ABA ROLI Consultancy to promote collaboration of police in ML/TOC/FT At American Bar Association

Consultancy N°5ABA ROLI Short-Term consultant to design and deliver trainings to promote collaboration of Police from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, in cases related to Money laundering, Transnational Organized Crime and Financing of Terrorism (ML/TOC/FT)**

Objective of this Request for Proposals

ABA ROLI is aware that agents’ investigation process is fundamental to the entire criminal process. Therefore, gaps and mistakes at the early stages of the investigation process can jeopardize the whole prosecution of complex criminal cases. With that in mind, the Program will hire a consultant to design and deliver three 2-day trainings for Federal Police and agents from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay to recognize suspicious money laundering activities, transnational organized crime and financing of terrorism and incorporate best practices for information sharing and inter-institutional coordination in the investigation field, forensic skills and steps for building a proper investigation plan.

Based on the trainings’ findings, the consultant will develop a Police Collaboration Protocol, which will be presented to the leaders of the Federal Police Department from the three countries during the virtual validation session. ABA ROLI will seek to have the Protocol accepted and implemented in the three countries.

Once the Police Collaboration Protocol is completed, a complementary training will be carried out to implement the Protocol for federal police and agents from the three countries through 5 days of joint virtual training.

  • Design training for the federal police involving all three countries and propose a training schedule. This will be validated with the beneficiaries through the Program direction.

Time of Delivery: 45 days after signing the contract.

  • Conduct three, 2-day trainings for federal police and agents working in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay to recognize suspicious money laundering, transnational criminal activities and financing of terrorism, according to the proposed and approved design.

Time of Delivery: 240 days after signing the contract.

  • Draft and design a Police Collaboration Protocol.

Time of Delivery: 270 days after signing the contract.

  • Training to implement the Protocol for federal police and agents from the three countries through 5 days of joint virtual training.

Objetivo de esta Solicitud de Propuestas

ABA ROLI es consciente de que el proceso de investigación de los agentes es fundamental en todo el proceso penal. Por lo tanto, las lagunas y los errores en las primeras etapas del proceso de investigación pueden poner en peligro todo el enjuiciamiento de casos penales complejos. Con eso en mente, el Programa contratará a un consultor para diseñar e impartir tres capacitaciones de 2 días para policías federales y agentes de Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para reconocer actividades sospechosas de lavado de dinero, financiamiento del crimen organizado transnacional y de organizaciones terroristas, e incorporar las mejores prácticas. para el intercambio de información y la coordinación interinstitucional en el campo de la investigación, habilidades forenses y pasos para construir un plan de investigación adecuado.

Con base en los hallazgos de las capacitaciones, el consultor desarrollará un Protocolo de Colaboración Policial, que será presentado a los líderes del Departamento de Policía Federal de los tres países durante la sesión de validación virtual. ABA ROLI buscará que el Protocolo sea aceptado e implementado en los tres países.

Una vez finalizado el Protocolo de Colaboración Policial, se realizará una capacitación complementaria para implementar el Protocolo a policías federales y agentes de los tres países a través de 5 días de capacitación virtual conjunta.

  • Diseñar capacitaciones para la policía federal involucrando a los tres países y proponer un cronograma de capacitación. Esto será validado con los beneficiarios a través de la dirección del Programa.

Tiempo de Entrega: 45 días después de la firma del contrato.

  • Llevar a cabo tres capacitaciones de 2 días para policías federales y agentes que trabajan en Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para reconocer actividades sospechosas de lavado de dinero, financiamiento al terrorismo y otras actividades criminales transnacionales de acuerdo con el diseño propuesto y aprobado.

Tiempo de Entrega: 240 días después de la firma del contrato.

  • Redactar y diseñar un Protocolo de Colaboración Policial.

Tiempo de Entrega: 270 días después de la firma del contrato.

  • Capacitación para la implementación del Protocolo a policías y agentes federales de los tres países a través de 5 días de capacitación virtual conjunta.

For more information:

See this document: https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/aba/rfp/22-07-11-aba-roli-rfp-consultorias-paraguay.docx

This request for proposal (RFP) covers 5 (five) consultation services ABA ROLI Paraguay seeks to hire according to the Workplan of the Program “Countering Money Laundering, Transnational Organized Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (ML/TOC/FT) in South America”

The four other consultancies under this RFP are: ABA ROLI Consultancy to build capacity on countering ML/TOC/FT, ABA ROLI Consultancy on social media campaign for ML/TOC/FT, ABA ROLI Consultancy on use of cryptocurrencies for ML/TOC/FT, and ABA ROLI Consultancy to build capacity of justice sector actors

The American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) is looking for 5 Short-Term paid consultants or a Consultant Team to conduct trainings, carry out roundtables, and develop guides and pocketbooks for Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. These activities are intended to provide necessary tools to design and effectively develop anti-money laundering, countering transnational organized crime and terrorism financing (AML/TOC/FT) policies and monitoring strategies, as well as information sharing and jointly establishing the due process of adjudication and prosecution of cases related to ML/TOC/FT.

How to apply

Consultancy 5: ABA ROLI Short-Term consultant to design and deliver trainings to promote collaboration of Police from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, in cases related to Money laundering, Transnational Organized Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (ML/TOC/FT)

Please submit your responses here: https://forms.office.com/r/RtqRtWBNwy

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