Christoffel Blinden Mission(CBM)

Christoffel Blinden Mission (CBM) International is an International Christian Development Organization, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM provides grants sourced from private and institutional donors to local partners, who subsequently implement the grants on the basis of contracts signed with CBM detailing implementation, accounting, and reporting standards. In this set-up, CBM Country Offices (CO) perform control and monitoring procedures aimed at partner projects; control reports from implementing partners to CBM, including comparison with original source documents, project contract and cost plans; and ensure compliance with organizational and statutory requirements.

Terms of Reference

1. Summary of the feasibility study


Project Number

Comprehensive and Inclusive Eye Health Project for Jigawa

Partner Organisation

Health and Development Support Programme (HANDS)


Preparation for project application to the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Commissioning organisation/contact person

CBM Nigeria Country office/ Bright Ekweremadu

Study duration

1 Month

2. Background CBM and Partner

Background of CBM

CBM is an international Christian development organization, committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. We work in partnership addressing disability as a cause and consequence of poverty so as to create an inclusive society for all. We recognize that this desire can only be achieved through systemic change, transforming communities and supporting others to make inclusion a reality. For further information, see:

Background of Health and Development Support Programme (HANDS):

Health and Development Support Programme (HANDS) formerly known as CBM Onchocerciasis Control programme is a non-governmental and a non-profit organization founded by CBM. It operates independently to support projects in Kano, Jigawa, Yobe states and Federal Capital Territory in Northern Nigeria. HANDS is statutorily registered and has a board of trustees, governing board, a programme management team and well experienced staff for programme implementation in the supported states. The vision of the organization is quality life with equal opportunity in an inclusive society, with a main focus on control and elimination of NTDs and provision of comprehensive eye care services. The organization has a good working relationship with CBM and has enjoyed steady funding and technical expertise of CBM in the supported states since 1995. HANDS also have a good working relationship with the governments and peoples of the supported states and other NGOs and CBOs which ensures smooth implementation of activities for the past 27 years.

3. Description of the problem which should be addressed by the project

From a study conducted in Jigawa state, the prevalence of blindness is estimated to be 2.5% and available eye health services are provided at the secondary and tertiary levels which is poorly distributed. There is lack of adequate manpower and infrastructure for provision of eye care services in Jigawa State, poor referral system and poor integration of existing eye health services into the primary health care system. About 70% of the population pay for health services out-of-pocket which places majority of people accessing eye care services in the state at risk of impoverishment. This current situation will likely prevent vulnerable individuals, women, children, persons with disability and those living in underserved communities from accessing eye care service. This has led to increase in the rate of activities such as couching among rural dwellers in an attempt to restore vision.

The State government established eye care referral centers in the five emirate councils to clear the backlog of cataract and trachoma trichiasis, however these centers are poorly equipped with obsolete with nonfunctional equipment. Funding is through state drug revolving funds which is insufficient to provide the centers with essential eye care consumables and drugs.

4. The Project

The Comprehensive Eye Health Project is aimed at preventing avoidable blindness and reducing the challenges of persons with disability, women, children and other vulnerable persons in Jigawa state, so that they can achieve their potential by providing comprehensive and inclusive eye health service.

The Inclusive Eye Health project aligns with the World Health Organization Global Action Plan 2013-2020, aimed at universal health coverage in Jigawa state, and aligns with CBM’s Inclusive Eye Health Initiative, with emphasis on inclusion, comprehensiveness and integration. The project is further aligning with the National Eye Health Strategic Plan of Nigeria.

The project aims to leverage on the learnings of previous projects and address these challenges through:

  1. Advocacy and awareness raising for the prioritization of comprehensive and inclusive eye health within the health agenda at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
  2. Development of skilled manpower for the provision of comprehensive and inclusive eye health services.
  3. Improving access to comprehensive and inclusive eye health through collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  4. Provide effective coordination, monitoring, evaluation and learning at all levels of project management.

