Consultancy Services for the customization of the Open-Source Package of “CPIMS+” At Terre des hommes

Terre des Hommes (Tdh) Egypt is seeking to contract a consultant with the required qualifications to customize the open-source package of the standard inter-agency child protection information management system CPIMS+. The current version of the CPIMS+ facilitates effective case management for individual vulnerable children. It is designed to promote best practices and accountability and to assist child protection programs in delivering quality care. It provides organizations with a comprehensive set of tools for data collection, information sharing, and data protection as part of a child protection case management program strengthening

The document serves as a concept note outlining the overall requirements for customizations including initial reporting requirements, functionalities of the platform, expected results or outputs, a proposed timeline for the customization process, and an estimated budget. More detailed customization requirements will be shared with the selected consultant. More information on the CPIMS can be accessed through think:

The digitized CPIMS is expected to empower Tdh Egypt delegation with a unified and comprehensive platform to document and follow up with children and adults cases handled by different projects. The customized CPIMS system should provide case workers with a user-friendly layout to track progress made with each case and ensure adherence to quality processes as identified by standard and organizational guidelines. As Tdh Egypt delegation already utilizes a beneficiary counting database, the customized CPIMS should primarily aim to facilitate the day-to-day work for case workers/case management staff and their supervisors to help them ensure that the case management standards on the delegation level is followed. Additionally, as the beneficiary counting database is focusing on recording key activities and services received by each case, without the inclusion of any sensitive or confidential data reported during the case management process, the customized CPIMS should provide a platform for caseworkers and supervisors to document such data for the benefit of the case. The customization process’s main objective is to ensure the global standard instance of CPIMS+ is tailored and customized according to organizational required features and case management tools and forms used in the field.

Please Check the TOR for more details:

How to apply

Please Check the TOR for more details:

The deadline for proposal submission is November 15th, 2022.

  • Meeting with the consultant to establish Tdh’s expectation regarding the task and signing of the contract to take place within one week from signing the contract
  • The inception report is to be submitted by the consultant within two weeks from the first inception meeting
  • The first draft of the customized database and updated user manual to be submitted by the consultant on within 30 days from the approved inception report. A meeting should take place to discuss if initial feedback to be adopted prior to the testing and launching phases.
  • The testing phase, applying relevant edits, and launching the initially approved customized database and user manual to take place within 3 weeks from the delivery of the customized platform.
  • Addressing users’ feedback to take place within 2 weeks from the finalization of the testing phase.
  • Troubleshooting/maintenance to be provided by the consultant through one year from launching the customized platform (End of consultancy).
  1. Submission of proposals

The technical proposal and financial offer should be submitted to: With the subject line of ‘Customization of CPIMS+ Open source’

Interested consultants or agencies should submit their proposals in English based on the TOR. The proposal should include:

  1. Technical offer including a description of the assignment in their own words (purpose & objectives), proposed methodology in detail, the proposed timeline with a breakdown for each step/ activity in a tabular form.
  2. separate financial offer that includes all fees or expenditures in a table.
  3. Profile of the organization (in the case of an institution) including experience with similar tasks in the past. Also cover letter to present an argument why the individual or the firm is the most suitable for this assignment.
  4. Full list of the team that will implement the assignment, with respective roles and CVs of the lead members of the team and the appointed focal point.

Job details

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