ALIMA in Haiti
In November, ALIMA led an exploratory mission to Haiti, to better understand current needs, more specifically in Port-au-Prince. Given ALIMA’s mission, we focused on humanitarian health needs, through the identification of the most vulnerable populations and the obstacles restricting access to health services. What emerged from our assessments was a crying need for health actors and therefore a strong desire to intervene as soon as possible in 2024. A team therefore went to Haiti in February to start activities.
LOCATION OF MISSION: Port-au-Prince (Haiti) with regular travel to projects
Level 3: As part of their duties, the position holder will be required to visit programs and be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or presentation of a certificate of good conduct will be necessary. In situations where it is impossible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good conduct, a sworn declaration will be requested.
- He/She reports to the Head of the Emergency and Opening Service based in Dakar.
- He/She supervises and leads the entire Coordination and field team.
- He/She collaborates with all teams, donors, national authorities and humanitarian actors.
Under the supervision of the Head of the Emergency and Opening Service based in Dakar, you will be responsible for implementing the country operational strategy validated by the Emergency Service, management and the Board of Directors.
In order to guarantee the quality of the programs you will have to: launch initiatives, define the objectives of each department and give the coordinators the means to achieve them. You will have to plan, organize, coordinate all mission activities and find solutions when necessary.
1. Representation of the partnership
- With the support of the Emergency and Opening Service, the Head of Mission keeps himself regularly informed of the development of the progress of the various collaborations and partnerships.
- Represents ALIMA to political, health, military, humanitarian authorities, donors and civil society
- Develops a network of contacts allowing it to carry out the humanitarian mission and analyze the security situation for operations
- Ensures that ALIMA has intervention authorizations in the country and for each action
- Writes Memorandums of Understanding in accordance with the objectives defined by the SUO following the country intervention strategy.
- Implements the defined medical or humanitarian advocacy strategy.
2. Security
- Updates as soon as coordination is established in Haiti a mechanism for deepening the security context in order to facilitate the implementation of activities
- Collaborates with other organizations on the analysis and projection of the security context
- Set up an information network that can facilitate continuous analysis of the context and deployment of teams
- Monitors the periodic updating of the security guide, kidnapping management and risk analysis in consultation with the field teams and with the assistance of identified key people
- Ensures the collection of security incidents throughout the country, analyzes their impact on the mission and communicates to the SUO manager and people concerned
- Ensures that safety rules are respected
- Ensures that a referral hospital is identified for staff and that the MedEvac plan is up to date and appropriated by CoMed
- Permanently identified and alerts people who can help in the event of a security incident
3. Coordination of operations
- Participates in defining the operational strategy and positioning of the partnership in the country based on the country intervention strategy
- Leads the ongoing assessment of the situations and the political, humanitarian and health context in the country, and assesses its potential consequences
- Questions and proposes modifications to annual objectives to allow their necessary updates by the SUO
- Analyzes the operational system (activities, means) with regard to its ability to achieve the defined objectives and proposes modifications
- Supervises the entire coordination team and project coordinators to ensure the implementation of operations in accordance with defined objectives and business priorities
- Defines implementation priorities for coordinators and explains the sequencing of actions
4. Institutional donors
- Masters the environment, policies and functioning of donors present in Haiti
- Ensures the representation of the partnership to donors
- Writes project proposals and reports, ensuring the quality of the documents and compliance with deadlines
- S’assure que les dispositions de la convention de financement ainsi que les procédures administratives sont connues de l’équipe de coordination et de l’équipe terrain, et qu’elles sont respectées
- S’assure que les indicateurs de résultats définis dans la proposition de projet sont connus et suivis par les équipes tout au long de l’année
- Assure le suivi de l’action cofinancée
5. Juridique
- Assure que ALIMA a toutes les autorisations pour intervenir en Haïti. Ainsi, archive -t-il et fait le suivi des MoU et anticipe leur renégociation
- Rédige les MoU en accord avec les objectifs définis dans la fiche pays
6. Gestion
- S’assure que les moyens nécessaires à la mise en œuvre des actions sont utilisés en adéquation avec le budget, et propose des ajustements nécessaires pour l’atteinte des objectifs
- Participe à la validation des dépenses (Cf. procédure d’achat)
- Participe au suivi budgétaire et s’assure que le CoFIRH suit avec le siège les demandes de trésorerie
- S’assure de la qualité et des délais requis des rapports mensuels qui lui sont soumis par son équipe
7. Reporting
- Rédige et anime l’édition du Sitrep pays, puis l’envoie au SUO une fois par mois
- Définit les priorités de travail de son équipe
- Contribue à définir les indicateurs utiles au pilotage de la mission
- Rédige et anime l’édition des rapports annuels pour chaque projet ou après chacune des interventions d’urgence
- Adapte la fréquence de reporting en fonction du rythme annuel (urgence et saison)
8. Communication publique
- Participe, avec le desk, à l’élaboration des objectifs et des stratégies de communication publique
- Assure la remontée en temps et en heure de toute information susceptible d’amener ALIMA à une prise de parole publique
- Participe à la gestion des visites de journalistes sur les terrains ALIMA (briefing, gestion sécuritaire, etc.)
- Participe à l’anticipation de la stratégie de communication en cas d’incident sécuritaire (low profile, réactivité, sélectif, etc.)
9.Mise en œuvre des mesures de prévention contre les abus de pouvoir, les violences sexistes et sexuelles
- Expérience indispensable sur un poste demandant une forte polyvalence dans un cadre humanitaire ;
- Expérience d’un contexte sécuritaire « tendu » nécessaire.
- Expérience indispensable en termes de management d’équipe, gestion de projet, mise en place de stratégies d’intervention et gestion de la sécurité ;
- Bonne connaissance de l’opérationnalité humanitaire ;
- Connaissances dans un domaine technique humanitaire ;
- Connaissance des procédures bailleurs UE, UN, etc. ;
- Capacité à entretenir des réseaux et mener un lobbying pro actif
- La bonne maîtrise du français oral et écrit est indispensable ;
- La compréhension ou la maîtrise de l’anglais est un atout.
Durée et type de contrat : CDD de droit français de 6 mois avec possibilité de prolongation
Prise de poste : 1er mars 2024
Salary : ALIMA salary scale + experience valuation + Per Diem
ALIMA supports:
- Travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of mission
- Accommodation costs
- 2.08 days of leave per month
- Daily per diem
- Medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of mission for the employee and his dependents
- Break policy every 3 months (for 6 months of mission)
- Evacuation for the employee
How to apply
To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter online
Applications are processed in order of arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the deadline initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Cover Letter) will be considered.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged.