Consultant – Salary Scale and Grading Structure Updates for Mercy Corps Jordan & Regional/Syria office in Jordan At Mercy Corps


Mercy Corps has worked in Jordan since 2003 to implement a variety of programs funded by global public institutions, as well as private donors. Mercy Corps’ current portfolio in Jordan focuses mainly on two pillars, Economic Development and Natural Resource Management and Governance and Community Strengthening. Within these broad objectives, Mercy Corps Jordan implements a range of projects and activities while pursuing the highest standards of program quality and integrity and remains dedicated to the expansion of its programming wherever there are communities or individuals in need.

Under the auspices of the Mercy Corps Regional office in Jordan, the Mercy Corps Syria team has managed a Whole of Syria response to the Syria conflict since 2012, focusing on basic needs, early recovery, protection, food security and livelihoods (FSL), water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and social cohesion interventions.

Purpose of Service:

The purpose of this service is to review and update the Salary Scale Structure for Mercy Corps offices in Jordan including all positions hosted in Mercy Corps offices in hosted (including regional positions working across multiple countries). A high-level market survey of the Compensation & Benefits system across INGOs operating in Jordan and for Regional positions based in the Middle East will be required. Mercy Corps has already obtained market survey information in 2021 for Syria positions.

The service provider will provide both the Jordan and Syria country teams a detailed review of current position descriptions and placements on the salary scale benchmarked against relevant organizations. Gaps and inconsistencies are anticipated that will require further review and analysis. The current Jordan salary scale was last updated in early 2018 and no adjustments have been made since then.

It is expected that the analysis provided for Jordan Country office ‘is based on a benchmark done with other organizations implementing programs in Jordan, while regional / Syria offices be provided with an analysis based on a benchmark done with organizations implementing programs outside Jordan and operating as a regional office similarly as MC regional / Syria offices.

The aim of the salary scale review is to ensure that Mercy Corps is paying base salaries for local and regional positions, on aggregate, within the 50th percentile of the market. Comparable markets (within the INGO sector) will be used to determine the salary levels attached to each grade, and comparisons with the relevant sectors will be carried out by the service provider. Mercy Corps aspires to have a competitive edge in the Jordanian market, while taking into consideration benefits, budget and donor implications.

There are 2 parts for this assignment:

  • Part 1: is to ensure competitive local salary for local positions in Jordan.
  • Part 2: to develop a grading structure competitive for all ranges of position including Regional positions based in the Middle East.


Part 1:

  • A thorough review and revision of Jordan’s salary scale to align with iNGO market salaries in Jordan; The use of market research and data that includes relevant peers within the sector and competitive markets.
  • A market analysis of the benefits in the iNGO sector, including paid annual leave, sick leaves, maternity, paternity, bereavement, medical, etc. Recommend any adjustments or changes required to be made to be aligned with market analysis. (should include a market analysis of the compensation in the iNGO sector for Regional positions and the recommend salary scale will include ranges for Regional positions based in the Middle East aligned to market analysis.
  • Recommendations on annual increases considering both annual market increase and Mercy Corps performance review merit increase in line with Mercy Corps current policy
  • A high-level review of the current job evaluation tool. Recommend any adjustments or changes required to be made to be aligned with the updated salary scale.
  • A thorough review of the organizational charts in both offices and comparable analysis

Part 2:

  • Review the current Jordan salary scale, including the number of job grades and levels and advise if the current number of grades and steps requires any additions or modifications
  • A high-level review of Jordan position descriptions to ensure positions are placed in job levels based on the requirements of the role. Greater levels of responsibility of a position are reflected in placement within higher levels.
  • Recommendations on adapted grading structure which includes all national positions sitting in Jordan and encompasses the different levels of responsibilities
  • Recommendations on tool or process for evaluating and leveling positions to ensure positions are placed in job levels based on the requirements of the role. Greater levels of responsibility of a position are reflected in placement within higher levels.

Timeframe / Schedule:

Part 1 Start August 1st and completed by October 1

Phase 2 Start September 1st and completed by November 1

The Service provider will deal directly with the below Mercy Corps staff:

Human Resources Manager (Jordan Office)

Human Resources Director & HR Lead (Regional/Syria Office)

Jordan/Syria Office Country Directors

Required Experience and Skills:

Evaluation Criteria

Weight %

Description of Service

Experience delivering comprehensive salary scale survey results and grading structure building and references for work with Human Resource Departments in non-profit organizations (international and local) in Jordan and Syria Offices


Analysis covering salaries, compensation and benefits tabulated by job title, average or median reference points and separated for each job in the survey.

Analysis includes other elements demographics, size of structure, economical indicators, type of structures (public/private), industry, geographic region.

Analysis provides details around grading / leveling of positions in comparison to the market and other organizations and including different levels of responsibilities

Demonstrated ability and past experiences in HR analytical projects (to provide distinct and robust analysis for Jordan Office and Regional Office based on relevant benchmarked INGO)


Analysis of compensation data with summary of analysis for following items: Base salaries, Increase percentages or amounts, Merit Increases, Salary Ranges, Starting Salary, Incentives/Bonuses, Allowances and Benefits

Grading structure analysis with details of job responsibilities per levels, proposed adjustments based on positions responsibilities

Location & availability / ability for regular interactions, feedback & updates


Ability to provide regular feedback and draft report when requested to enable check in and follow up on the advancement of the project

Ability to provide update and adjust reports based on needs and requests from the organization

Cost Proposal


Within range anticipated by the organization

How to apply

Job details

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