Target Area

Jigawa State, Nigeria has an estimated population of 5.8million and is situated in the north-western part of the country between latitudes 11.00°N to 13.00°N and longitudes 8.00°E to 10.15°E. Kano and Katsina State border Jigawa to the west, Bauchi State to the east and Yobe State to the northeast. Jigawa shares an international border with the Republic of Niger that encourages cross-border trading activities. The socio-cultural situation in Jigawa State could be described as homogeneous: it is mostly populated by Hausa/Fulani. Life expectancy as at 2001 was about 52 years with an almost equal sex distribution male (50.8%) and female (49.2%). About 90% of the population reside in the rural areas with 49.0% of the population aged between 15 and 59 years. The population percentage living below the poverty line (<1.25 US Dollar per day) is at 53.7% while the prevalence of disabilities is 20%. Islam is the major religion in this state.

Target group

The primary target groups for the project are mostly people living in Jigawa state who have limited access to comprehensive eye health services. This will include vulnerable people living in underserved communities, low-income earners such as peasant farmers, women, children and people living with disabilities, who need comprehensive eye care services but cannot afford it.

Project summary:

Overall goal (Impact): To contribute to the national eye health goal of developing a sustainable approach for promoting healthy eyes and good vision for all and achieving access to quality eye care toward the elimination of avoidable blindness and vision loss.

Specific objective

To improve the quality of life of persons with visual impairment and other disabilities through provision of comprehensive, inclusive, affordable and accessible Eye health services that are integrated into the health system of Jigawa State.


  1. Increased demand and access to comprehensive eye health services
  2. Successful Identification and referral of people who need eye health services
  3. Government primary and secondary health facilities have capacity to provide quality integrated eye health services
  4. Eye health is prioritized and included in Jigawa State development plans.

Results (Output):

  1. Advocacy & awareness raising for prioritization of inclusive eye health within the health agenda at all levels of eye health delivery.
  2. Inception meeting and evidence presented to demonstrate need for eye health services including advocacy adoption of mobile RAAB.
  3. Development of skilled manpower for the provision of comprehensive and inclusive Eye Health services
  4. Improved access to comprehensive and inclusive Eye Health services
  5. Effective and sustainable coordination of eye health activities in Jigawa state.
  6. Effective monitoring, evaluation and learning at all levels of project management by 2023

5. Feasibility Study

5.1. Purpose and intended use**

This project will be funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the purpose of the feasibility study is to assess the feasibility of the project design and likelihood of progress towards the prevention of avoidable blindness and reduce the challenges of persons with disability, women, children and other vulnerable persons so that they can achieve their full potential in the targeted state of Jigawa.

Moreover, the prerequisites, opportunities and risks in view of the development and the implementation of the project shall be identified. The study is also expected to provide baseline information and give recommendations for the project design to achieve project results.

The study will be submitted as an annex to the proposal as funding requirement of BMZ.

5.2 Lead questions and components of the feasibility study

The BMZ requests the implementing organizations to apply a multilevel approach. The planned project will be implemented at two levels; at the micro level (direct services for target groups) and at the meso level (capacity building, networking etc). Therefore, it is important that the feasibility study systematically assesses both levels against the lead questions.

The feasibility study should consist of four components:

· Context and problem analysis (5.2.1);

· Assessment of target groups and other relevant actors (5.2.2);

· Assessment of the project against the OECD/DAC criteria (5.2.3);

· Recommendations (on the basis of findings on the three points above).

5.2.1 Context and problem analysis

The feasibility study should assess the project’s outline and complexity in view of the political, economic and cultural context of the Jigawa. The study should assess access to eye health services. The study should also collect the most important data to track outcomes and objectives.

The key areas to be investigated by the study include:

1) Short analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Jigawa state (with regard to effects to the health/eye health status of the target population);

2) Identification of core problems of the target population in relation to eye health and eye health services in the state;

3) Analysis of health facilities and eye service provision in the affected LGAs across Jigawa state including the technical capacity of primary, secondary and tertiary facilities in provision of quality eye health services;

4) Assessment of the availability and adequacy of skilled eye health personnel in the state;

5) Assessment of the availability and functionality of eye health equipment at the tertiary, secondary and primary levels of care;

6) Analysis of the extent of inclusiveness of existing eye health services in Jigawa state, in particular with regard to access to eye health services across the state for women and persons with disabilities in affected LGAs across the state;

7) Assessment of the referral pathways or the potential of establishing new referral pathways for eye health services.

The consultant should provide data on the existing situation in terms of access to eye health services. Exact data to be collected will be determined jointly by the consultant, CBM and HANDS. In addition, the consultant will be asked to provide an outline and recommendations for a baseline study and/or Eye Care Services Assessment to be carried out during the inception phase of the project.

