Terms of Reference
Baseline survey of the project
“Enhance access to and quality of health, nutrition and WASH services for people affected by the South Sudan crisis in South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda.”
Torit Extension
Final: 26/10/2021
- Background and Rationale
Johanniter International Assistance (hereafter referred to as JOHANNITER) through funding from the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) is since August 2020 implementing a 36-month project titled, Enhance access to and quality of health, nutrition, and WASH services for people affected by the South Sudan crisis in South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda. Initial project implementation areas in South Sudan were Jur River and Wau Counties; however, after an analysis of the humanitarian response needs in Eastern Equatoria from August 2021, the project was extended to include Torit, Magwi, and Lafon Counties.
Eastern Equatoria humanitarian needs are a result of multiple factors key amongst which is the devastating effects of civil war and communal conflict. An estimated 88, 000 people in the state are internally displaced1. Access to food is a challenge with counties rated to be either in IPC 3 or 42. Access to quality basic services such as healthcare, education, shelter, protection and water, and sanitation is limited. The spontaneous return of refugees from neighboring countries especially Uganda poses the risk of fueling conflicts resulting from increased competition over scarce resources on already limited resources.
Through the project, JOHANNITER aims to increase host and returnee communities’ access to: - Primary health care services by people in hard to reach areas through Mobile Medical Units (MMU) and Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM). Through the iCCM component, children 2-59months will be treated for Malaria, Diarrhea and Pneumonia and screened for malnutrition. Identified malnutrition cases will be referred by CBDs to the nearest nutrition site or HF. The MMUs will provide a full package of services, including integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI), Expanded Program of Immunizations (EPI), reproductive health, management and prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, malnutrition screening, as well as surveillance and referral systems,
- preventive and curative nutrition services through screening and referral of children and pregnant and lactating women (SAM without complications) to outpatient therapeutic feeding programme (OTP) sites while the children found to have moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) will be referred to Target Supplementary Feeding Points (TSFP); and in the case of medical complications referral to Stabilization Centers,
- SGBV awareness messaging, trainings for key stakeholders, psychosocial support and referral to services,
- safe drinking water and improved sanitation and hygiene practices through the rehabilitation and or drilling of boreholes and WASH education messaging, and strengthening of local capacity
- An external consultant conducted a baseline in Jur River and Wau County between September and November 2020 (N.B ToR attached as Annex).
- Purpose, Objectives and Use
An external consultant conducted a baseline in Jur River and Wau County between September and November 2020 (N.B ToR attached as Annex). The purpose of this baseline is to collect baseline values in Torit and update relevant indicator values. The data collected will form an information base against which to monitor and assess an intervention’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and after it is completed. The data collected will form a basis against which the degree and quality of change during an intervention’s implementation will be measured. It is expected that data would be collected on the operating context and an interrogation of the appropriateness of the proposed implementation methodologies in Torit.
Key data to be collected for the baseline include:
Data related to the below indicators will be collected during the life of the project
Outcome level:
- Number of health consultations
- Proportion of children under 5 years presenting with malaria who have received effective malaria treatment within 24 hours of onset of their symptoms.
- Proportion of children exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age in the target area.
- Prevalence rate GAM (MAM and SAM) in children under 5. Prevalence of diarrhea in children under 5
Output level:
- Percentage of identified GBV survivors referred to treatment Centers for medical and psychosocial care
- Percentage of HH in the target area with basic knowledge on gender based violence
- Percentage of persons identified with mental illnesses receiving psychosocial care (counselling and play/sport activities)
- Percentage of <5 children with MAM attaining normal weight
- Cure rate (%) of children with severe acute malnutrition with medical complications admitted at the Stabilization Center
- Percentage of malnourished children (SAM) who have recovered following treatment.
- Proportion mothers who are aware about new-born early initiation of breastfeeding
- Percentage of households in the target area with access to safe, clean and sufficient quantity of water
- Percentage HH with 2 water containers (as per SPHERE Standard)
- Percentage of households in the target area who know at least three critical times for hand washing
The above baseline data should be sub aggregated into host community data and refugees’ data, disaggregated by sex, age and disability and should allow for comparison with the end line report data.
- Scope of Work
- The baseline study will take a sample of community members and other stakeholders from the above-mentioned locations.
The assignment shall generally be divided in the following summary steps; - Developing data collection tools based on the indicators and information needed.
- Defining the sample size households and individuals from the population targeted on this data collection
- Consolidate and analyze the data collected
The consultant is additionally expected to:
- Develop the primary and secondary data collection tools that will be used to collect information related to the above indicators
- Clarify the population(households/ individuals) sample for each indicator from which the sampling shall be done to ensure statistical representative of the results
- Provide oversight of the data collection process to the teams in the field
- Undertake data analysis from the three countries
- Facilitate a validation and sharing workshop. The baseline findings should be validated through workshop among key staff of the JOHANNITER, partner NGO staff, and any other stakeholder.
