Local Governance Technical Consultant At The Asia Foundation

Background of the Program

Coalitions for Change (CfC) is a program under the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and

Trade (DFAT) and The Asia Foundation Partnership in the Philippines.

In its second phase (2018-2022), CfC supports Philippine leaders in civil society, academe, the

private sector, and government who pursue policy reforms to support inclusive economic growth,

social development, governance, and peace towards improving the lives of Filipinos. The program

also provides training and mentoring to equip leaders to better pursue policy reforms.

Designed to be an adaptive and responsive program, CfC’s support to Philippine leaders and

organizations has helped introduce transformative policy reforms that bring positive outcomes for

Filipinos in the broad areas of economic growth, social development, and governance.

Background of the Assignment

Persons with Disability continuously face challenges in their participation in society. Analysis of case

studies in developing countries showed that higher disability rates are associated with higher

illiteracy, poor nutritional status, lower inoculation and immunization coverage, lower birth weight,

higher unemployment and underemployment rates, and lower occupational mobility. While the

Philippines have extended efforts to mitigate this cycle through various programs including

conditional cash transfers and establishment of the National Council of Disability Affairs, the

challenge continues to persist and pervade.

Another important development is the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling. The most immediate effect is that

many of the social development and protection programs of the National Government will be

devolved to the Local Government Units. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has

already issued an executive order (EO) that delineates the responsibilities of the national

government and the local government units. This development can put the responsibility of

upholding the rights of persons with disabilities to the local government unit.

CfC works with partners to introduce policies that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities

and their participation in education, health, and employment.

CfC is seeking to hire the following consultancy positions:

  1. One (1) Local Governance Technical Consultant

Local Governance Technical Consultant

Period: October 2021 – June 2022

Level of Effort (LOE): Maximum of 90 days

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Lead in developing and pursuing technically sound and politically feasible policies within

the local government.

  • Lead technical work on the creation of policy papers (such as but not limited to local

ordinances and other policy documents), briefers, presentations, and other reference

materials to be presented to multiple stakeholders regarding local governance and


  • Identify possible entry points to introduce reform agenda through relevant government officials, legislators, and stakeholders.
  • Network and collaborate with coalitions, advocacy groups, and stakeholders.
  • Maintain collaborative relationships with the CfC Social Development team, its network,

and partners.


  • Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline (e.g Political Science, Public Administration,

Development Studies, etc.). Master’s degree in the field of Public

Management/Governance, Political Science, Development Studies, or Economics is highly


  • Demonstrated experience in policy research and development particularly on local

governance that includes demonstrated familiarity with local government policies,

context, processes, and programming.

With extensive background and experience in working with partners and other

stakeholders in local governance.

  • Effective written and verbal communication skills in both English and Filipino.
  • Ability to analyze, interpret, and summarize data.
  • Ability to balance competing priorities and meet deadlines.
  • Ability to work in an adaptive environment under a multicultural setting.
  • Demonstrated experience working in adaptive programs and development

entrepreneurship would be an advantage.

How to apply

Interested applicants should send their TAF Application Form (https://tinyurl.com/TAFAppForm2021) EBD Form (https://tinyurl.com/EBDForm) to consultancyPH@asiafoundation.org on or before 4 PM on 20 October 2021

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