating a clear framework that will support the design, implementation, monitoring and ultimately success of Inclusive Education projects moving forward.

For this purpose, specifically, the consultant will:

  1. Review and refine existing inclusive education/disability resources, proposing adjustments that will strengthen the content and language of pieces that can be retained to assure theoretical validity and feed into the training and monitoring exercises.
  2. Identify gaps and create new modules, filling gaps in current provisions, especially on Inclusive Education and Play. The resource should be aligned with Right To Play’s experiential learning and training methodology. This section will be done in collaboration with Right To Play staff.
  3. Consolidate in one new resource the findings from point 1 and 2 above.
  4. Review existing play-based learning games and activities and propose adjustments that will strengthen the content and language to assure theoretical validity and feed into the implementation and monitoring exercises.
  5. Develop a guideline for inclusive play-based learning games and activities in collaboration with Right To Play staff. The guideline should feed into Right To Play’s experiential play-based learning methodology, and provide guidance on measuring learning outcomes of out-of-school children with disabilities re-enrolled in school.

4. Scope of Work

  1. Prepare a resource development plan outlining the approach to be employed in executing the assignment, including:

a. Timeline/schedule of activities.

b. Review and refine existing inclusive education/disability resources.

c. Identify gaps and create new modules.

d. Consolidate in one new resource.

e. Review existing play-based learning games and activities.

f. Develop a guideline for inclusive play-based learning games and activities.

  1. Actively participate in regular meetings with Right To Play, consulting on approach, plan, timeframe, discussing results and findings and agreed recommended follow-up actions.
  2. Depending on the consultant’s resource development plan, collaborate and coordinate with specific Right To Play field and HQ staff.
  3. Compile a comprehensive first draft resource based on the review findings according to format upon agreement with Right To Play staff and revise resource based on feedback from Right To Play.
  4. Compile a comprehensive second draft resource based on feedback from Right To Play.
  5. Prepare and submit final resource to Right To Play’s Global Program Development Team, including:

a. De-briefing meeting with Right To Play.

b. Copy of the final resource.

c. PowerPoint presentation with summary of content for formal presentation to key stakeholders.

d. A resource development document based on a Right To Play format.

5. Methodology

The first part of the consultancy will involve a resource review of Right To Play’s existing inclusive education resources; desk research and literature review; and engagement with the Global Program Development team in order to produce a revised resource that fills identified gaps. This will serve as a key reference for the EQIE program going forward, particularly with regards to teacher training and the implementation of more inclusive practices within the school setting. Where relevant, new sessions may need to be developed. As noted, in depth-engagement with relevant teams at Right To Play will be required to produce a resource that enables the program to strengthen its approach to inclusive education.

6. General Conditions of the Consultancy

Steering Committee

A steering committee of key implementation stakeholders (i.e. Right To Play country and global staff) will be formed to guide and inform the resource development process. They will help to inform the relevance and appropriateness of the content and language. They will also help to ensure that the process is sound, culturally appropriate and contextually relevant to Right To Play’s programmatic needs and to the needs of all relevant stakeholders (i.e. beneficiaries, community members and partners).

Consultancy Expectations

  • The consultant will have an orientation to Right To Play’s program delivery model.
  • The consultant will submit an inception report including a detailed work plan and time frame for the completion of the resource development.
  • The review of existing resources and proposed adjustments will be shared with Right To Play with sufficient time to allow for Right To Play to review and provide feedback, which will be incorporated into subsequent work.
  • After the completion of any resource sections, a presentation will be given to Right To Play staff and appropriate stakeholders to share inputs and recommendations.
  • Throughout each phase, the consultant will be expected to maintain regular communications with Right To Play global and country staff regarding progress.
  • All materials, processes, methodologies, reports, plans and other works provided to the consultant or developed by the consultant on behalf of Right To Play remain the property of Right To Play.
  • All documents must be stored in a safe and secure location, allowing full access to Right To Play staff during the development process.
  • Upon completion of the resource, all raw documents must be submitted to Right To Play.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

The consultant will report directly to Thomas Breistein, Programme Development Manager at Right To Play Norway with copy to technical lead Loulou Shah, Education Specialist at Right To Play International, and all deliverables should be submitted to them according to the schedule outlined in the “Key Deliverables and Timeline” section below.

The consultant’s roles and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Background research to familiarize themselves with the EQIE program and Right To Play’s approach (i.e. program documents provided by Right To Play).
  • Document review of existing program resources, games and activities, and monitoring tools.
  • Development of the resource review and revision plan in collaboration with the Right To Play International Steering Committee.
  • Completion of final resource.
  • Preparation and presentation of final resource.

