Objective of the assignment: Assist the AICS Regional Headquarters in Tunis in the planning, formulation, management and supervision of programs relating to the rural development sector financed by AICS.
Description of the assignment: The candidate, with experience in the technical management and coordination of development cooperation programs, as well as proven ability to write reports and financing proposals, must carry out the following tasks in coordination with the Head of the Rural Development Sector, and under the supervision of the Owner / Vice Owner of the Regional Headquarters of the AICS of Tunis:
– Contribute to the planning, implementation and supervision of initiatives relating to the rural development sector (including, for example, sustainable agriculture, fishing and blue economy, rational management of natural resources, adaptation to CC etc.) managed by the AICS headquarters in Tunis and carried out by local institutional counterparts, CSOs, local authorities and / or International Organizations in Tunisia and, where required, Libya and Morocco, preparing, where necessary, information reports and technical data sheets on the progress for the Management and / or for AICS Roma;
– Assist the head of the Rural Development sector in identifying and formulating cooperation initiatives that can be financed within the framework of the programming of the Headquarters in the field of competence, in particular, take care of the investigation and presentation to the deliberative bodies in coordination with the AICS headquarters in Rome;
– Ensure the role of liaison officer with the Economic Development sector, with particular reference to the PRASOC and ADAPT programs, in order to create effective synergies and complementarities with the newly formulated initiatives (BioTunisie and BleueTunisie) relating to the Rural Development sector;
– Provide adequate support and technical assistance to local counterparts, with particular reference to projects pursuant to art. 7 of Law 125/2014, in order to facilitate the correct and effective execution of the initiatives they manage, and ensure compliance with the tender procedures adopted within each initiative;
– Contribute to the drafting of tender dossiers, preparation of Terms of Reference, and to any other documents useful for the acquisition of goods and/o services for AICS Tunis direct management initiatives according to EU external action procedures – PRAG;
– Provide support in the verification and analysis of the documentation produced in the framework of the initiatives under the competence of AICS Tunis by the executive bodies, including multilateral partners, on the progress of the various ongoing initiatives, relating to the sectors indicated and contributing to the evaluation of the extension proposals, non-cerous variant or renewal of contracts (project agreements and financial agreements) by preparing documents useful for the relative approval procedures;
– Assist the head of the Rural Development sector in monitoring the relevant projects carried out by AICS in Tunisia, Libya and Morocco, also, where necessary, through field visits and participation in direct activities;
– With regard to the area of competence, participate in coordination meetings, conferences, seminars or sectoral working groups with the TWO, the donor community and with other actors operating in international cooperation and providing support in the preparation of reports and information documents useful for presenting AICS’ activities in Tunisia at these meetings, Libya and Morocco;
– Ensure a periodic update on the activities carried out by the head of the Rural Development sector and by the owner / owner of the AICS headquarters in Tunis, as well as processing technical documents and reports relating to their duties and responsibilities and / or requests from the owner / vice-owner of the AICS of Tunis;
– Contribute, for the sector of competence, to the archiving of documents on the office server, to the periodic updating of data in the AICS Tunis database, and the preparation of any summary reports on the progress of sectoral initiatives;
– Contribute, in collaboration with the Communication Manager, to the visibility of the initiatives of its competence carried out in Tunisia by the Regional Headquarters of AICS Tunis;
– Ensure adequate coordination with members of other sectors, ensuring operational flexibility with a view to greater effectiveness of the work of AICS Tunis;
– Carry out other activities that may be requested or deemed necessary by the manager of the Rural Development sector and by the owner / owner of the AICS Tunis Regional Headquarters.
Prohibition to exercise other activity. During the last three years, the selected subject must not have carried out any entrepreneurial activity in the country of service, nor be in a conflict situation, even potential, of interests that prejudice the impartial exercise of functions, as required by article 53 of legislative decree no. 165 of 2001, notified by law no. 190 of 2012 and the AICS Code of Ethics and Behavior referred to in point 7 below. The Administration reserves the right to verify, under penalty of exclusion, the compliance of what has been stated in this regard by the selected subject.