5.2.2 Assessment of target groups and other relevant actors

Direct target groups

The consultant will

a. Assess the criteria and rational for selecting target groups to be included in the project;

b. Assess the composition of target groups and the extent to which the project considers this.

Other relevant stakeholders

a. Assess which other relevant stakeholders and initiatives in the field of eye health operate in the area;

b. Analyse eye health coordination structures and relevant stakeholders: – Who is responsible for what? What sort of cooperation can be expected or aimed for in this project to assure that it is well integrated into the overall state Integrated Development Plan?

c. Analyse disability-inclusive practices of other inter- or multi-national organisations implementing eye health services in the Jigawa state.

Disability and gender inclusion

The consultant will

c. Assess current DPO landscape and identify major barriers to services for persons with disability;

d. Determine the extent to which people with disabilities can meaningfully benefit from the project (persons with disability should be involved in conducting this feasibility study to ensure inclusiveness in all project components from the beginning);

e. Consider gender aspects of the project and report on them (data collected should be disaggregated according to sex, age, and disability).


The consultant will

a. To assess the extent to which eye health services have safeguarding mechanisms are in place so that children and vulnerable adults in the target area are protected from abuse, maltreatment and practices harmful to their health and development.

5.2.3 Assessment of the planned project against the OECD/DAC criteria

The consultant will address the OECD DAC evaluation criteria using, but not limited to the following guidelines:


The consultant will

a. Assess the relevance of the project with structural obstacles in the project region in particular with regard to (a) improving access to eye health services in the state and (b) enhancing community resiliency;

b. Assess if the focus and goals of the project approach are aligned with the needs of the target groups? Have they been sufficiently consulted?;

c. Assess the extent to which the project is conflict-sensitive (Do-No-Harm principle).


The consultant will

a. Assess which international security, developmental and humanitarian policies and mechanisms are in place relevant to the project (e.g. SPHERE) and to which extent the project is coherent with these policies and mechanisms;

b. Assess the alignment of the project with Government (national and state) health policy frameworks and priorities, and respective gaps;

c. Assess the extent to which the project creates synergies and is aligned with other initiatives of relevant stakeholders. Are there any gaps/overlaps/duplication?

d. Assess the added value of the project with regard to support of local / state health sector coordination structures. How will the different sets of communities, Civil Society Organizations, Youth Groups, organizations of persons with disability e.g. be involved?


The consultant will

a. Assess the extent to which the effect chain (outputs, outcomes, specific and overall objective) is plausible;

b. Assess the extent to which the project is likely to achieve its expected outputs and outcomes;

c. Assess the robustness of the monitoring system to track progress and the adequacy of indicators for verification;

d. Identify the major factors influencing the likelihood of achievement or non-achievement of the project objective and outcomes;

e. Assess whether the designed project activities, methods and strategies are effective in terms of the prevailing context of the targets area;

f. Assess the extent to which all mapped project stakeholders’ collaboration can ensure achievement of proposed project outcomes.**


The consultant will

a. Assess the efficiency of the proposed project resources (financial, material and capital, and human) in light of delivering planned activities, outputs and outcomes within the indicated timeframe;

b. Detail the justifiability of investments compared to the targeted effects (value for money).


The consultant will

a. Assess the sustainability prospects of the project;

b. Assess whether the capacity building of local resources can ensure project continuity;

c. Ascertain the possibility of scaling up and out-scaling the project;

d. Assess the extent to which technical, financial, social sustainability can be assured beyond project life-cycle;

e. Assess the extent to which government support for the project is likely and/or necessary.


The consultant will

a. Assess the likelihood of the contribution the project brings to achieve the intended change for the target population as outlined in the overall project goal (impact);

b. Assess the extent to which the planned project builds structures, serves as a model for replication and/or is effective on a broad scale? Where and to which extent will norms and structures be changed?

c. In particular, assess the extent to which the project can contribute to the national development priorities and/or cause policy paradigms for people with disabilities;

4.2.4 Recommendations

The consultant will provide recommendations that can be directly utilized for the further design and implementation of the project. Recommendations should directly relate to findings of the feasibility study and grouped along the study questions.

