Consultancy to capture key learnings related to a Humanitarian Program and an interconnected project At ActionAid

Background :ActionAid Arab region (AAAR) is a regional program under the global federation ActionAid International – working for a world free from poverty and injustice. AAAR has been operating in the region since 2007. Currently, AAAR is having programme interventions in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. AAAR is focusing on the following programmatic areas: Youth Civic and Political Participation, Women’s Rights and Humanitarian action. A major integrated element of our work is to capture key learnings in our programmes to constantly promote higher level of quality in future programmes to benefit the people whom we work with and for. The purpose of this Consultancy assignment will be to capture all key learnings related to a humanitarian programme and an interconnected project. The main elements of the the humanitarian programme and the interconnected project will be introduced below followed by the specific objectives of the Consultancy assignment, scope of work and relevant application related details.

Introduction to the Humanitarian and Resilience Program: Since 2018, AAAR has been implementing a 4-year Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (2018-2021) in Jordan and Lebanon funded by DANIDA through ActionAid Denmark. The programme is implemented in partnership with our local partners Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering (RDFL) in Lebanon, Housewives Association (HSF) and Sama Albadia (SMA) in Jordan.

The target group of this programme is women and young people in Mafraq and Zarqa in Jordan, Jeb Jineen and Baalbek in Lebanon. The partners in the project are local NGOs with expertise in working in the specific communities and aligned with ActionAid’s approach and programmatic objectives. The partners in Jordan and Lebanon are responsible for implementing Long-term outcome 1 (see below) through the partner-led four women safe space centres, two centers in Jordan and two in Lebanon. Action Aid Arab Region is directly responsible for implementing Long-term outcomes 2 and 3 (see below).

The Programme objective is: Women and young people have strengthened women’s protection and resilience of Syrian refugees- and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon The Humanitarian and Resilience programme has the following sub-themes:

· Protection & Resilience

· Localization & Accountability

Each sub-theme has interrelated long-term outcomes and intermediary outcomes:

Protection & Resilience:

o Long term outcome 1 and 2:

  1. Women of All Ages, along with young people, are reducing women vulnerabilities
  2. Women are experiencing changed attitudes towards them by their family members and leader in the community

Placing the agency of women and youth at the centre, this long-term outcome draws upon ActionAid’s protection and resilience approaches, both rooted in the women-led community-based model where women identify and address their protection risks as an entry point to building resilience. Accountability mechanisms are critical in addressing identified risks and vulnerabilities by holding duty bearers accountable, serving as a cross-cutting approach to achieve this long-term outcome.

Intermediary outcomes:

1.1: Women are able to identify and address protection risks

1.2: Women have the capacity to reduce vulnerabilities.

1.3: Women and youth know women’s legal rights, the duties of authorities and service providers and ways of holding them accountable

2.1: Men and women have increased knowledge on addressing gender norms and the positive contribution of women in society

Localization & Accountability

o Long term outcome 3:

3. Local partners, CBOs and community collectives are supporting women and youth in reducing vulnerabilities

This outcome seeks to create an enabling environment for women- and youth-led community-based action. When the state is weakened in protracted crisis, rights are further violated, women and young people are less protected, and other duty bearers do not sufficiently recognise and uphold the rights of affected communities. In addition to the rights violations, there is also a heightened risk for the general integrity of the aid response. It is therefore critical that the capacity of both civil society and communities to demand accountability from the state and other duty bearers is developed, and that they act in solidarity to strengthen community-based protection and resilience.

Intermediary outcomes:

3.1: Partners, CBOS and community collectives have capacity to support women and youth in holding government authorities and services providers.

“Shifting power” to communities themselves and in particular women and young women and young men, is a multidimensional approach underpinning the outcomes. ActionAid’s approaches place the agency and voice of women and youth at the centre of all activities. Using ActionAid’s ‘women-led community based’ model, women are supported to identify their protection risks and actively lead in the humanitarian preparedness and response for the community. Men and youth are also engaged as change agents in the process through the preparedness committees. The protection of right holders, particularly women survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV), holding duty bearers at all levels accountable and enhancing resilience of women, young people and their communities are intertwined.

Introduction to the interconnected project – Chatbot Project: Since primo 2021, AAAR started the implementation of a pilot project (the Chatbot Project), which was funded by donors such as Naysmyth and Post People Lottery through ActionAid UK. Building on this pilot project, **

AAAR secured additional funding from the Kahane Foundation through ActionAid Switzerland to continue and further develop the Chatbot Project. The Chatbot Project is an ongoing project, which aims to combat violence against women and girls by using an online chatbot linked to facebook. The Chatbot Project is a small project, which is interconnected to the Humanitarian & Resilience program, since it contributes to the achievement of the overall objective of the Humanitarian & Resilience Program: Women and young people have strengthened women’s protection and resilience in Syrian refugees- and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon The Chatbot Project is a digital tool, which has been designed with engagement of the Women Protection Action Groups (WPAGs) mobilized under the humanitarian programme. However, the Chatbots target beneficiaries are Syrian refugee women and Jordanian women from host communities and displaced communities in Jordan. This means that this project focus on the whole of Jordan and not only Mafraq and Zarqa. AAAR has established a Chatbot committee in all governates in Jordan. The members of these committees were also involved in the design phase and are now some of the users. In addition, AAAR has established a close collaboration with various service providers related to the Chatbot e.g. INGOs, Government Departments e.g. Health, Family, Ministry of Social Development etc.

