Consultant- Site Management Sector At International Organization for Migration

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

Planning and strategy development

  1. Support Refugee Relief & Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) and other relevant national government and local authorities in implementing their activities and upholding them to their obligations that meet the identified priority needs;
  2. Involve all relevant partners in harmonizing site needs assessment and analysis; Ensure integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights);
  3. Work with the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) to ensure development of appropriate strategies that address gender sensitive programming and promote gender equality, ensure that the needs, contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed
  4. Develop/update agreed response strategies and action plans for the sector and ensure that these are adequately reflected in overall Rohingya Refugee Crisis Response strategies.
  5. Contribute towards overall contingency planning based on worst-case and most likely scenarios in terms of population movements
  6. Enact environment protection and mitigation of negative impacts on ecological habitats

Information Management

  1. Work with the sector Information Manager to ensure the following activities are carried out:
  2. Map and track “who is doing what, where, when”;
  3. Provide maps and matrices showing distribution densities and coverage by item, member and geographic area;
  4. Identify gaps – assess, verify, and map emerging assistance needs and protection issues conduct regular ‘gap analyses’ based on verified needs
  5. Establish clear reporting structure and templates for site management support structure

Application of standards

  1. Adapt relevant policies, guidelines and technical standards and ensure that sector members are aware of relevant policy guidelines and technical standard of work
  2. Ensure that site selection, planning, development and improvement of site are done through community participation and refugee engagement in collaboration with national actor.
  3. Ensure the site design and upgrades supports protection and assistance of men, women, boys and girls, and are in line with existing policy guidance and technical standards and relevant government, human rights, and legal obligations

Monitoring and reporting

  1. Ensure adequate monitoring mechanisms are in place to review impact of the sector and progress against implementation plans but also to regularly monitor the living conditions of refugees
  2. Ensure adequate reporting and effective information sharing amongst all partners including Site Management Support agencies, other sector leads and ISCG, disaggregating data by age and gender

National/local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors

  1. Ensure that site management and site planning responses build on local capacities, context specific strengths and national response capabilities
  2. Ensure appropriate links with RRRC, DC, UNO/TNO offices, local civil society and other relevant actors (e.g. military) and ensure appropriate coordination and information exchange with them
  3. Promote the capacity building of relevant authorities.

Protection Capacity

  1. Facilitate and encourage refugees’ participation in camp governance and community mobilization, with particular emphasis on women’s decision-making role and on persons with specific needs (such as the elderly and disabled)
  2. Ensure transparent governance of communal settings and effective access to justice for residents that conforms to relevant human rights standards.
  3. Support the coordination of joint approaches with the Protection Working Group (PWG) and other sectors

Advocacy & Resource Mobilization

  1. With the assistance of the Senior Coordinator, advocate for the mobilization and allocation of resources and establishment of a resource mobilization strategy vis-à-vis donors present in the country
  2. Promote strategies to build up and strengthen confidence within camps and between refugee populations and surrounding and host communities
  3. Identify core advocacy concerns at the Cox’s Bazar level and contribute key messages to broader, multi-sectoral advocacy initiatives
  4. Advocate with authorities to ensure that humanitarian agencies / organizations provide assistance and protection to residents in spontaneous settlements have the necessary access to work there, and are able to conduct their work independently and in an environment that allows for confidentiality of sensitive information
  5. Represent the interests of the sector in discussions with the Senior Coordinator on prioritization, resource mobilization and advocacy

Preparedness and Training Capacity

  1. Work with the partners Capacity Building officers to promote and support relevant Site management training for NGOs, UN agencies, local government officials and members of displaced and host communities
  2. Support efforts to harmonize and strengthen the capacity of the national authorities and civil society;

Phase-out and Rehabilitation Capacity

  1. Ensure integration of Site Management and Site development response elements into transition and early recovery Frameworks, including the development of appropriate closure guidance and policies addressing relevant issues including questions of environmental rehabilitation, etc.


  1. Ensure appropriate coordination with all humanitarian partners (including national and international NGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, UN agencies and other international organizations), as well as with national authorities and local structures. Integrate assistance from global level sectors as needed
  2. Ensure the establishment/maintenance of appropriate sectoral coordination mechanisms, including working groups at the national and, if necessary, local level
  3. Define the nature and extent of overlap and coordination between Site Management and other sectors – particularly Shelter, Protection and WASH.

Team Management

  1. In collaboration with the emergency coordinator, identify needs and gaps within the team structure

    Work with HR colleagues to follow up on recruitment process and procedures, keeping the staffing status updated. Facilitate team meeting at regular/agreed upon frequencies, raising concerns and issues up to the emergency coordinator as needed.

Required Qualifications and Experience:


· Master’s degree in Political or Social Science, Business Administration, International Relations, Law or a related field from an accredited academic institution with five years of relevant professional experience; or

· University degree in the above fields with seven years of relevant professional experience.


· Experience to work in international organizations.

· Proven CCCM or similar sectoral coordination leadership experience in emergencies involving displacement and/or refugee situations;

· Mandatory CCCM Cluster Coordination Training attendance

· Knowledge of the UN System, and NGO humanitarian community with good knowledge of the humanitarian reform and coordination architecture;

· Knowledge of camp coordination and camp management related technical guidelines, standards, and indicators.


• Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge Bangla is an advantage.

How to apply

Candidates with the required qualifications can apply through email by mentioning the reference code CON-03/2021/C – BD1 (Consultant- Site Management Sector) in the subject line to: with the following documents:

(i) Application Letter/Cover Letter
(ii) Curriculum Vitae
(iii) Personal History Form (PHF) which can be created from the link:

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