CBM is particularly interested to obtain recommendations on the following issues:

a. The design and the intervention logic of the project to ensure its relevance and effectiveness

b. Any alternating approaches or activities to better respond to core problems of the target groups;

c. Measuring of envisaged outcomes and appropriate outcome indicators;

d. Provision of an outline and recommendations for a baseline study and/or Eye Care Services Assessment to be carried out during the inception phase of the project;

e. Suggestions to ensure efficiency of project implementation including usage of project resources (budget, assets, staff) in relation to planned activities and outputs;

f. Suggestion of concrete steps on how the collaboration with existing networks can be effectively organized;

g. Avoidance of duplication of efforts and creation of synergies in view of other relevant interventions in the area;

h. Proposition of procedures to ensure that the benefits of disability inclusive awareness and practices will continue in the long term;

i. Recommendations on essential components/issues to be addressed as part of a sustainability/exist strategy of the project.

6. Methodology

The consultant is expected to use a variety of methods to collect and analyse data required for answering the above questions and meeting the study objectives.

At the minimum, data can be gathered through:

· Literature review of existing documents and review of context and poverty trends of the target state;

· Field visits to meet the target communities;

· Interviews and workshops with the partners’ and CBM key staff and other project stakeholders;

· Key informant interviews.

Participatory methods should be used to collect qualitative and quantitative data such as:

· Focus Group Discussions involving primary project participants (men, women, persons with disabilities, boys, girls), other social groups and key stakeholders.

Reflection and feedback sessions with staff and partners. Report writing and debriefing with project and CBM management teams

*The consultant shall further elaborate on the methodology he/she intends to use in his/her offer.**

7. Study Team

The feasibility study will be conducted by an independent consultant who will work in close collaboration with CBM and HANDS. Primary stakeholders must be involved in conducting the feasibility study to best assess the inclusiveness of the proposed project components.

7.1 Profile of the consultant

The consultant should bring in the following expertise:

Advanced degree/MSc degree/ in public health, international development or other relevant fields

Extensive expertise and experience in working with health programmes in particular eye health programs.

Ability to conduct high quality research, meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback timely and appropriately;

Proven record of carrying out similar tasks in the region

Experience in undertaking research with remote and marginalized communities;

Knowledge of international instruments and national statutes for persons with disabilities;

Excellent track record in designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research, analysis and evaluations;

Ability to provide strategic recommendations to key stakeholders;

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills including ability to facilitate and work in a multidisciplinary team;

Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesise and present findings;

Ability to draw practical conclusions and to prepare well‐written reports in a timely manner and availability during the proposed period;

Ability to speak local languages is an added advantage

7.2 Responsibilities of the Consultant

o Design the feasibility study;

o Draw feasibility study budget;

o Write and present inception report

o Collect and analyse data;

o Produce draft report;

o Facilitate research findings workshop;

o Produce final feasibility study report;

o All products related to the feasibility study shall be submitted CBM at the end of the assignment and upon approval of the final report by CBM.

7.3 Responsibilities of CBM

o Contract the consultant;

o Oversee the implementation and quality of the feasibility study;

o Provide project specific documents;

o Review and approve inception report;

o Monitor and assess the quality of the feasibility study and its process;

o Provide guidance and institutional support to the external consultant;

o Facilitate the consultant’s access to key stakeholders and specific information or expertise needed to perform the assessment;

o Ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed;

o Facilitate access to study areas;

o Participate in research findings workshop;

o Review draft feasibility report

o Pay the consultant based on the agreed terms and conditions specified in the expression of interest;

o Approve the final report; all products related to the feasibility study shall be submitted to CBM Nigeria at the end of the assignment and upon approval of the final report.

7.4 Responsibilities of implementing partner (Health and Development Support Programme (HANDS)**

o Provide and/or coordinate logistical support to the consultant;

o Facilitate the consultant’s access to key stakeholders and specific information or expertise needed to perform the assessment;

o Ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed;

o Participate in research findings workshop;

8. Technical and Financial Expression of Interest

8.1 Technical and financial proposal

The consultant is expected to submit both the technical and financial proposal (copy and original) based on these terms of reference (ToRs) including his/her CV and a detailed work plan for the entire assignment to CE. The consultant should submit necessary documents pertaining to licenses. Statutory documents e.g. tax clearance or VAT certificate is mandatory. It is expected that the applicants for this job show all costs related to feasibility study including taxes according to the rules and regulations of the tax authorities of Nigeria

8.2 Selection Criteria

Regarding the selection criteria, the technical and financial proposals will account 70% and 30% respectively broken down as follows;





Technical proposal:


Experience in the related task


Qualifications of team


Technical proposal and methodology




9. Deliverables and Schedule

9.1 Deliverables

Draft and final inception report including draft data collection tools and feasibility study question matrix (matching feasibility study questions with data collection tools);

Draft and final report (three hard copies and one electronic copy) of feasibility study (max. 30 pages) according to the structure stipulated in Annex 1 to these ToR;

Submission of electronic copies of materials, data collected/ analysed and other documents related to the feasibility study;

A summary Power Point Presentation highlighting main findings and recommendations.

