TOR:Mapping of decision-making and coordination spaces at sub-national and national level and power analysis of these spaces from a localisation lens

Request for Expression of Interests

Terms of Reference: Mapping of decision-making and coordination spaces at sub-national and national level and power analysis of these spaces from a localisation lens (assessing participation and leadership of local actors)

Context of Work

The Charter for Change1 was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 as a coalition jointly committed to press for more deliberate action to implement global commitments on localisation. It is an initiative, led by both local, national and international NGOs, to concretely implement changes in the functioning of the humanitarian system to enable a locally led response. The coalition currently comprises 38 INGO Signatories and 440 local and national NGOs (LNNGO) Endorsers from 57 countries. Eight of the 17 NGO Grand Bargain signatories are also signatories of C4C. These signatories are committed to implementing the change within their own organizational working methods so that local and national actors can play a greater role in the humanitarian and development responses.

The Signatories and Endorsers of the C4C operating in Kenya, as well as allies who have not yet signed the charter established Kenya C4C Working Group (WG) in 2020. The WG comprises of around 25 organizations, and its work aligns with a priority highlighted during the Charter for Change AGM in December 2020, namely the idea to bring the global work of the C4C to the national level to advance practical implementation of the C4C beyond rhetoric. The WG aims to promote and practically implementing C4C commitments in Kenya. It identifies and implement ways of shifting the power to local and national actors in humanitarian and development actions (which is an important distinction from the C4C globally, which focuses mainly on the humanitarian sector), in alignment with the 8 Points of the Charter for Change. Together, signatories, endorsers, and allies engage in joint advocacy to promote the Charter for Change, as well as continuous learning and sharing to promote localisation in Kenya.

Roles and functions of Kenya C4C Working Group include:

  • Promotion of localisation and the Charter for Change
  • Improved and more equitable coordination
  • Increasing voice and influence of local and national actors
  • ·Advocacy and evidence-based learning on localisation
  • Monitoring and accountability

As a way of promoting the voice and influence of local actors in coordination and decision-making spaces at national and sub-national level in Kenya, the Kenya C4C’s sub-group on Advocacy and Evidence-Based learning developed this terms of reference as an initial step in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of existing spaces and the degree of inclusion, participation, influence, and leadership of local and national actors.

Objectives of the Consultancy:

  • To identify and map all key humanitarian and development coordination and decision-making structures, platforms, and/or spaces at sub national and national level in Kenya.
  • To establish the level of participation, agency, leadership and influence of local and national actors in these key spaces, analysing the power dynamics between local, national, and international actors.
  • To provide recommendations on how power dynamics in existing spaces can become more equitable.

Proposed Methodology

The following is an initial proposed methodology; however, there is assumption that the consultant will recommend modifications based on their expertise and experience.

  • Inception meeting with C4C WG leadership/representatives for questions or clarifications, and to agree on the plan for the consultancy on the basis of the document review. The consultant will be required to submit a brief inception report outlining approach to the consultancy which will be reviewed and approved by the C4C WG leadership / representatives
  • Literature Review on key humanitarian and development cordination and decision-making spaces at sub – national and national level. The consultant will be required to submit a brief Inception Report outlining the approach to the consultancy which will be agreed upon after discussions with the team.
  • Mapping coordination and decision – making spaces in humanitarian and development sectors at county and national level in Kenya
  • Presentation of initial findings from Literature review and mapping exercise to the C4C WG leadership / representatives for comments and feedback
  • Conduct Key Informant Interviews (KII) with key insitutions with regards to the specific coordination and decision-making structures identified and the participation of local and national actors in them. Some of the institution will include UN bodies, Government, INGOs, Faith Based Organizations, and local and national actors (including NGOs, local authorities, etc.).
  • Drafting and compiling findings from the interviews.
  • Presenting draft report. Consultant should share the draft report to the Kenya C4C WG to review to enable a more detailed and interactive feedback
  • Report Validation meeting. Consultant will present the report to a wider stakeholder for more inputs and validation. Depending on Covid-19 incidences, the meeting will be either virtual or physical.
  • Finalise the report based on the validation meeting and submit a final version for approval to Kenya C4C WG.


This consultancy is expected to commence in beggining of October 2021 with the final products delivered by end of November 2021 or early December 2021. The consultant should propose the amount of time required for the completion of the assignment in the submission of their application, based on the information provided above. Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancy.

Final Product

The following outputs are expected to be delivered by the end of the consultancy –

  1. A comprehensive report on participation of local and national actors in key humanitarian and development cordination and decision making spaces in Kenya.
  2. A summary report of the above.
  3. A Policy Brief with recommendations on participation of local and national actors in key humanitarian and development cordination and decision making spaces in Kenya.
  4. PowerPoint presentations of 1) initial findings from literature review and mapping exercise 2) final findings


Essential: **

  • Previous experience in similar assignments for a minimum period of ten years.
  • Relevant professional experience and technical knowledge to carry out the intended report writing.
  • Advanced degree in a related field of study (for example, development studies, public policy, social sciences, or a related field).
  • Excellent spoken and written English skills.
  • A result-oriented, team player, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and integrity.
  • Excellent time management skills, with an ability to deliver high-quality outputs on time.
  • Experience and familiarity with localisation concepts and discourse, including committments such as the Grand Bargain and Charter for Change.
  • Commitment to the safeguarding of programme participants, as demonstrated by signing Trócaire’s Safeguarding Programme Participants Policy.


All consultants who work for Trócaire will be required to sign and abide by Trócaire’s official position statement on exploitation and abuse, including zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. Trócaire recognises that abuse of power has led, and continues to lead, to many forms of exploitation and abuse. The nature of Trócaire’s work creates a power differential between those employed by or working with Trócaire and programme participants and partners. Trócaire acknowledges that the potential exists for those who work with programme participants and partners to abuse their position of power. Trócaire’s commitment to safeguarding is inclusive of its staff and all those with whom it comes into contact through its work.



How to apply


Trócaire will manage the tendering process. All Expressions of Interest should be emailed to latest by 15th October 2021. An application should contain the following:


  • Brief Technical Proposal (maximum 4 pages) highlighting the consultant’s understanding of the consultancy and proposed methodology, the proposed schedule/work plan, and the consultant’s proposed fees/daily rate, with justification.
  • Up-to-date CV, including the name, address, phone number and email address of the consultant.
  • 1-2 previous samples, which demonstrate your experience and qualifications relevant to the proposed body of work.

Each application received will be evaluated by a review committee based on technical quality; background and experience of the consultant; and value for money.

Any queries relating to this ToR should be directed by e-mail to Ahmed Ibrahim Chair Kenya C4C WG and Chief Executive Officer of Arid Lands Development Focus (ALDEF), or Denis Kioko Partnership & Localisation Adviser with Trócaire’s Global Hub on Partnership & Localisation.

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