Tender for the programme evaluation of Islamic Relief Yemen, December 2023 At Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief Worldwide

Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984.

With an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe, we strive to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender.

Our vision:

Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others.

Our mission:

Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:

  • Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.
  • Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods.
  • Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.

At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (www.dec.org.uk), and is certified by CHS.

IRW endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.

Please see our website for more information http://www.islamic-relief.org/

Background of project

Islamic Relief Yemen – IRY – has been active in the country since 1998, implementing large humanitarian interventions, as well as long term and development related projects. IRY formally established its country office in Sana’a after registration with the ministry of international development in 2004. Islamic Relief Yemen works with multiple donors, including WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA, EC, DFID, Sida and Islamic Relief Partners.

After several of intense conflict 24.1 million people in Yemen need humanitarian aid to survive – more than in any other single country in the world. The tragedy has reached epic proportions, with a child dying every 10 minutes from preventable causes like diarrhoea, breathing infections and malnutrition. More than 3.3 million people are internally displaced, humanitarian access is difficult and the government has not been able to pay salaries.

Islamic Relief Yemen has substantial experience in implementing humanitarian interventions both in emergency and non-emergency settings. Key sectors of IR Yemen includes: food security, livelihood, WASH, nutrition and health. IR Yemen is also a regular member of UNOCHA led inter-cluster coordination forums and its interventions are strongly coordinated with the clusters to increase the relevancy, efficiency and effectiveness of the humanitarian responses. Under the current crisis in Yemen, IRY has provided emergency lifesaving humanitarian assistance to more than 2.5 million people in sixteen governorates in the country. These interventions have covered WASH, health, nutrition, food security, and education.


Overall purpose is to ascertain quality of IRY’s programmes and operations while reflecting upon effectiveness of accountability measures employed to protect dignity of rightsholders based on IRW IHSAN Standards. The objectives include:

  1. To review IRY’s approach towards programme quality
  2. To ascertain measures applied for operational efficiency
  3. To assess and measure commitment and compliance to IHSAN Standards


IRW has developed its own bespoke quality management system named after one of its core values i.e. IHSAN meaning excellence. There are eight Standards with 148 indicators where each indicator has been elaborated and made verifiable through key questions and recommended evidence respectively. Most of CHS commitments are embedded within eight standards and country offices are made aware of all the standards through an online assessment and verification process. The consultant would be required to assess IR Yemen programme based on the following eight quality management standards:

Governance, Leadership and Strategic Planning

Programmes are governed strategically where management leads by example in comprehending and following organizational vision, mission and values.

Finance and Managing Resource

Resources are managed in responsible manner ensuring efficiency, control and transparency

Human Resource Management

Staff competence, capacity and well-being are fully resourced and prioritized all the times

Security and Safety Management

Safety and security of people and premises is consistently monitored and resourced to avoid any harm or life threating situation.

Projects and Programmes Management

Interventions are designed, planned, implemented and evaluated while considering globally accepted quality and accountability commitments.

Disaster Preparedness

Organisational and community based capacities are built and vulnerabilities are constantly reduced to enable resilience and overcome dependence during any catastrophic event.

Networking and External Partnerships

Collaborations, coordination and consultations are diligently managed maintaining independence, mandate to maximise resources and minimise needs of affected populations.

Communication, External Relations and Advocacy

Collective and individual representations, promotions and campaigning are dignified, responsible, standardised, contextually sensitive and well articulated.


The scope of programme evaluation covers:

  • All ongoing projects and completed projects during 2023.
  • Geographical spread across all accessible location.
  • All updated policies and procedures.
  • All employed staff and volunteers.
  • All existing or previous stakeholders engaged during last 3 years


IRW expects following reports from the consultant/firm.

  • Inception report explaining the proposed methodology and plan whole review process.
  • Draft report (covering the contents per objectives of the study).
  • Final report with all the supporting and working documents.

Methodology and approach

We would like selected consultants to outline their proposed methodology and requirements for this assignment – allowing for a maximum of 30 working days. The consultant should consider appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods, in the design of their evaluation methodology to be able to verify compliance, commitment, good practices and significant challenges against the evaluation criteria.

We are looking for an evaluation consultant/team to meet the above objective and scope through a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach, including but not limited to:

  • Desk review of secondary data including representative sample of ongoing and completed projects.
  • Facilitating and documenting an opening workshop to develop detailed plan for interviews, FGDs and field visits.
  • FGDs with communities and rights holders – with proportionate sampling
  • Key informant interviews with IR staff, peer agencies, public and private service providers and technical agencies, UN and government authorities (local and national)
  • Lessons learned workshop with IRY staff.

Roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities for this assignment are as follows;

IRW: To commission the consultancy

IRY: To facilitate the consultants while engaging with staff, rightsholders and local communities.

Consultants: To coordinate with all stakeholders including IRY team, other NGOs, UN agencies and local authorities and produce comprehensive, independent and objective programme evaluation report within given timeframe.


