Consultant to Prepare an Action Plan and Finance and Investment Plan under the Forest Finance and Investment Incubator Project (Andes) At Conservation International


This consultancy is part of the project, “Forest Finance and Investment Incubator” (hereinafter, “FFII”), which aims to catalyze private sector financing of national and sub-national climate strategies in the forestry, agriculture, and land-use sectors. FFII is led by Conservation International (CI), in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) under a three-year cooperative agreement with the US Department of State (DOS).

Considering that deforestation is the main source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Peru, most national mitigation efforts have focused on the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. The private sector can play an important role in reducing deforestation by increasing the supply and demand of legally harvested wood, improving the productivity of coffee and cocoa on lands already cleared, and integrating forestry elements in agricultural practices, among other activities, such as forest restoration and the collection of non-timber forest products. The FFII project consists of three stages. The first consisted of identifying the enabling conditions that currently limit investment, as well as key investment opportunities. The second is focused on the development of Finance and Investment Plans (FIPs) that provide roadmaps to channel capital towards projects aligned with public policies on climate change and financing, as well as an Action Plan to address the enabling conditions to enhance investments on key drivers of GHG emissions. The third stage will facilitate the mobilization of specific flows of capital to the identified investment projects.

Nature of Consultancy

The Sierra or Andean Region begins 500m above sea level, where the Andean Mountains rise to the east of the coast, reaching the high Andean zone, above 4000m above sea level. The Andean forests were heavily cleared to expand the agricultural frontier for firewood and charcoal production to provide fuel for the extensive mining from pre-colonial times to the present. However, there are still remnants of large tracts of quinual (Polylepis spp.) and colle (Buddleia spp.) forests, which play an important role in protecting the upper watersheds and the water cycles.

The most important Andean forests are scattered throughout the highlands and the driest are located in the valleys of the Marañón (Ancash, La Libertad, Cajamarca and Amazonas), Huancabamba (Piura), Chamaya (Cajamarca), Pampas (Apurímac and Ayacucho) and Pachachaca and Abancay (Apurímac). The Andean forests are found at high altitudes, where the ecosystems, depending on local humidity conditions, alternate between formations of bofedales, páramo (jalca in northern Peru), or punas or pajonales.

To contribute the improvement of living conditions of the Peruvian Andes population, the FFII project will develop a Finance and Investment Plan (FIP) that helps identify and efficiently guide financing to promote sustainable business models for low-emission goods and services and increase their competitiveness. The FIP will include the identification of adequate financing and/or investment opportunities, analysis of prospective capitalization models and existing sources of financing, as well as the identification of key value chain actors, investment risks, and an analysis of the investment portfolio to prioritize the most viable opportunities.

Consultancy Objectives

1. General

Lead the development of the Action Plan and the Finance and Investment Plan, which will address enabling conditions and next steps to mobilize project financing tailored to specific opportunities with partners.

2. Specific

• Prepare a work plan and methodology for the Finance and Investment Plan, considering the framework of national and regional policies.

• Prepare and design an FIP for key productive activities related to nature-based solutions in the Andean ecosystem.

• Lead, in close coordination with CI, and, as appropriate, with the relevant authorities, workshops to socialize and validate the FIP prepared with key stakeholders identified at the national and regional levels, and across the public and private sectors and civil society.

Chronological List of Proposal Events

The following calendar summarizes important dates in the solicitation process. Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines.

RFP Amended & Reposted 4 October 2021

Complete proposals due to CI 22 October 2021 (due by 18:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Final selection 5 November 2021

For the full Request for Proposals, please click here:

How to apply

Offerors shall submit their offers electronically at the following email address:, by 22 October 2021 (by 18:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Please follow the complete submission instructions by submitting both the Technical and Cost Proposal outlined in the RFP.

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