8. Key Deliverables and Timeline

1, Submission of Proposal – October 1, 2021

2, Award of Contract – TBD (estimated October 15, 2021)

  • Right To Play Consultation – October 18, 2021.
  • Conduct document and resource review – October 18-22, 2021.

3, Present findings and proposed adjustments to existing resources.

  • Submission of findings and proposed adjustments – October 22, 2021.

4., Right To Play staff review and comment on findings and proposed adjustments.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – October 29, 2021.

5, Resource development – first draft.

  • Submission of first draft resource – November 12, 2021.

6, Right To Play staff review and comment on first draft resource.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – November 19, 2021.

7, Resource development – second draft.

  • Submission of second draft resource – November 26, 2021.

8, Right To Play staff review and comment on second draft resource.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – December 3, 2021.

9, Resource development – final draft.

  • Submission of final draft resource – December 10, 2021.

10, Right To Play staff review and comment on final draft resource.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – December 17, 2021.

11, Resource development – final product.

  • Submission of final resource – January 7, 2022.

12, Right To Play staff review and comment on final resource.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – January 14, 2022.

13, Review existing play-based learning games and activities.

  • Submission of findings and proposed adjustments – November 19, 2021.

14, Right To Play staff review and comment on findings and proposed adjustments.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – November 26, 2021.

15, Develop a guideline for inclusive play-based learning games and activities.

  • Submission of first draft guideline – December 3, 2021.

16, Right To Play staff review and comment on first draft guideline.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – December 17, 2021.

17, Guideline development – final draft.

  • Submission of final draft guideline – January 7, 2022.

18, Right To Play staff review and comment on final draft guideline.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – January 14, 2022.

19, Guideline development – final product.

  • Submission of final guideline – January 21, 2022.

20, Right To Play staff review and comment on final guideline.

  • Call with Right To Play International Steering Committee – January 28, 2022.

The above timeline is negotiable and subject to change based on consultation with Right To Play.

9. Proposed Budget and Payment Schedule

Consultant is asked to provide a draft budget proposal along with his/her proposal for consideration. Right To Play offers competitive consultancy rates in keeping with market value and international NGO standards.

  • First payment: After signing of contract agreement with Right To Play (15%)
  • Second payment: Submission of findings and proposed adjustments to existing resources (10%)
  • Third payment: Submission of first draft resource (30%)
  • Fourth payment: Submission of second draft resource (25%)
  • Final payment: Submission of final resource and PowerPoint presentation approved by Right To Play (20%)

10. Qualifications

  • A consultant with at least 7-15 years of experience in Inclusive Education, either as practitioner, researcher or trainer.
  • Extensive experience creating training packages for field teams/ teachers, preferably on disability, inclusion and Inclusive Education.
  • Extensive experience working in diverse contexts (e.g. within multi-country contexts, with children and young people, in remote settings, etc.) and an ability to produce material that is relevant across such settings.
  • Cultural sensitivity and demonstrated ability to apply culturally appropriate approaches to communicate and interact with the Right To Play team, partners, and stakeholders, plus a tangible commitment to gender and disability equality, and to the Social Model of Disability.
  • Familiarity with international standards, guidelines, policies and conventions around disability and/or education.
  • Experience in gender-responsive and disability-inclusive education programs at the pre-primary and primary levels.
  • Extensive experience in literacy, life skills/social emotional learning measurement, and behavioural change measurement, including experience in measuring children with disabilities learning outcomes, and knowledge of/familiarity using the Early Grade Reading Assessment toolkit.
  • Knowledge of the OECD-DAC principles and a capacity to produce content that is rooted in measurable change and quality and impactful results.
  • Ability to abide by Right To Play’s child protection and child safeguarding policies.
  • Applicant should have a relevant degree in social sciences/education, international development, statistical sciences, or another related field.
  • Excellent working proficiency in English.

How to apply

11. Proposal Application Submission

Interested consultants are requested to submit proposals including the following documents:

  • Cover letter/expression of interest.
  • A complete profile of the firm/organization/group, highlighting previous experience and expertise in areas listed in the “Qualifications” section detailed in the above section.
  • CVs of any other key team members who will be the part of the evaluation team.
  • Two writing samples, ideally reports the firm/organization/group has lead authorship on.
  • Detailed response to RFP, with technical proposal with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology to be used and key selection criteria (max. 2 pages).
  • Financial Proposal: Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates and initial work plan.
  • Initial draft of the proposed work plan in Gantt chart style.

The Proposal must be submitted no later than Friday, October 1, 2021 to Thomas Breistein, Programme Development Manager at:

Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed as soon as they are received. Early submissions are encouraged and Right To Play reserves the right to select a consultancy before the proposal submission date noted above.

While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

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