- Make a draft report based on findings and final report writing based on the feedbacks from JOHANNITER team.
- Process:
The baseline evaluation study shall be conducted between 6th December 2021 and 31st January 2022. The consultant is responsible to define the numbers of days required for the whole exercise in his/her proposal and possibly discussed later with Johanniter. JOHANNITER will support the consultant in the recruitment of enumerators, field logistics and supervision of data collection.
The baseline study shall be undertaken within the following phases.
- Review of project documents and secondary data,
- An inception meeting with the consultant with JOHANNITER,
- Submission of inception report,
- Tools development; the consultant shall prepare the necessary tools for the study and submit them to JOHANNITER,
- Recruitment of enumerators by JOHANNITER,
- Training of enumerators and team leaders by consultant,
- Primary data collection focusing on samples from returnee and host communities and other relevant stakeholders including government authorities,Analysis of data and report writing by the consultant,
- Analysis of data and report writing by the consultant,
- Submission of the draft report by the consultant for reviews and feedback.
- Final report submission to JOHANNITER by the consultant
Output and Deliverables
- The consultant’s deliverables shall include; Inception report
- Data collection tools, methodology and sampling
- Data set of all data collected
- Final report in English language
- The consultant will provide the electronic version of the draft report, the electronic version of the final report and annexes in Word Format soft copy and four hard copies to JOHANNITER.
Expert Profile of the Evaluation Team
The independent consultant/consultancy firm must demonstrate its experience and expertise on:
- Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Over 7 years’ proven experience of undertaking project data collection and analysis for baselines/end-lines with technically sound understanding of WASH, health and nutrition data.
- Experience with Germany Government -funded projects is an advantage.
- Understanding of political, social and cultural context in South Sudan is essential.
- Have an eye for details.
- Experience in Nutrition, Health, and GBV in emergency and development interventions especially in Project Cycle Management/ Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Sectoral expertise, contextual knowledge of Eastern Equatoria is an added advantage.
- Have skills to remotely manage a data collection team, which he/she will constitute, avail and shall be responsible for analysis.
Tentative Schedule
The consultant should include in the technical proposal a feasible time schedule for the assignment.
Management of the Evaluation
- JOHANNlTER shall prepare a contract that the consultant shall sign to commit him/herself; the consultant shall be answerable to the JOHANNITER team. The Head of Mission in South Sudan shall represent JOHANNITER.**
- The consultant shall be responsible for execution of the data collection analysis, report generation and submission.**
- The consultant shall work closely with JOHANNlTER who will constitute a data collection team,**
- JOHANNITER and partners shall be responsible for the day-to-day field management and all field costs associated with the exercise. All field costs shall not be included in consultant’s bid**
- JOHANNlTER will provide that the logistical arrangements related to the baseline study. These include vehicle for transport in the field, JOHANNlTER will facilitate access to all required homes/sites and government officials for any requested data/ information by the consultant.
Documents available on request
- Introductory project documents
- Structure of the baseline study report
- The project Log-frame
Appendix “D“ EU Declaration of Supplies –
Johanniter International Assistance
Tenderers must submit this signed declaration to the effect that they are not in any situation established as grounds for exclusion in the Johanniter procurement guidelines.
We _ [company name] herewith declare that
a) we do respect basic social rights and working conditions and condemn the exploitation of child labour;
b) we are not bankrupt or being wound up, are not having our affairs administered by the courts, have not entered into an arrangement with creditors, have not suspended business activities, are not the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, and are not in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
c) we have not been convicted of an offence concerning our professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;
d) we have not been guilty of grave professional misconduct;
e) we have fulfilled all obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which we are established or with the Federal Republic of Germany or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
f) we have not been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to Johanniter’s financial interests;
g) following another procurement procedure carried out by Johanniter or another contracting authority, we have not been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with our contractual obligations;
h) we are not subject to a conflict of interest with regard to this tender;
i) we are not guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by Johanniter as a condition of participation in the contract procedure.
Date & Signature Name of company
__ Stamp
Name in printed letters
How to apply
If interested submit the following to the email contact; hr.southsudan@theiohanniter.orq and copy michael.omudu@thejohanniter.org. The deadline for submission is 5:00 pm 19 November 2021 starting 05 November 2021.The email subject should be “Torit Baseline Consultancy Proposal”. The package must include:
- A technical proposal (max 15 pages),
- A financial proposal with a clear breakdown of costs and proposed terms of payment, (All financial proposals must be valid for at least 90 days)
- An indicative Work plan (max 2 pages),
- Detailed CVs of the consultant(s) and roles and responsibilities of each team member,
- At least 3 traceable referees,
- Profile of the consultancy firm if it’s not an individual consultant, and
- Banking details and for companies and institutions, necessary registration documents
- Signed and Stamped copy of ‘’Declaration of suppliers’’