Chief Executive Officer (CEO) At Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), alongside its sister AKDN agencies, has implemented innovative, community-driven solutions to development challenges for over 50 years. It brings together human, financial and technical resources to address some of the challenges faced by the poorest and most marginalised communities in the world. Special emphasis is placed on investing in human potential, expanding opportunity and improving the overall quality of life, especially for women and girls. It works primarily in six areas: Agriculture and Food Security; Economic Inclusion; Education; Early Childhood Development; Health and Nutrition; and Civil Society.

Introduction. As part of the Aga Khan Development Network’s (AKDN) initiatives to improve the quality of life of target geographies and communities, AKF’s country offices, as led by its CEOs, mobilise resources, implement activities and manage key financial and operational matters. This work is guided by AKF’s global programme framework. The CEO has responsibility not only for near-term performance but also for positioning the unit for success over the longer-term.

Introduction to AKF/OSDRM Madagascar. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) brings together human, financial and technical resources to support some of the poorest and most marginalised communities of the world. With an emphasis on women and girls, AKF invests in human potential, expanding opportunity and improving quality of life. In Madagascar, AKF, alongside the Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar (OSDRM), leads a range of integrated, innovative and gender sensitive interventions in agriculture and food security; climate resilience; health and nutrition; and work and enterprise. Target geographies include Analamanga, Analanjirofo, Diana, Itasy, Sava and Sofia regions. AKF has operated in Madagascar since 2006 with an initial mandate to address rural poverty in the Sofia region. OSDRM was established in 2012 and has expanded its geographic scope since 2014.
The CEO works with AKF’s Head Office Directors of Programmes, Finance and Operations, Partnerships and Organizational Effectiveness and other senior staff, from whom s/he receives guidance concerning their respective areas. Likewise, National Committees provide insight on these areas, for use by the CEO to further unit goals.
S/he liaises with other AKF units, other AKDN entities and stakeholders and community leaders.
The CEO has responsibility for leading and managing the unit’s staff.

Responsibilities. In order to carry-out effective activities, the CEO’s key functions encompass:
Strategic direction. Work closely with AKF’s Head Office to ensure the unit’s efforts are thoughtfully prioritised and balanced per direction from AKF’s Board concerning its geographic and thematic focus area(s) and aligned to the global programme framework.

Mobilising resources. Ensure sufficient resources towards the strategic priorities, through the unit’s own partnerships and activities, and work with the donor units in Canada, the US and the UK and the Head Office where needed. These efforts include building strong communications capabilities. Wherever salient, work with the National Committees on mobilising resources and external relations.

Implementing programmes. Based on these resources mobilised, effectively implement activities, including tangible, measured results for beneficiary communities as well as meeting the donor(s)’s and AKF’s key objectives and parameters for grant management and programme delivery.

Management and operations. In order to facilitate effective programme delivery, lead well vis-à-vis: (i) Supervision of the Senior Management Team; (ii) HR and organisational development, e.g., appropriate internal staffing structures, policies, competencies, satisfaction and performance; developing talent pipelines; and effectively engaging volunteer resources; (iii) financial-related matters, e.g., budgets which reflect multi-year goals, financial controls, custodial functions (cash as well as property assets); (iv) other key legal, regulatory- and compliance-related issues; (v) security, safety and duty of care; and (vi) IT.

Stakeholder relationships. Ensure the unit’s key AKDN and external stakeholder relations are effectively managed towards achieving unit objectives, notably the above and other key actors.

The requirements :

  • 10 years or more of professional experience in social and human international development, including five years in management positions and Master’s degree in relevant field(s);
  • Fluent in French and English languages
  • Understanding and appreciation for AKDN’s goals, values and ethics;
  • Excellent strategic, analytical and communication skills;
  • The ability to navigate ambiguity, complexity and multiple priorities and stakeholders;
  • The ability to lead, learn and adapt to change; and
  • The capacity to inspire, motivate and empower people.

How to apply

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