Unit Director, Program Coordination and Technical Services At RECOFTC

At RECOFTC, we believe in a future where people live equitably and sustainably in and beside healthy, resilient forests. We take a long-term, landscape-based and inclusive approach to supporting local communities to secure their land and resource rights, stop deforestation, find alternative livelihoods and foster gender equity. We are the only non-profit organization of our kind in Asia and the Pacific. We have more than 30 years of experience working with people and forests, and have built trusting relationships with partners at all levels. Our influence and partnerships extend from multilateral institutions to governments, private sector and local communities. Our innovations, knowledge and initiatives enable countries to foster good forest governance, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
RECOFTC is inviting applications for the position of Unit Director, Program Coordination and Technical Services (PCTS). The successful applicant will be based in the RECOFTC Main Office in Bangkok, Thailand. However remote working is allowable for a few months of employment due to COVID-19 pandemic. The contract duration is for 24 months, with a possibility of extension subject to funding availability and satisfactory performance.

Specific tasks and duties
The Unit Director will lead the program coordination and technical services team and provide strategic leadership in planning and delivering of the RECOFTC’s technical services in the areas of capacity building, policy analysis, research and pilot site demonstrations, and project management under RECOFTC’s four strategic goals. Specific task and duties include:

  • Liaise with key stakeholders and develop sound partnerships to ensure that the vision, mission and programs of RECOFTC remain relevant to the evolving needs of community forestry and devolved forest management in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Assist the Senior Strategic Advisor to foster the development of skilled leaders and practitioners, both internally and externally to RECOFTC, to advance the development of community forest and devolved forest management in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Assist the Senior Strategic Advisor and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officers to integrate annual work plans, initiatives, and monitoring project and program implementation that further promote 2 synergies between the four strategic goals of RECOFTC’s program to increase impact on the ground
  • Assess the leadership and technical capacities at country level, and the ability to manage projects, and develop and deliver capacity building products and services to meet needs of RECOFTC-led initiatives and service requests from clients, partners and collaborators through projects, agreements and consultancies
  • Provide leadership and technical capacities at all levels to develop and deliver products and service requests from private sector actors interested in promoting community forestry in their value chains or through other initiatives that align with RECOFTC’s mandate to support community forestry and devolved forest management in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Analyze and synthesize important issues for community forestry in RECOFTC’s focal countries and the Asia-Pacific region. This involves capturing evidence of opportunities, constraints, challenges, issues, best practices and lessons learned. The conclusions will inform RECOFTC’s engagement in policy dialogue, presentation and communication at national, regional, and global forums, and RECOFTC’s own initiatives and services delivered to internal and external clients.

The PCTS Unit Director is one of three unit directors at RECOFTC Main Office. They report directly to the Executive Director and work closely with the Executive Office team and two other Units: Knowledge Management and Strategic Communication and Corporate Services. The Unit Director works closely with the Senior Strategic Advisor to manage and coordinate the RECOFTC Program Committee, and provide timely input to the Executive Committee, headed by the Executive Director.

The PCTS Unit Director main duties are:

Program planning and implementation to execute cost-effective delivery of RECOFTC’s technical services to clients. These include RECOFTC-led internally and externally funded projects, focal country programs and associated projects, and other services to clients, partners and collaborators operating in the region. Such services include:

  • Capacity development including capacity development needs assessment, curriculum development, facilitating the development and maintenance of learning networks for community forestry policy and practice, providing open subscription and custom designed training programs, and organizing study tours to important demonstration sites in the region
  • Analysis, synthesis and dissemination of emerging best practices in community forestry policy and practice including content development for learning network support, issue and discussion papers, policy briefs and RECOFTC position papers for RECOFTC’s online knowledge hub and monthly e-newsletter; for high quality publications and interactive learning tools; and for presentations, posters and speeches
  • Expert consultancies, including project design, backstopping and evaluation by engaging RECOFTC’s staff and/or external consultants

    In close collaboration with the Knowledge Management and Strategic Communications team and in consultation with partners and key stakeholders at national and regional levels, the PCTS Unit Director:

  • Is responsible for ensuring the accuracy, technical quality, and relevance of content shared through communication, knowledge management and learning initiatives
  • Identifies and links effectively with relevant formal and informal regional and international networks and initiatives about community forestry issues from the region
  • Ensures that relevant international and regional knowledge, practices, networks and initiatives are collected and synthesized for knowledge management and internal learning within RECOFTC

Other responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following:

  • Manages the Unit’s human and financial resources and mentoring the intellectual and professional development of the unit’s staff
  • Prepares project concept notes/proposals in consultation with other unit directors for consideration by interested donors
  • Participates in and contributes to the various management and governance meetings, including the Private Sector Engagement Working Group, the Board of Trustees’ Standing Committee, the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees quarterly meetings
  • Develops annual work plans, budget and statement of expenditure for the unit
  • Regularly reviews existing products and services and manages systems for update and development
  • Contributes to reports (six month, annual and/or reports to clients) detailing the performance of the Unit against the Strategic Plan, Annual Work Plans or project design documents
  • Represents RECOFTC at national and international events
  • Works closely with the Senior Strategic Advisor in the design and implementation of Program Coordination meetings ensuring that these meetings are productive (time management) as well as emphasize institutional learning shared value
  • Supports the Executive Office with fundraising, proposal development and donor stewardship/cultivation (as needed and/or willingness to support with other duties)
  • Briefs the Executive Committee on all matters relating to effective regional project management and institutional knowledge management
  • Ensures Social Inclusion and Gender Equity is integrated into Units’ and projects’ activities
  • Performs any other duties as assigned by the Executive Director

The PCTS Unit Director will also be required to ensure compliance with RECOFTC’s Policies and Procedures, its Code of Conduct and Gender Policy, maintain and track staff performance and contracts, as well as all collaborative agreements with partners and subcontractors. RECOFTC has clauses and statements condemning any form of conflicts of interest, corruption and sexual harassment and/or abuse at the work place. Any such practices may be grounds for immediate termination of contracts and agreements. Condemned practices include, but are not limited to: abuse of position for personal gain or advantage; accepting directly or indirectly any sum of money for unauthorized commission; offering preferential treatment or promise in consideration of any act, decision or services connected with the discharge of the employee’s official work; and using RECOFTC’s name in private transaction or business for personal profit.

Qualifications and experience

The PCTS Unit Director will have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Advanced degree with experience in participatory natural resource management, formal training, adult learning and/or business management.
  • At least 15 years of progressively responsible experience in programs/projects development and management, including five years of international experience
  • Proven record of developing networks and building relations with regional and national government and non-government organizations and funding organizations
  • Experience in research and analytical skills
  • Proven record of successful funded project development and management
  • Excellent communication skills in both spoken and written forms
  • Excellent people skills, including very good listening skills, and ability to effectively interact with and work alongside people at all levels in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment
  • Team oriented leader with excellent interpersonal and management skills, and proven ability in managing and motivating teams
  • Fluency in English is required
  • Proficiency in other languages would be an advantage, particularly from RECOFTC focal countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam)
  • Knowledge and experience of working in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Clear demonstration that the candidate values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning, and is committed to staff development
  • MBA and/or formal training on business and fiscal management would be advantageous
  • Familiarity with private sector interests in participatory natural resource management and/or forest carbon
  • Familiarity with principles of social inclusion and gender equity
  • Appreciation for information sharing and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning, and is committed to staff development
  • Knowledge on social inclusion and gender equity and experience in promoting SIGE in the workplace

RECOFTC’s core values

At RECOFTC, our core values are the foundation of our culture and guide all our work. In addition to job specific skills and experience, the applicant should possess the following characteristics, attitudes and skills:

  • Embrace innovation
  • Adapt to, and learn from, challenges
  • Collaborate with partners and stakeholders
  • Nurture commitment, responsibility and ownership
  • Prioritize sustainability
  • Cultivate participation, social inclusion and gender equity

How to apply

Interested candidates are requested to submit a CV and a cover letter indicating why they are suitable for this position along with salary requirements and current contact details of three referees, including recent supervisors to hr@recoftc.org. Please quote the position title in the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. RECOFTC has a competitive compensation package. Offers are based on salary history, relevant experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.

To learn more about RECOFTC, please visit our website www.recoftc.org.
Applicants shall not be discriminated against based on ethnicity, religion, age, nationality, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, colour, marital status, medical condition, or any other classification protected by RECOFTC’s values and code of conduct. Reasonable accommodation may be made so that qualified disabled applicants can partake in the application process. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Please inform RECOFTC’s Human Resources in writing of any special needs at the time of application.
RECOFTC is an equal opportunity employer and the successful candidate will be selected based on merit.
RECOFTC retains the right to offer this position at a job grade relevant to the qualifications and experience of the selected candidate.

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