Presentation of findings and recommendations in a validation workshop

9.2 Time Schedule

The study is expected to start in December, taking 23 working days. An itemised action plan should be submitted with the expression of interest.

The consultant should propose timelines/delivery deadlines for the time schedule below as part of the offer.


Activity Description



Timeline / delivery deadlines


Desk review of technical and financial bids (CE Head Office)

2 days

Technical and financial offers reviewed and summary synthesised.


Briefing of consultant and review of relevant documents

1 day

Project documents reviewed and summary presented


Inception Report and approval

1 day

Inception report submitted, reviewed and final version approved


Data collection in the field

12 days

Field work concluded.


Data analysis and preparation of draft report

4 days

Draft Report Submitted


Validation Workshop

1 day

Validation Workshop Conducted



1 day


Finalisation of feasibility study and submitting final report

1 day

Final Report Submitted

Total No. of days

23 days

10. Submission of Proposal

Interested consultants are expected to submit a detailed expression of interest (technical and financial proposal) with the following components:

10.1 Technical Proposal

· Understanding of the ToRs;

· A cover letter indicating interest

· Proposed methodology and work schedule (indicating description of activities in chronological sequence and dates for each activity);

· A profile of the consultant including full name, physical addresses, telephone number(s);

· Copy of CV of consultant and/or other team members who will undertake the feasibility study;

· A statement of availability of all team members during the suggested time frame – CBM may terminate the contract in case the suggested expert is unavailable after signature of the contract and if no adequate consultant with the same expertise can be nominated and agreed with CBM and the partners

10.2 Financial Proposal (Excel sheet)

· Detailed breakdown of the daily rates of each feasibility study team member and expected number of working days per team member. CBM reserves the right to negotiate the final fees in line with the budget available for this feasibility study and based on the experience of the chosen candidates;

· Details reimbursables (travel cost, accommodation and subistance allowance during travel, communication);**

· The budget should be presented in Naira (NGN);

· The costs for organising the workshop with stakeholders will be borne by CBM. **

10.4 Schedule of Payment

o Approval of inception report: First advance of 30%

o Final payment after submission of the final report, data set and Power Point following receipt of invoice from consultant (70%).

o Taxes will be followed as per government rules.

10.5 Mode of Payment

o Bank transfers

· The consultant adheres to CBM’s Code of Conduct and commits to CBM’s Child Safeguarding Policy.

· The consultant also commits to highest standards of data security.

· Related statements of the above have to be signed together with the contract.

· CBM is an equal opportunities employer, and particularly encourages qualified women and people living with disability to apply.

If you have any questions about the terms of reference, please send your queries to

Annex 1: Structure of the Feasibility Report

Feasibility Study in preparation for the Comprehensive and Inclusive Eye Health Project for Jigawa, Nigeria

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose, use and methodology of the study
  3. Methodology
  4. Situation and problem analysis
  5. Target group and stakeholder analysis
  6. Planned project according to the OECD/DAC criteria
  7. Recommendations


  • ToR
  • Interview list
  • Focus group documentation
  • Tools (interview questionnaires etc)
  • Consulted documents

How to apply

1. HARD COPY: The information can be sent via hardcopy to the CBM International Country Office located on No.13 Okemesi Crescent, off Twon Brass Street, Garki 2, Abuja- FCT, Nigeria, in a sealed envelope marked “**Statement of Interest: Feasibility Study Consultant”.** **

2. SOFT COPY VIA EMAIL: Proposals can also be submitted by email to the following dedicated, controlled, & secure email address: using the “**Statement of Interest: Feasibility Study Consultant”** as the subject of the email.

Deadline for receiving both the hard copy and soft copy applications is Tuesday 07th December 2021 by 5:00pm.

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