Humanitarian Coordinator for CBM Global Philippines At CBM

CBM Global engages in inclusive humanitarian response at operational and international advocacy levels. We aim to provide people-centred, timely, appropriate and effective inclusive humanitarian action to some of the poorest and most marginalised men, women and children affected by disasters, in partnership with organisations of persons with disabilities and other national and local organisations, based on the principles stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and in close coordination with the humanitarian sector at global, regional, national and local levels. Supporting local partners and organisations of persons with disabilities to prepare and respond to emergencies is CBM’s unique contribution in the field of humanitarian action. CBM’s emergency work also includes working with mainstream humanitarian organisations to promote and implement inclusive relief and recovery.

Aligned with CBM Global’s Federation Strategy 2023 and Partnership Principles, the position holder will ensure a holistic and consistent approach to crisis response by taking a proactive role in the delivery of CBM Global’s Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action Initiative Strategy at the country level by engaging and leading in all phases of humanitarian crisis from preparedness through response to recovery.

Responsibilities and Duties

Emergency Preparedness

  1. Leads the country inclusive humanitarian strategy and inclusive humanitarian
    preparedness plan including situation analysis, disaster scenarios/context analysis and
    stakeholder mapping and overview of the humanitarian architecture including in-
    country humanitarian funding. Proactively engages in Country Strategic planning
    process and mid-term reviews- contributing to some of its deliverables;
  2. Ensures that the CO Humanitarian Strategy is linked to the Country Plan and the CBMG
    Humanitarian Strategy;
  3. Ensures that adequate emergency preparedness measures are taken through the
    development, updating and implementation of the Country Humanitarian
    Preparedness Plan.
  4. Provides direction and guidance to the CO in the implementation of emergency
    preparedness measures, including refining systems, processes and procedures for a
    timely and effective emergency response.
  5. Identifies implementing partners for inclusive humanitarian assistance delivery
    nationwide and ensures that the CO has pre-positioned partners in high-risk
    geographic areas with a clearly defined humanitarian package.
  6. Supports humanitarian readiness of partners in line with CBMG’s humanitarian strategy and programmatic niche. Provides technical guidance on programme standards, tools and processes.
  7. Works with CBMG PH Program Department and Partners implementing DIDRR to strengthen community disaster preparedness plans/systems.

Emergency Programme Management

  1. Lead inclusive humanitarian response in the event of an emergency; takes immediate
    action for collecting reliable information to verify the nature and extent of the
    emergency from local partners, government and other humanitarian actors. Provides
    input in and contributes toward determining priorities and an appropriate
    intervention by CBMG and its partners and provides a swift recommendation on the
    intended response
  2. Leads the development and effective set-up of inclusive emergency response and
    recovery programme strategies and subsequent projects.
  3. Facilitate the development of inclusive humanitarian funding proposals and related
    documents as per need and in alignment with CBMG’s Programme Quality Framework.
  4. Develops partnerships and provides overall oversight, monitoring and quality assurance
    of the programme implementation, including timely disbursement of programme funds
    and maintaining up-to-date records of the same.
  5. Ensures persons with disabilities are adequately consulted, informed and involved in
    humanitarian response by establishing and strengthening networks and alliances
    around disability inclusion in crisis affected areas in collaboration with local partners and
    the disability movement.
  6. Ensures robust humanitarian Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
    (MEAL) frameworks are built in every response.
  7. Represents CBMG in relevant humanitarian coordination fora, and ensures persons with
    disabilities are adequately represented in these fora for joint influencing.
  8. Provides strategic oversight and capacity building support to the project/partner staff
    under his or her supervision.
  9. Ensures timely and quality programmatic reporting on CBM’s humanitarian
    interventions in the country.
  10. Identifies and addresses proactively potential challenges and/or risks by working closely
    with the partners and all relevant stakeholders.

Capacity Development and Knowledge Management

  1. Identifies the capacity development needs of the country office team and partners in
    disability inclusive humanitarian action and facilitates the required training and capacity
    building to address the identified gaps.
  2. Conducts partner assessments and establishes a monitoring mechanism to measure
    the impact of the CO and partner capacity building initiatives.
  3. Inducts partners on relevant humanitarian standards and tools (e.g. Core Humanitarian
    Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), Humanitarian Inclusion Standards for
    Older People and People with Disabilities (HIS), IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons
    with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, through regular trainings and refresher
  4. Contributes towards collective learning within CBM through structured documentation
    of approaches, good practices and lessons learned on disability inclusion in
    humanitarian action within country, and dissemination of these learnings as part of the
    humanitarian community of practice.

Coordination on Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Assistance

  1. Participates in relevant humanitarian coordination fora (e.g. Protection, Health, Early
    Recovery Cluster, Cash Working Group, etc. meetings) to promote inclusion of persons
    with disabilities in humanitarian assistance.
  2. Builds functional relationships, establishes and strengthens networks and alliances
    towards inclusive humanitarian practice in collaboration with the disability movement
    and likeminded organisations.
  3. Identifies like-minded organizations, including organizations of persons with disabilities
    and experts from disability movement, for collaboration for joint influencing and to
    facilitate technical assistance to mainstream humanitarian actors on disability inclusive
    humanitarian action.

Download the recruitment pack here

Based: CBM Global Philippine Office in Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Hours: Full-time (40 hours per week)
Expected Start: November 2021

How to apply

Interested applicant should email an expression of interest enclosing curriculum vitae to Maribe Basco (HR/Admin Manager) through her email address:

The position applied for should be indicated on the subject line and addressed to Mr. Hercules C. Paradiang, Country Director.

Applicants who are able to indicate present or last salary and the expected pay will be prioritized. As there may be a high number of applicants, we may be able to notify only the shortlisted candidates.

CBM Global will close the vacancy as soon as the most suitable candidate becomes available. Enquiries welcome to the same email address.

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