Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Officer At TD Consulting Ltd

The GIZ ProSoil project is supporting small family farms on 40,000 ha in Western Kenya to adopt Sustainable Agricultural Land Management (SALM) practices and to improve their livelihoods through income generating activities and linking them to markets. The GIZ Sectoral Project on Soil Protection (SV Boden) aims to generate carbon credits from the adoption of SALM practices. The carbon credits will be certified on ca. 25.000 ha of the GIZ ProSoil project. The related carbon revenues are expected to finance the extension services of the GIZ ProSoil project and other extension services. Thereby a sustainable exit for the development project is ensured.


GIZ is setting up a carbon finance generator (CFG) as the institutional vehicle serving as the interface between the carbon buyer, the extension provider, certification body and representing the registered farmer groups. The role of the CFG will be to:

  1. Set up and implement carbon monitoring, verification and reporting (MRV) system (according the international certification standards requirements) using a digital platform, including apps for data collection and a dashboard linked to a cloud database for carbon monitoring and reporting;
  2. Facilitate interaction between certification body, extension provider and commodity off-taker to enable market access;
  3. Enable extension providers to meet MRV requirements (training, coaching and control)
  4. Enforce carbon accounting and project related environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards as defined in the IFC safeguard standards;
  5. Channel the carbon revenue to the extension provider on a performance basis;
  6. Report to the carbon buyer

To operationalize the CFG, GIZ is seeking to fill the following key roles with a dynamic and an innovative team.

Measurement, Reporting and Verification officer (2 positions)

Key responsibilities

  1. Establish carbon MRV system that will be based on existing M&E system being operated by ProSoil implementation partner
  2. Train ProSoil implementing partner in the use of digital tools that will be developed to collect, analyse, monitor and report carbon monitoring data
  3. Ensure quality control of MRV system operated by ProSoil implementing partner
  4. Support carbon project validation and verification
  5. Support manager to prepare performance report for each ProSoil implementer based on KPIs as recorded and verified in the MRV system (e.g., SALM adoption and climate risk adjusted yield response)

What we expect

  1. MSc or BSc degree with relevant post-graduate experience in agronomy and related field, extension and monitoring & evaluation
  2. At least 10 years experiences in agricultural M&E and ideally experience with carbon
  3. monitoring
  4. Strong expertise related to the use and user specific modification of Apps and dashboards
  5. Advanced GIS and database management skills
  6. Dedication to digital tools and data management
  7. Existing experience with carbon finance in the land use sector is an added value.

What you can expect

  1. A small-dedicated start-up team with a secured revenue stream
  2. A purpose driven company that fully utilize your skills and offers opportunities to develop
  3. A job that offers training opportunities
  4. An organization dedicated to providing targeted training opportunities
  5. Flexible working environment

How to apply

Applications should be sent to with each Position clearly marked in the Subject header “Measurement, Reporting and Verification officer”. Application must include a letter of interest indicating how you fit the position, and your CV. Only those who meet the requirements will be shortlisted for interview.**

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