The deliverables for this project are as follows;

  1. Programme evaluation report
  2. Improvement action plan with clear roles and responsibilities and timeline

Expected outputs of this assignment

The consultant is expected to produce:

  1. A detailed work plan and inception report, to be approved by IRW, setting out the detailed methodology and schedule prior to commencing the field study.
  2. A full report with the following sections:
  3. Title of report
  4. Consultancy organization and any partner names
  5. Name of person who compiled the report including summary of role/contribution of others in the team
  6. Period during which the review was undertaken
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Abbreviations
  9. Table of contents
  10. Executive summary – Max 4 pages including summary of recommendations and overview of projects and key findings
  11. Main report – max 30 pages – (The consultant is invited to propose a suitable report structure layout)
  12. Annexes
  • Lessons learned report compiled from the facilitated lessons learned workshop with IRY team
  • Terms of reference for the programme evaluation
  • Profile of the review team members
  • Evaluation schedule
  • List of documents consulted during the desk review
  • Persons participating in the review (designations only – names anonymised)
  • Additional key overview tables, graphs or charts etc. created and used to support analysis and inform findings
  • Bibliography
  1. Anonymised copies of all data collected in Excel or appropriate format which would enable cross-checking and any additional analysis.
  2. A presentation of draft findings will be made by the consultant remotely to IRW Programme Quality team and IR Yemen MEAL team.
  3. Subsequent to final report, the consultant will present key findings and recommendations and facilitate a learning workshop for action planning around findings and recommendation with IRW (programme quality, MEAL team, Head of region, Desk coordinators/officers and technical advisors) and relevant staff of IR Yemen.
  4. Good practice documents uploaded on designated folders against each indicator for all IHSAN Standards wherever considered appropriate by the consultant.

Required competencies

Required competencies of the consultant would be:

  • Demonstrate evidence of experience in evaluating humanitarian and/or development action
  • Demonstrate experience in developing and/or evaluating organizational development, quality management systems including MEAL systems.
  • Possess knowledge and practical experience of using quality standards such as Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and Sphere Standards
  • Possess strong statistical/quantitative and qualitative research skills
  • Be able to fluently communicate in English and the local languages (Arabic). If local translators are required, this should be explicitly mentioned and budgeted.
  • Have excellent written skills in English
  • Have the legal right to travel to and within Yemen and be able to conduct evaluations in respective country.

The chosen evaluation team will be supported by IRW Programme Quality (PQ) team, the IR Regional teams and IR country teams.

Timetable and reporting information

The learning review is expected to start by the 22nd of January 2024 and ending before the 18th March 2024 (The proposed timeframe can be changed according to the need of the programmes and management).




7 December

Tender live date


20 December

Final date for submission of bid proposal


24 December

Tender evaluation and scoring


5 January

Tender shortlisting


11 January

Consultant interviews and scoring for selection


17 January

Due diligence and legal matters


22 January

Tender contract award and signing


26 January

Submission and revision of Inception Report


19 February

Desk review and data collection phase


27 February

Collation and analysis of data and submission of the first draft to IRW/IRP for comments


5 March

Draft report and initial presentation to validate findings


8 March

IRW/IRP responses to a draft report


13 March

Final Presentation and Action Planning with IR key stakeholders


18 March

Final report submitted to IRW including action plan on findings and recommendations


Reporting information

Contract duration: Duration to be agreed with the consultant

Direct report: Global Programme Impact and MEAL Manager

Job Title: Consultant, Programme Evaluation for Islamic Relief Yemen

The consultant will communicate and forward deliverables to the IRW Programme Quality team in the first instance.

Proposal to tender and costing

The consultant interested in carrying out this work must submit the following items as part of their proposal/bid:

  1. Detailed cover letter/proposal outlining a methodology and approach briefing note
  2. Résumé(s) or CV(s) outlining relevant skills and experience possessed by the consultant who will be carrying out the tasks and any other personnel who will work on the project
  3. Example(s) of relevant work done of similar evaluations in PDF
  4. The consultancy daily rate (fill in appendix 1)
  5. Expenses policy of the tendering consultant. Incurred expenses will not be included but will need to be agreed in advance prior to contract award (fill in appendix 1)
  6. Be able to complete the assignment within the timeframe stated above
  7. Be able to demonstrate experience of outcome reviews, mapping and impact assessment/evaluation approaches for similar work
    • 40% of the total amount – First upfront payment

Please ensure all documents be supplied in PDF format unless specified above.

Terms and conditions

The consultant would provide financial proposal outlining detailed break up of costs and charges. There would be formal agreement on payment schedule and funds transfer process once the consultant would be selected. Payment will be made in accordance with the deliverables and deadlines for this project so are as follows:

  • 30% of the total amount – submission of the first draft of the evaluation report
  • 30% of the total amount – submission of the final evaluation report including all outputs and attachments mentioned above

We can be flexible with payment terms, invoices are normally paid on net payment terms of 30 days.

