Research Consultancy – South Asia: Seven Country Level Reports on human rights, fundamental freedoms and civic space At Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development

Description of tasks

The consultant is to undertake the following tasks:

  • Conduct desk research, and update existing and ongoing issues through reviewing programme documents collected by South Asia Programme on the human rights situation in South Asian countries, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.
  • Distil, synthesise and present the information in the form of country level briefing reports on the situation of human rights, freedoms of assembly, association and expression, civic space.


  • An overview of human rights situation in South Asia
  • Seven country level briefing reports consisting of:
  • A brief overview of situation of human rights in the country (national situational analysis)
  • An overview of the right to freedom of assembly
  • An overview of the right to freedom of association
  • An overview of the right to freedom of speech
  • An overview of civic space
  • Recommendations

Consultant Qualifications

  • Bachelors degree in the social sciences (human rights, law, international relations, development studies) or related fields relevant for the assignment. Advanced degree is desirable.
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in research, analysis and evaluating or assessing human rights conditions or policy and programme work focused on human rights, the rights to freedom of assembly, association and expression, and civic space in South Asian countries
  • Institutional knowledge of human rights mechanisms especially in South Asia
  • Familiarity with South Asia’s current human rights development priorities and challenges


The consultancy will be for one month. The assignment will tentatively start 1 November 2021 and end on 30 November 2021.


The budget for the assignment includes a fee of USD 2,000

How to apply

Interested applicants are requested to fill in Job Application Form and return it by email together with a cover-letter and CV to before 25 October 2021, midnight Bangkok Time (UTC+7), stating “Consultant Application Name” in the subject line.

Please note that late applications will not be considered. CV of the interested applicant should contain a full description of relevant qualifications and professional work experience.

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