Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultant AT Peace Winds Japan

Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultant: Documentation of Lessons, Best Practices, and Recommendations for “Community Sanitation Components of the Kenya Sanitation Enabling Environment Project (KSEEP) and the Sanitation and Nutrition Improvement Programme (SANNUT), 2022 to 2023

1.0 Background:

The WASH project, titled “Community Sanitation Components of the Kenya Sanitation Enabling Environment Project (KSEEP) and the Sanitation and Nutrition Improvement Programme (SANNUT), 2022 to 2023″(hereinafter ‘the Project’) is aimed at addressing the sanitation and malnutrition challenges in the target areas. The Project focuses on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), hygiene promotion, and sanitation and nutrition approaches. The Project is implemented in Turkana West and Turkana South sub-counties in Turkana County and Pokot South and West Pokot Sub counties in West Pokot County while the SanNut program is implemented in Pokot North sub-county. The Project is directly implemented by the Ministry of Health of the respective county governments of Turkana and West Pokot in close collaboration and partnership with Peace Winds Japan with funding from UNICEF.

2.0 Locations

Turkana County: Turkana South and West

West Pokot County: Pokot North, West Pokot and Pokot Central

3.0 Objectives and Scope of Work :

Peace Winds is looking for an experienced and skilled expert to have a documentation which clearly tell the lessons learnt, good practices and practical recommendations drawn from implementation of Community Sanitation Components of the Kenya Sanitation Enabling Environment Project (KSEEP) and the Sanitation and Nutrition Improvement Programme (SANNUT) in West-Pokot and Turkana Counties

The consultant will be responsible for:

  1. Reviewing relevant project documentation, reports, and data related to the Project.
  2. To engage community members, leaders, community health volunteers, the government and PWJ staff and other stakeholders who have been involved in implementing the Project to explore lessons learnt, good practices and actionable recommendations arisen from the Project implementation through engaging and facilitative process e.g. harvesting workshop, key informant interviews, observations, photo voice workshop, etc.
  3. To document the lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations emerged from the above mentioned activities and compile them into a report
  4. To capture images (photos and videos) which showcase the innovations, technologies and actions which the communities and stakeholders have implemented in the Project to achieve the result and improve sanitation and hygiene status at household and community.

4.0 Deliverables:

The consultant will be expected to deliver:

  1. A comprehensive report documenting lessons learned, best practices, and recommendations for the WASH program. This document will serve as a reference guide for future sanitation initiatives.
  2. Create a visually engaging compilation of pictures illustrating various community-based sanitation technologies and simple and doable action implemented under the Project. Ensure the images are accompanied by captions explaining the technologies and actions, their impact, and the communities they serve.
  3. A presentation summarizing the highlights of the report to share with the stakeholders.

5.0 Timelines for Deliverables

The timelines for the expected deliverables under this assignment are shown in the table below:




Inception Report

Work plan as Gantt Chart with travel plan and list of key informants, participants of workshop, etc.

4 days after contract signing

Draft report of lessons learnt, good practices and recommendations

Main Report & Executive Summary in MS Word

24 days after contract signing

Final report of lessons learnt, good practices and recommendations and presentation

Main Report & Executive Summary in MS Word + Hard copies (3), PPt Presentation,

30 days after contract signing

Data of images(photos and videos) taken

Digital data of images of good practices taken during the assignment

30 days after contract signing

6.0 Anticipated Level of Effort (LoE)

This assignment will require an estimated Level of Effort of 30 person-days to execute as broken down below:


Time Input (man-days)

Desk Review and Inception Report


Field visit to West Pokot and Turkana


Complementary data collection and preparation of a draft report


Preparation of a final report and presentation


7.0 Duration of the Assignment

It is anticipated that the assignment will take place over a period of 1 month (4 weeks) spread between December 2023 to January 2024.

8.0 Necessary Consultant’s Qualifications and Experience

The consultant shall be an individual. The consultant shall be required to demonstrate experience of at least 5 years undertaking assignments of similar complexity and scope. In addition, the consultant must be personally available to undertake the work as and when required and will be accountable, for ensuring project deliverables.

The skills and experience required in the water and sanitation engineering consultant shall be as follows:

  • Experience undertaking monitoring and evaluation, qualitative data collection and analysis, documentation of lessons learnt and good practices, facilitation of participatory methodologies,
  • Technical skills in preparation of reports

9.0 Consultant’s Qualifications

At a minimum, the consultant shall meet the following qualifications and requirements:

Academic Background & Experience

  1. At least a Bachelor’s degree in international relations, communications, Public Health or other related field
  2. A proven track record in documenting lessons learned and best practices in WASH or related development programs.
  3. Excellent analytical, communication, and report-writing skills.
  4. Familiarity with the local context and challenges related to WASH in specific locations or communities.

10.0 Technical Proposal

The consultant’s technical proposal shall contain the following:

  • Understanding of assignment and planned approach
  • Work Plan with clear duties and responsibilities for each team member
  • Summary of Consultants experience in undertaking assignments of similar scope and/or complexity (last 5 years)
  • Qualifications
  • Relevant practice certificates
  • Detailed CV indicating a minimum of 3 references from reputable organizations that the consultant has worked with over the past 5 years clearly indicating description of assignment, date/s of execution, name of organization and details of contact person (e-mail and telephone contact)

Note: The consultant’s technical proposal shall not exceed 5 pages. This excludes any annexes.

11.0 Financial Proposal

The consultant’s financial costing to undertake the assignment will be provided as part of the proposal and should cover all costs associated with execution of the planned activities, including professional fees and any other related expenses.

The consultant will utilize the following budget template for their financial proposal:




Rate (KSh)

Amount (KSh)

Consultants professional Fees


Air fair


Airport transfer costs




Communication costs


Taxes (indicate relevant tax)%


12.0 Support to be provided by the client

PWJ shall facilitate the consultant with the following support while undertaking the assignment:

  • Provision of Transport to the consultant’s team while working in the field
  • Provision of Meeting venue/s and/or desk space while in the field

13.0 Proposal Submission

The Technical & Financial Proposal shall be submitted comprising (a) Letter of submission duly signed by authorized bidder representative, (b) Main Technical & Financial Proposal document in PDF format, (c) Attachments to Technical Proposal in PDF (CVs, Degree certificate)

How to apply

Interested consultants are requested to apply for the package by email to tenders@peace-winds.or.ke

By 13th December 2023. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please indicate the following “Documentation/UNICEF/23” in the subject line of your email application

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