Endline Evaluation of the WADA Programme in Antananarivo, Mahajanga and Toilara, Madagascar At Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor

1. About Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)

WSUP is a not-for-profit company delivering sustainable water and sanitation services to the urban poor and vulnerable communities. WSUP believes that access to safe and affordable water, improved sanitation and improved hygiene practices underpin poverty reduction through impacts on health, education and livelihoods.

2. Project Overview and Background

The “Water and Development Alliance” (WADA) Programme in Madagascar has run from May 2017 to March 2022. The five-year programme was funded by The Coca Cola Foundation (TCCF) and the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by WSUP in partnership with the public water utility, JIRAMA. The WADA programme is implemented across three cities in Madagascar; Antananarivo, Mahajanga and Toliara. The project has been implemented in two phases with common aims and objectives:

Overall Project Goal: To contribute to city-wide access to improved WASH services and associated reductions in water and hygiene-related diseases in selected cities in Madagascar by 2019

Specific Objective: To provide improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene to beneficiaries across three towns and contribute to low-income consumer services in Madagascar.

WADA-Specific Objective: To use flexible capital to unlock larger scale investments in the sector to scale up effective ways of improving safe water, sanitation and hygiene services to low-income areas in selected cities in Madagascar.

Programme activities: The overall scope of programme activities across the cities of Antananarivo, Mahajanga and Toliara included:

  • Improved access to clean water and sanitation through (i) construction of water kiosks, laundry blocks, shared water points, WASH blocks and school WASH facilities, and associated capacity building and institutional strengthening (ii) provision of additional water treatment and pumping capacity for JIRAMA in Antananarivo and Mahajanga.
  • Institutional strengthening for JIRAMA through improved Non-Revenue Water management, improved water quality management and a utility wide review and self-assessment process
  • Hygiene promotion through communes, through the establishment and implementation of the Hygiene Code, and through schools, using the WASH Friendly Schools approach.
  • Economic empowerment of women and girls.

3. Consultancy Support Required

3.1. Purpose and Objectives

The objective of the evaluation is to determine; the relevance and fulfilment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the WADA programme. The evaluation should assess attainment against each indicator and against the DAC evaluation criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, in addition to considering the cross-cutting issues of inclusion, the environment and poverty.

The outputs are threefold:

  1. Citywide survey, including household survey and infrastructure assessments, across the three cities, and comparison to baseline survey in order to quantify change in access to water and sanitation services
  2. Institutional assessment of organizations supported or established under the project, from the national down to the Fokontany level
  3. Comprehensive evaluation report and shared learning for the programme team and partners, including reflections on the key findings.

3.2. Consultancy period

Data collection is expected to take place between 1st May and 30th June 2022. The evaluation must conclude with all deliverables submitted to WSUP’s satisfaction no later than 31st August 2022.

3.3 Consultant Profile

To achieve efficiency and objectivity in this process, WSUP seeks to engage a Consultant with the following profile:

  1. Demonstrable experience in designing, implementing and reporting programme evaluations of a similar scale, preferably in the water and sanitation sector.
  2. Significant experience designing, managing and implementing large-scale household and infrastructure surveys using digital data collection – preferably in the development and/or WASH sector.
  3. Demonstrable experience completing institutional and community level assessments.
  4. At least five years of working experience in low and lower middle-income countries, preferably across Africa.
  5. Proven ability to timely solve issues arising during survey planning, data collection and reporting.
  6. Extensive experience conducting weighted statistical analysis.
  7. Should possess a high standard of English and French written and oral communication skills.

The total budget for this work is USD 70,000 inclusive of all applicable expenses, fees and taxes

How to apply

Bids including the following components should be submitted to Julie Ranaivo, Programme Coordinator at jranaivo@wsup.com , with copy to Elizabeth Prosser, Project Controller at eprosser@wsup.com , Jonathan Stokes, Senior Design & Learning Analyst at jstokes@wsup.com and Sylvie Ramanantsoa, Country Manager sramanantsoa@wsup.com on or before Thursday 7th April 2022:

1) Curriculum Vitae of the key staff that the Consultant intends to use to carry out this consultancy work.

2) A technical proposal occupying no more than two sides of A4 and including a bullet point summary of the three previous consultancies, publications or professional roles that the Consultant considers most relevant to the present consultancy work.

3) A Gantt chart outlining the Consultant’s proposed methodology and timelines.

4) Budget summary with a detailed breakdown in US dollars. This work should be offered on a fixed-cost basis, with the budgeted amount including all expenses and taxes. Price reasonableness and value-for-money will be a significant factor in bid evaluation.

5) A risk assessment identifying the key risks related to the work and describing how they will be managed. Risks to the households being surveyed and also the enumerators completing the survey should be considered.

Clarification queries about the bidding process can be sent at any time to the key personnel given above.

The full Terms of Reference including additional details and evaluation criteria can be accessed here: https://wsup.sharefile.com/d-s2033614546a44d6c9311c6001906da73

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