Additional information and conditions of contract

The following additional information will be expected from the consultant and be pursuant to the conditions printed beneath as well as the terms and conditions in the consultancy contract.

  1. The ToR document is between the consultant and Islamic Relief Worldwide.
  2. Islamic Relief Worldwide is a legally registered charity under the laws of the United Kingdom charity registration number 328158.
  3. This document covers the consultancy project identified and described in this document and related correspondence and may not be expended for any other purposes without the prior written approval of Islamic Relief Worldwide, Head of Program Quality.
  4. The consultancy will be carried out under the auspices of the Islamic Relief Worldwide, Programme Quality. The lead consultant will be working in the capacity of a freelance consultant, an individual or for an organisation.
  5. Collected data, information, reports and reference documents should be submitted, along with any audio files and transcripts collected.
  6. Intellectual Property Rights to all research, and data, conducted and collected and the final proposal belongs solely to Islamic Relief Worldwide.
  7. In case of contraventions or breach of any of the terms of the agreement, any outstanding payments to the Lead Consultant or the organisation will be withheld.

During the consultancy period,

IRW will only cover:

Consultancy fees

Any travel costs to visit project areas and offices.

IRW will not cover:

Tax obligations as required by the country in which he/she will file income tax.

Any pre/post assignment medical costs. These should be covered by the consultant

Medical and travel insurance arrangements and costs. These should be covered by the consultant.

To access or download the tender documents please follow the link below;


How to apply

Consultancy contract

This will be for an initial period that is to be specified by the consultant commencing in January 2024 (exact date to be mutually agreed). The selected candidate is expected to work remotely and report to the Global Programme Impact and MEAL Manager

The terms upon which the consultant will be engaged are as per the consultancy agreement. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the assignment and will be paid on net payment terms 30 days though we can be flexible.

All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 1 to help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy and these must be specified clearly.

For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a covering letter and CV’s of all potential consultants including the project lead.

A proposal including, planned activities, methodology, deliverables, timeline, and cost proposal (including expenses) are expected.

Other relevant supporting documents should be included as the consultants sees fit and this may include examples of similar work done.

All applicants must have a valid visa or a permit to work in the UK (if travel is required to the UK). A valid visa/work permit is also required for those areas required to be visited as part of this consultancy.

This consultancy is open to any persons, freelancers, sole traders, research firms, consultants, policy and research think tanks, universities, academics, SME’s, large organisations and corporations including NGO’s.

Tender dates and contact details

All proposals are required to be submitted by Wednesday 20th December 2023 at 1.00pm UK time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and these be returned to; tendering@irworldwide.org

For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to; tendering@irworldwide.org

Following submission, IRW may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning tenders in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.

Quotations must include the following information for assessment purposes.

  1. Timescales
  2. Full break down of costs including taxes, expenses and any VAT and be able to demonstrate best value for money
  3. References (three are preferred)
  4. Technical competency for this role
  5. Demonstrable experience of developing a similar piece of work including a methodology

Note: The criteria are subject to change.

All applicants/bidders must also fill in appendix 2 which is a new mandatory requirement for suppliers to be registered onto our system and for their bids to be accepted and processed.

For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to; tendering@irworldwide.org. This address is for queries and advice only.

Appendix 1

Please fill in the table below. It is essential all sections be completed and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail. In case of questions about how to complete the table below, please contact; tendering@irworldwide.org

Cost evaluation for consultancy on Tender for the programme evaluation of Islamic Relief Yemen, December 2023

Full name of all consultants working on this project

Full company trading name

No of proposed hours per week

No. of proposed days

Preferred days

Non preferred days

Earliest available start date

Expected project finish date

Day rate (required for invoicing purposes) £

Total cost for consultancy in GBP (less taxes and expenses) £

Expenses (flights) £

Expenses (accommodation) £

Expenses (transfers) £

Expenses (in country travel) £

Expenses (visa) £

Expenses (security) £

Expenses (food) £

Expenses (print/stationary) £

Expenses other (please specify) £

Total expenses £

Total VAT or taxes £

Total cost for consultancy in GBP (inclusive of taxes and expenses) £


The applicant is expected to take responsibility for paying full taxes and social charges in his/her country of residence.

Appendix 2

Please complete the form beneath as this is a mandatory requirement and once completed return this form with the rest of your documents when submitting your bid to us.

The information beneath in red is mandatory and must be supplied without fail otherwise you will not be registered on our system. If in doubt contact us on the email address above.

Expression of interest or to your register interest

Tender name

Full company name/consultant name

Full name of contact person

Full telephone number (includincountry code)

Full postal address

Property Name/Number

Address Line 1




Complete email address

Company VAT number

Company registration number

To access or download the tender documents please follow the link below;



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