SSR Officer At Action against Hunger Spain

You will contribute to ending world hunger by…

Its objective is to ensure and promote the implementation of Comprehensive Health Care, promoting Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights with gender equity. With quality and relevance in each of the mission interventions, as well as in planning to achieve the objectives and goals of the different projects.

The main activities you will perform are the following:

Objective 1: Technically strengthen the health sector, in sexual and reproductive health in the Venezuela mission.

  • Creation of the Implementation strategy of the Minimum Initial Package of Services for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Crisis Situations – PIMS and the minimum standards of prevention and response in GBV in the organization’s humanitarian response plans.
  • Creation of educational support material for the SS program, awareness-raising, educational sessions, promotional activities, health education, sexual and reproductive health, hygiene, health prevention according to the felt needs identified in our population such as contraception. , maternal and neonatal health, postnatal care, STI awareness and infection prevention, sexual violence prevention and referral and counseling for survivors of sexual violence.
  • Ensure that protocols and guidelines are consistent and are used, respected and implemented by counterparts and field teams, in accordance with Action Against Hunger policies.
  • Ensure quality in the execution of SSR activities in the field through periodic technical visits, analyzing difficulties during execution and reporting any deviations that occur, proposing corrective measures and improvement plans. (mechanisms that allow monitoring the provision of services (planning, prenatal control, STI) and the coverage of the population prioritized for the mission)
  • Implementation of the referral system, contextualized by state, for the management of SRH events, particularly obstetric emergencies, clinical management of sexual abuse and contraception.
  • Ensure that the processes of detection, timely management, referral and follow-up of patients with complications by the counterpart and field teams are carried out effectively and under the guidelines of ACH and Cluster Protocol, promptly reporting any obstacles along the route. reference.
  • Strengthen the technical capabilities of the field team and the counterpart, through an analysis of training needs, preparation and execution of a training plan, with close monitoring and support in the field.
  • Carry out continuous analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological context in sexual and reproductive health (problematic unwanted pregnancies, access barriers, GBV, etc.), of the implementation areas, to guarantee the reorientation of the SRH response when necessary, under the direction of health and nutrition coordination.
  • Support the documentation of lessons learned and successful strategies to monitor the quality of activities and care.
  • Provide the technical information on health and nutrition necessary and required for the formulation of the proposals/projects.
  • Responsible for preparing monthly, quarterly and final reports according to the need of the mission
  • Guarantee the correct analysis of medical data in SRH of the different programs and the consistency of the intervention in accordance with the mission strategy •Assist in the coordination of health and nutrition, in the purchasing and management processes of medications, supplies and of program material, in collaboration with logistics and administration

Objective 2: Accompany the mission and counterparts towards the achievement of objectives and fulfillment of goals with quality.

  • Promote collaboration, coordination and exchange between professionals from the different health and nutrition implementation teams with the rest of the implementation teams in other sectors; thus promoting the exchange of experiences, ideas, work methodologies and the collective creation of comprehensive strategies.
  • Design comprehensive work plans in conjunction with the health and nutrition coordination, which clearly define: the required contributions, the objectives, the expected results, including the achievements and goals of the health and nutrition sector of the counterparts and field teams.
  • Develop and implement mechanisms for regular monitoring of counterparts and field teams, sharing key findings, providing feedback and following up on action plans.
  • Under the principles of confidentiality and the data protection policy, exchange with the ACH multidisciplinary team the results of evaluations, support plans, needs detected in the field.
  • Promotes Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms among counterparts and field teams, to maintain accurate records (means of verification) and support them in monitoring and development activities.
  • Contributes to donor reporting by analyzing M&E data related to health and nutrition activities collected and consolidated from the implementation of activities

Objective 3: Strengthen the external relations of the projects with local actors related to the sectors of interest.

  • When required, you will attend specific meetings such as local coordination mechanisms in ACH or other specialized clusters of interest.
  • Systematically drafts meeting minutes, reporting them in the NHF space designated for this purpose with the aim of maintaining traceability.
  • Participate in the creation and updated maintenance of the database of the main actors and external allies in their work area and/or others in assigned missions.
  • Establishes articulation and coordination with governmental and non-governmental organizations in matters of mental health in conjunction with the Health and Nutrition Coordination.

OBJECTIVE 4: Knowledge management – reports and lessons learned.

  • Carry out the preparation of monthly reports on the activities carried out under his/her responsibility.
  • Actively participate in monitoring and follow-up meetings for the implementation of the project, when required. •Report in a timely manner the delays found in the monitoring of the Nutrition and Health sector indicators that may represent a risk in the execution of the project.
  • Proactively support the search for solutions to the difficulties encountered in the monitoring carried out on the projects.
  • Systematically use Action Against Hunger computer tools such as No Hunger Forum, GESPRA, Teams, Kobo, Share Point.

Does this description fit you?

  • University degree in Medicine or Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Complementary training in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Community Health will be valued (accredited courses, diplomas, specializations)
  • Training in Gender and Gender Violence.
  • Excellent writing skills, including reporting on humanitarian projects with measurable results
  • Work experience in humanitarian and INGO contexts (minimum 2-3 years)
  • Work experience in implementing primary health care, sexual and reproductive health, and community health projects, ideally in an association or consortium modality.
  • Experience in health support in community care programs, needs assessment, evaluations, contingency plans, team training.
  • Experience in implementation, planning and monitoring of primary care programs in Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health

How to apply

You can directly formalize your application by sending your CV through the following link: 8196/Official-in-Sexual-and-Reproductive-Health


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