Chatbot Project long term outcomes:

  1. Increase the awareness of women’s rights and the unacceptability of abuse, harassment and violence (among women and men, boys and girls).
  2. Provide paths to escape abuse and violence by offering services increasingly tailored to survivors’ needs.
  3. Empower women and girls in the use of technology.
  4. Take women and girls out of isolation by connecting them to a community of online users.

Objective of the Consultancy assignment

The objective of the assignment is:

· To capture the key learnings of the Humanitarian and Resilience Program against learning questions related to each long-term outcome.

· To provide qualitative learning of results against the long-term and intermediate outcomes

· To produce case studies and stories of change based on findings for both countries

· This assignment should identify the key learnings, successes and challenges as envisaged by the programme partners and key stakeholders.

· Finally, the learning assignment will track how women users will interact with the platform and how it will impact on attitudes, perceptions and experiences of its users in order to explore how best women and girls can learn about, access protection services in all governates in Jordan. This Learning exercise will also provide valuable data to advocate to government to priorities gender responsive public services; to the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to address financial and service level barriers to mobile inclusion.

Scope of work

The Consultancy assignment will include coordination with relevant AAAR staff and local partners. The proposed assignment will utilize a variety of methods to collect and analyse data – using participatory methods in the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data.

The learning assignment will include but not be limited to[1]:

[1] Consultant are welcomed to revise and amend the proposed methodology as they see appropriate for the deliverables of the assignment

· Conduct a preliminary meeting with AAAR and agree on the assignment framework.

· Conduct a desk review (Project document, project reports, Results Framework, counting methodology, Scale methodology, and other relevant documents)

· Design data collection tools to be used for the assignment as per the proposed methodology.

o Preparing a proposal for the plan report outlining the approach/methodology to be employed in executing the assignment:

o Timeline/schedule of activities

o Detailed methodology of how to collect, triangulate and summarize qualitative data and case studies

o Prepare learning questions related to each long-term outcome.

· Conduct field work, FGDs, interviews and any other participatory tools might be relevant for collecting and verifying data –

· Report writing (in well-written English) first draft and final draft.

· Debrief with project and country management teams. **

Key deliverables and timeframe:

The assignment shall be conducted between 1 st November – 15th December 2021. A total of 35 working days.

The key deliverables related to this consultancy is to capture learning and understand how the long-term outcomes of the Humanitarian & Resilience program and the long-term outcomes of the Chatbot project are achieving the expected results as per the respective program and projects logframes – bearing in mind the two different types of program/project design and approaches.

It will consist of the following deliverables to be shared and discussed with AAAR before approval:

· An inception and planning document detailing the Consultant’s focus and assignment and detailed deliverables. Must be agreed and signed off by the Humanitarian Programme Manager (should be conducted within the first three days of the assignment)

· Learning report that addresses the journey of learning for the targeted women and youth as well as the local partners

· Case studies/stories of change demonstrating successes and challenges

· Use of Info graphs and photos to showcase successes.

· Produce Communicable document digital and hardcopy for dissemination.

Reports/stories/case studies…etc should be written clearly, and succinctly in an easily understandable language, conclusions should be clear, logical, defensible and reflect clearly from consultations with stakeholders.

Skills and qualifications of the Consultancy Team:

· Demonstrated experience in learning and evaluation of development and/or humanitarian programmes, including selecting methodology appropriate for the project’s-specific factors, sampling, applying a mixed methods approach, developing/revising participatory data collection tools, developing data quality protocols and training enumerators

· Demonstrated 7 years’ experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis

· Knowledge and experience with Community-based structures/groups and their role in community development and protection.

· Knowledge and experience developing and/or using participatory research tools

· Research experience with knowledge mobilization in collaboration with community

· Strong understanding of the socio-economic context of Gaza, more specifically the Southern governorate in relation to women and children protection.

· Fluency in English and Arabic is mandatory

Application process

Consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit expression of interest, which should include:

· Cover letter including the consultant’s/firm’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information

· Curriculum Vitae of lead consultant/s with relevant consultancy experience in MEAL – please make a reference to other consultancy assignments in the same field. This is applicable for both individuals and firms.

· At least 2 recommendation letters from former clients that testify the applicant/s experience and performance in conducting projects reviews/evaluations.

o Include 1-2 samples of previous evaluation work

o Technical offer; respond to the call for consultancy TOR, with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology to be used and key selection criteria.

· Financial offer; detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates in USD and initial work plan.

· Initial draft of the proposed work plan

Prerequisites for accepting Consultants/firms Financial offer:

Prices are inclusive of value added tax for establishments officially registered with the Ministry of Finance; while for individuals and non-profit institutions, the offered prices will be subject to a 5% deduction for income tax.

· The Consultancy firms have to provide a valid deduct from source certificate along with the offer.

· Prices must be in JOD valid for 30 days from the closing date of proposal submission.

· Prices must include all expenses related to this consultancy e.g. travel, stationary, per diems…etc

How to apply

All offers must be delivered latest by 25th October at 14.00 to \ ActionAid Arab Region is keen to provide equal opportunities for all . The consultant/Firm will be selected according to the above qualifications, and only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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