Viamo is looking for a local Monitoring and Evaluation firm in Tunisia At Viamo

**Terms of Reference

Hiring a Local Research and M&E firm


About Viamo:

At Viamo, we believe that information is power. We envision a world where all people have access to the information they need to make decisions for healthy, prosperous lives, and have meaningful relationships with governments, civil society, and businesses. We do this by addressing information gaps and implementing challenging projects on a large scale. Viamo’s high impact projects are implemented with a focus on the devices people have, the languages they understand, and the digital channels best suited to their needs.

There are now more mobile subscriptions than there are people on the planet. In low and middle-income countries, 700 million new subscribers have connected to mobile operators since 2014 and 1.7 billion women now own a mobile phone. With more than 18 million people reached in 2018 alone, we are well on our way to meeting our goal of reaching 50 M people annually by 2023.

With origins in Ghana and offices in Canada, the United States of America, and across Africa and Asia including MENA, we assist our partners to overcome implementation challenges and close information gaps by maximizing the use of mobile technology to improve efficiency and productivity.

About the Project:

Viamo is supporting one of its clients in Tunisia to promote digital payments and e-services among Tunisian citizens. The project aims to take into account the citizens’ behaviors, needs and preferences in the development and deployment of digital payment solutions for public services and to sensitize and activate citizens accordingly. It will also sensitize the general public about the importance of using e-payment services and e-services in general. Viamo is expected to work on four packages: conducting a baseline study using focus groups and Interactive Voice Response (IVR), developing a communications strategy, conducting an awareness raising and sensitization campaign using IVR, radio, and social media, and monitoring and evaluating the overall results and impact of the overall project.

The outcomes of the four packages will support the design of evidence based programs that address digital payments and services in Tunisia and how they can be used by Literate Individuals, Illiterate Individuals, and Companies.

Mission’s Objectives:

The main objective of this consultancy is to engage an independent local research and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) firm to collect phone numbers and consent of illiterate people in Tunisia for an interactive voice response (IVR) survey and communication campaign.

It also aims to conduct a representative baseline study to analyze user trust, needs, preferences, and behavior for already existing digital payment options for public services, and for future digital payment solutions for municipal services, fees, and taxes. Digital payment options cannot be viewed in isolation from e-services. Therefore, the baseline also needs to analyze to some extent user trust, needs, preferences, and behavior regarding e-services. The results of this study will provide a basis for the development and deployment of user-oriented digital payment solutions and inform a communication strategy and a communication campaign about raising awareness concerning digital payments and e-services.

Scope of Work:

The contractor will be required to collect phone numbers and consent of illiterate people in Tunisia and conduct a baseline study:

  1. Collecting phone numbers and consent:

The contractor is required to collect 3580 phone numbers of illiterate Tunisian citizens representing all age groups from 15 years onward, all genders, all governorates, and marginalized groups as well as people living in rural areas and with limited internet connectivity. Numbers should be equally divided by gender, and from different rural and urban regions. Sample’s breakdown needs to be approved by Viamo.

Each phone number should be supplied with a proper signed consent form for the participant to take part in an IVR survey and an educational communication campaign on digital payments and e-services. Phone numbers should come with demographic information (gender, age, region). All phone numbers, and demographic information should be compiled in one excel sheet.

Viamo will test each phone number using its specialized platform.

  1. Conducting a Baseline Study:

Viamo has already developed a comprehensive methodological note along with the data collection tools. It will also be responsible for data collection through its in-country consultants and its specialized platform (for IVR and online surveys). For the quantitative data, Viamo’s team will provide the contractor with the results along with the necessary infographics. The contractor will be responsible mainly for data analysis and reporting that fits the requirements of the client. The report should refer to all the collected quantitative and qualitative data in an analytical way and provide a clear path for the development and deployment of user-oriented digital payment solutions and inform a communication strategy and a communication campaign about raising awareness concerning digital payments and e-services. The analytical report should include practical recommendations based on results, and a benchmark and M&E plan for the communication campaign to be developed and disseminated based on the outcomes of the representative baseline study.


  1. 3580 phone numbers, consents, and demographic information (gender, age, region)
  2. 1 Analytical report addressing a clear path for the development and deployment of user-oriented digital payment solutions in Tunisia, including practical recommendations based on results
  3. M&E Plan for the overall project and the communication campaign


The current call is open to M&E and research firms based in Tunisia, with proven experience in Monitoring and Evaluation in the field of finance and/or e-commerce for at least three years. The firm should have a pool of consultants with the following qualifications:

Team leader

  • Education/training: Master’s degree in economics, finance, or a related field.
  • Language: Good business language skills in English, French, and Arabic.
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in the international development sector with a focus on research and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Specific professional experience: at least 3 years in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Innovation.
  • Leadership/management experience: 5 years of management/leadership experience as research and M&E projects leader.
  • Local experience: 4 years of experience in projects in Tunisia

MEL Specialist

  • Education/training: Master’s degree in economics, finance, sociology, international development, or another relevant field.
  • Language: Good business language skills in Arabic and French and excellent writing and reporting skills in English.
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning in the international development sector. Knowledge about e-services in general.
  • Regional experience: at least 3 years of professional experience in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), including Tunisia.
  • Specific skills: excellent analytical skills, data management capabilities, and writing skills in English and French.

Data collectors

  • The contractor should allocate a sufficient number of data collectors (at least three) covering different regions of Tunisia and from both genders. The M&E firm is responsible for allocating the needed capacity to collect the requested phone numbers and accompanying data (consent and demographics).


Mission activities should be conducted between April-July, 2022. The phone numbers should be collected by May 24th 2022, a breakdown of the timeline can be seen below:

Deadline for applications May 1st

Screening and selection completed May 12th

Contracting May 17th

Collect Phone numbers and consent May 17th-31st

Viamo to collect data June 1st-June 21st

M&E firm to provide the first draft of the analytical report July 5th

Final analytical report by the M&E firm July 15th

How to apply

Interested firms based in Tunisia must submit the following to with Subject title: M&E Tunisia 2022 no later than May 1st, 2022:

  • Company’s presentation
  • Technical proposal including previous M&E experience
  • Financial proposal (Inclusive of all costs)
  • CVs of team members

Companies who fail to share the full required documents and proven experience in Tunisia will be exempted from the screening for this consultancy.

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