Qualitative data collection in Haiti (Nov. 2021): Post-quake accountability to affected people and performance management

Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) seeks the services of a research firm or individual consultant to conduct qualitative interviews in Haiti in November 2021 as part of a project by H2H and GTS about the humanitarian response after the recent earthquake in Haiti. This project will inform humanitarians and aims to improve the programming of aid provision, adapted to the perceptions and views of affected communities in Haiti. The qualitative component of this approach will consist of focus group discussions or key informant interviews that explore the themes that came up in the first part of this project, a quantitative survey about how affected people perceive the humanitarian response on the recent earthquake in Haiti.

The project aims to provide operational agencies working in the areas affected by the recent earthquake with actionable recommendations based on the perceptions of the affected population. It is at once both an accountability project, in the sense that it will enable responders to be held to account by the communities they seek to serve, and a broader tool of performance management, using the perspective of affected people as a central metric in assessing progress against the goals of the emergency response team. The focus will be on the most affected areas of Nippes, Sud, and Grand’Anse. we will seek both quantitative and qualitative feedback and we will use the core humanitarian standard (CHS) and strategic objectives of the earthquake response as a framework.

Objective 1: To report the views of affected people to humanitarian actors so that the earthquake response is informed by the views and experience of affected communities.

Objective 2: Close the loop with affected communities, so they are informed about the aggregated findings and learn what will be done in response to their communities’ feedback.

The findings will be fed back and discussed with communities to co-create recommendations for improvements to the humanitarian response. Our dissemination efforts will focus on the humanitarian country team and relevant government departments, with group briefings and sessions with individual organisations. Findings and recommendations will also be available to the broader humanitarian community, through online briefings and dissemination of the report to GTS’s mailing list. The report will also be packaged for the media. The longer-term goal is to try to ensure that as the response moves from the relief phase into longer term recovery, the perspective of affected people is considered and acted upon. And that this becomes established practice.

How to apply

Please review the Terms of Reference and send the following documents no later than October 8th 2021 to rieke@groundtruthsolutions.org with the subject line “Haiti qualitative consultancy”:

  • A proposal (5 pages max.) including a description of your methodological approach
  • A budget
  • Examples of previous and relevant work in Haiti
  • Your CV, including two references we may contact
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