2.1 Essential requirements
2.1.1 age not exceeding 60 years at the time of signing the contract, as required by local regulations for retirement; or 67 years if subject to contributions in Italy pursuant to Law 398/87;
2.1.2 physical fitness for use;
2.1.3 have not reported, in the three-year period prior to the expiry date of the notice, a judgment of insufficiency in the assessment of the work performed in the context of employment contracts signed with AICS offices other than that of Tunis which proceeds with the selection;
2.1.4 Degree in Agricultural Sciences, Forestry Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Political Sciences, Economic Sciences or Degree in another sector accompanied by documented experience in the sector indicated by the call for at least 3 years additional to those provided in the following point (2.1.5);
2.1.5 proven professional experience of at least 3 years in the development cooperation sector after obtaining the Degree;
2.1.6 proven professional experience of at least 2 years in the management and / or supervision of projects in the field of rural development and / or blue economy;
2.1.7 knowledge of the written and oral Italian language at level C2 of the common European reference framework for the knowledge of languages;
2.1.8 knowledge of the written and oral French language at level B2 of the common European reference framework for the knowledge of languages;
2.1.9 knowledge of written and oral English at level B2 of the common European reference framework for knowledge of languages
2.1.10 knowledge and habitual and effective use of the main IT tools in particular of the MS Office package.
2.2 Preferential securities
2.2.1 Similar professional experience (in international development cooperation) carried out in the country and / or in the geographical area covered by the assignment (MENA region);
2.2.2 Previous work experience at the Directorate General for Development Cooperation, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, International Organizations, European Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations as part of Development Cooperation initiatives;
2.2.3 Postgraduate specialization courses (Diploma of specialist degree or old university Master’s degree, further degree, Doctorate or other recognized courses of at least one year in the sector of interest) additional to the minimum requirements indicated in point 2.1 above;
2.2.4 Knowledge of the written and oral Arabic language at A2 level of the common European reference framework for the knowledge of languages.
Compensation: 34,517.00 Euro gross on an annual basis + compensation for cost / quality of life and increase for risk and inconvenience. Gross wages may be increased or decreased up to a maximum of 10% and any benefits may be added to them, following a motivated determination of the Headquarters and in consideration of the degree of specificity of the reference design initiative and / or the skills required of the worker and/or the degree of complexity of the reference context.
Start of assignment: November / December 2023
How to apply
3.1 In the application, drawn up in the form of a replacement certification declaration pursuant to art. 46 and 47 of the Presidential Decree. 28.12.2000 n. 445, candidates must declare under their own responsibility:
a) surname, name, date and place of birth;
b) residence;
c) citizenship;
d) the enjoyment of civil and political rights;
e) not having reported criminal convictions, not being the recipient of prevention measures and not being subjected to criminal or accounting proceedings both in Italy and abroad;
f) not to have incurred the dismissal, dispensation, forfeiture or dismissal from employment with a public administration, both in Italy and abroad;
Should the untruthfulness of the content of the declarations made emerge from the checks carried out, the interested party will incur the criminal penalties referred to in art.76 of the Presidential Decree n. 445/00 and subsequent amendments, immediately forfeiting from employment and any other benefits that may be obtained on the basis of the false declaration.
3.2 The application must include:
a) Motivational letter written in French and signed with an autograph signature;
b) Copy of the valid identity document;
c) Curriculum vitae in Italian Europass format suitably dated and signed, including authorization to process personal data (specify the exact start and end period of each professional experience and possibly the total months). In the case of professional experiences that have a time overlap, the candidate must declare the one deemed most relevant;
The candidate must also indicate the domicile, the telephone number, the e-mail address where any necessary communication must be sent. In the absence of this information, the residence address will be used. The candidate has the obligation to communicate any changes that have occurred after submitting the application.
Applications for participation in the selection, duly signed, and the related annexes referred to in point 3.2 must be received, under penalty of exclusion, in an unchangeable format ( pdf ), no later than 17.00 on 31.10.2023 to the following email address: segreteria.tunisi@aics.gov.it.
The email must have the call code as its object 19 / AICSTUNISI / 2023.
For more information: https://tunisi.aics.gov.it/home/opportunita/lavora-con-noi/