RFP Number :217783-2021-005 Baseline Survey At Palladium International

Feed the Future East Africa Market Systems is a five-year program designed to strengthen regional resilience in East Africa by increasing cross-border trade in select value chains (VCs)and enhancing regional integration to overcome barriers to trade, ultimately strengthening the system to absorb, adapt, recover, and transform in times of shocks and stresses. E.A. Market Systems collaborates with United States Agency for International Development/Kenya and East Africa Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The program supports activities in the six EAC countries – countries of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, and Ethiopia, Somalia, and Zambia – all of whom are a member of at least one of the regional economic communities (RECs).

The overall purpose of this assignment is to conduct a baseline survey to obtain quantitative and qualitative data on the impact, outcome, and output indicators of interest. Data generated will serve as benchmark information to evaluate performance concerning the stipulated goals, objectives, outcomes, and outputs.

Scope of Work includes

· To obtain quantitative and qualitative data on the impact, outcome, and output indicators of interest prior to inception of the Activity implementation. Data generated will serve as benchmark information for evaluating performance in relation to the stipulated goals, objectives, outcomes, and outputs.

· To provide information for monitoring purposes and inform program management to make implementation decisions that are appropriate to the actual situation on the ground.

· To provide information to enable the Activity to develop capacity building interventions for target stakeholders.

· Assess cross-cutting issues such as incorporating gender and youth, and provide recommendations to ensure mitigation of any potential negative effects of the Activity

Time frame and proposed level of effort

Firm should present a proposed timeline for completion of the activities with an overall duration of no more than 25 working days.


The firm must have proven experience in research and baseline surveys.

How to apply


Download the detailed RFP and instructions from https://thepalladiumgroup.com/tender/Feed-the-Future-East-Africa-Market-System-Activity-Baseline-Survey

Interested applicants should send their applications through email to EAMS.Procurement@thepalladiumgroup.com by October 13,2021**, 5:00 p.m. East Africa Time**.

All inquiries and requests for information about this RFP must be submitted to the email listed above, reference 217783-2021-005, no later than October 1, 2021, 5:00 p.m. East Africa Time.

Please note that the RFP is not an offer; it only defines the requirements. It is an invitation to submit proposals. It does not legally obligate Palladium to accept any submitted proposals in whole or in part, nor is Palladium bound to select the lowest-priced proposal. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.

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