Lyon – A Business Development Officer At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations,
we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences,
where everyone can live in dignity”

Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ». HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in 62 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:


Atlas Logistique is an operational unit of HI, supporting humanitarian actors since 1993. Atlas Logistique (AL) facilitates, optimizes and accelerates the delivery of aid in emergency and chronic humanitarian situations. Our mission is to open the humanitarian space to the most difficult to access populations, and to optimize humanitarian supply chains.

We advocate for an innovative vision of operational logistics, seen not as a support function for operations, but as a vector of humanitarian impact. Operational logistics makes the humanitarian aid system more efficient, more inclusive of isolated populations and more respectful of the environment. It can also contribute to the emergence of market players as levers of resilience and development in fragile countries. We are constantly rethinking our projects so that they serve this vision and our humanitarian impact mandate.

The global development of Handicap International – Atlas Logistique (HI-AL) is one of the major axes of HI’s 2015-2025 strategy. At the end of 2018, a dedicated division and team was created for this purpose. We extended our Programming from 3 to 8 countries of intervention and doubled our operational volume from 4 to 8 million Euros. The deployment of Atlas Logistique has been accompanied by a restructuring of our operations around four pillars: shared transport and storage platforms, logistics analysis, logistics capacity building and civil engineering. They all contribute to positioning HI-AL as a key player in the humanitarian aid access.

Atlas Logistics is looking for a business development officer to contribute to lead the resources development strategy of Atlas Logistique.


Under the management of Atlas Logistique Director, you update the fundraising strategy, liaise and support field and HQ teams to successfully fundraise for Atlas Programming. You also lead the Atlas go to market and communication strategy and supervise the production of all relevant promotion material and event contributing to the development of Atlas visibility and notoriety.



1.1 Pilote the Atlas Logistique fundraising strategy

  • Update the Atlas Logistique fundraising strategy
  • Identify donors, networks, partners, NGOs, influential groups in his/her sector; Carry out donor and private sector mapping, analysis and recommendation of donors / private according to strategy
  • Identify major opportunities and suggest priorities in terms of business development in his sector
  • Develop a business development action plan (including KPI) and a set of offers in his sector
  • Support the field business development strategies in line with programme director directives

1.2. Contribute to the fundraising of Atlas Logistique projects in countries where HI/AL is present as well as in new contexts of intervention

  • Identify (at HQ level) or support the identification (at field level) of private and institutional funding opportunities; Lead or support the coordination of concept note or proposal design
  • Liaise with and mobilize the HI HQ donor and private companies liaison officers according to the Atlas Logistique fundraising strategy
  • Revise or contribute to the quality of the proposal content development. The position is not supposed to directly produce proposal. Exceptionally however (e.g. in acute emergency contexts), he / she can be asked to design proposal or strongly contribute to the content of proposal.
  • Liaise and support Programme teams to ensure proper reporting and donor compliance

2.1 Lead the Go to market Atlas strategy

  • In collaboration with the Atlas Logistique Director, revise the Altas Logistique marketing strategy, support the development of key language and indicators facilitating the understanding and acceptation of Atlas Logistique activities by our funding partners
  • Develop the Go to market strategy, key language, material etc. of Altas Logistique to fundraise the private sector

2.2 Lead the Atlas Logistique internal and external communication :

  • Update the internal and external communication strategy
  • Follow up the development of internal and external communication projects and productions
  • Coordinate consultant, graphic and multimedia designer to produce communication material


· With at least 3 to 5 years of professional humanitarian experience in an international NGO with two years experience in business/programme development, you have a strong experience in grants coordination, proactive fundraising strategies, good knowledge of donors

· You have experience in developing partnerships

· You have proven written and oral communication skills and proven representation skills

· Advocacy or behavior change experience is strongly appreciated

· You have strong interest for emergency responses

· An experience in HI HQ will be appreciated

· Your main assets? You are organized, accountable, confident and results-oriented

· You have a very good level of French and English (written and spoken)


· 4 months fixed term contract starting from November 2021, based in Lyon, France

· Additional benefits: luncheon vouchers and health insurance

· 9.5 weeks of days-off a year

How to apply

Please send your CV and cover letter.

Only by the following link:

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