Carrying out a benchmarking study on good cross-sectoral practices of personalized support for social inclusion At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Presentation of the project
2.1 A consortium for combined expertise
The DEFIS project is implemented by a consortium composed of three organizations, Handicap
International as lead, the Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion – Tunisie (FACE) as co-applicant
and the Center for Research on Social Studies (CRES) as associate.
Handicap International (HI): present in Tunisia since 1992, HI is an independent and impartial international solidarity association
, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion,
conflicts and disasters. Working alongside disabled and vulnerable people, she
acts and testifies to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions.
Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion (FACE): FACE was created in 2012 with the mission of promoting
the social and societal commitment of businesses in order to prevent and fight against all forms
of exclusion, discrimination and poverty by mobilizing its network of companies, public actors
and civil society.
Center for Research on Social Studies (CRES): CRES is a non-
administrative public establishment under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, responsible for developing studies and
evaluating public policies in the social field. CRES is specifically committed to
working towards the establishment of an inclusive social protection system.
2.2 Project objectives and intervention principles
The DEFIS project is part of a social inclusion approach defined as “a
process which allows people at risk of poverty and social exclusion to participate in
economic life , social and cultural, and to enjoy a decent standard of living. These people must be
involved in decision-making that affects their lives and benefit from better access to their
fundamental rights” (European Union).
It is structured around two objectives:
Effect 1. Improve support for individuals and families in vulnerable situations, through
better coordination of aid programs and a personalized aid plan.
In this context, it will be a question of:
i) Supporting Tunisian CSOs for the establishment and capitalization
of local, inclusive and intersectoral experiments, to support families
and people in vulnerable situations for their social inclusion and their access to rights
, which will contribute to the evolution of methods and practices;
ii) To carry out the re-engineering of the social work of the 3 lines of support of
MAS establishments and services to provide personalized intersectoral support
for these beneficiaries, drawing in particular on
experimental practices deployed in coordination with CSOs.
Effect 2. Bring the results of new approaches to social work and
field experiments to the strategic level, during the Sectoral Policy Dialogue.
The sectoral policy dialogue carried out at regional and national scale with an inclusive
and multi-actor approach aims to involve the State and its services, the organizations in charge of
social protection, economic and social actors, professionals of social intervention and
civil society (in particular associations and families who support people with
specific needs). The sectoral dialogue will make it possible to monitor the progress of
social policy and to influence its progressive operationalization on the basis of field experiences and
open reflections and debates.
3 key principles underlie the action of the DEFIS project and will be reflected through the
operational approaches chosen for the implementation of the two aforementioned effects: The intersectoral approach consists of mobilizing a set of actors
around people in vulnerable situations
, traditionally public and associative to which add the private sector,
intervening in different areas. It must make it possible to better respond to the differentiated needs
of vulnerable people and to be more effective in the support provided.
The inclusive approach which consists of (i) placing the person in a
vulnerable situation at the heart of the project, by strengthening their self-confidence, their autonomy and their ability to act alone or with
others, and (ii) supporting communities , services and policies in a transformation
aimed at welcoming diversity
Intersectionality which makes it possible to take into account in a given context the different
vulnerability factors which overlap and reinforce inequalities. These factors may relate to
gender, age, social status, skin color, geographic origin, etc.
This study is part of effect 2 of the project. As such, three
complementary principles of intervention will be considered:
– Learning through action: the acquisition of new knowledge is insufficient on its own.
to initiate changes in practices. Beyond the training developed, it is necessary
to leave room for the co-construction of knowledge, through practice and coaching and to
associate it with times of reflective exchange allowing analytical perspective. Beyond the learning
intrinsic to the project, it will also draw on the experiences carried out by other actors,
including at the international level.
– Representation, accountability, autonomy and independence of civil society: which must organize itself
and ensure that CSOs, active in the intersectoral interventions that will be supported and within
the framework of the Sectoral Policy Dialogue, effectively carry their voice of the groups whose
rights they defend, by reporting to their peers and before the law, and by having the guarantee
of their freedom of speech and action, an essential factor in the promotion of rights and a condition for
effective participatory citizenship.
– Inclusion of economic actors and other relevant key actors in
supported intersectoral interventions, to move, in accordance with the objectives of the AMEN Social program, from
assistance to social inclusion, through employment or independent activity, productive and contributory .

How to apply

9. Submission of offers
9.1 Composition of offers
The offer will be composed of 3 submission files:
A technical file including:
a) A methodological proposal to carry out this mission with at least an understanding
of the issues of the terms of reference and their perspective with regard to the Tunisian context
; presentation of the methodological framework including study design, selection criteria,
experiences to be documented and first indicative list (this may be completed during
implementation), methods of collecting and presenting information.
b) This document will be supplemented by the presentation of the expert(s) involved, with for
– A curriculum vitae (training, professional experience, list of key publications)
– At least two previous consultancy references for missions in the
social sector. Sharing sample of previous work is appreciated.
c) A work schedule detailing the stages of the consultancy mission.
A financial file consisting of a financial offer excluding tax in Euros or in TND according to the specificities
specified in article 7.
An administrative file composed as follows:
 A photocopy of the identity document or passport for each of the experts involved
 Proof of the legality of its activity based on the legal framework of its country of registration
9.2 Submission of tenders
The documents relating to the call for tenders and any correspondence exchanged between the tenderer and
HI must be written in French.
The file must be sent by email to the following address or deposited in
a sealed envelope at the HI headquarters in Tunisia located at 10 rue du Brazil 1002 Tunis Tunisia, no later than
03.10.2024 , with the mention “Completion of a benchmarking study on good
intersectoral practices of personalized support for social inclusion” in the subject line of the email or on
the envelope.
9.3 Evaluation of offers
The technical proposals will be analyzed on the basis of the following criteria:
Expertise of the bidder 40%
Quality of the proposed methodology 40%
Implementation schedule 20%
The proposal must be in line with professional standards and international criteria
and will be validated by the sponsor before being applied by the evaluator. The proposal(s)
presenting a technical score higher than the minimum required level may be subject to exchanges
between the sponsor and the bidder with a view to improving the quality of the proposed methodology.
These discussions may take place before the final award decision.
Only financial proposals corresponding to technical proposals receiving a score
greater than 60% of the points will be evaluated. The financial evaluation criteria will take into account
the relevance of the proposed costs, the man/day amount in relation to market prices and the number
of days budgeted in relation to the effort required.
The selection will be made within 3 weeks following receipt of offers. Bidders
will be informed of the selection results electronically.

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