Alternatives Humanitaires (Humanitarian Alternatives)

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Alternatives Humanitaires (Humanitarian Alternatives)


About Us

Humanitarian Alternatives is a project financially supported by five foundations represented in the Strategic Council: the Action Against Hunger Foundation (Serge Breysse), the French Red-Cross Fund (Jean-François Mattei), the Fondation de France (Martin Spitz – interim), the Handicap International Foundation (Nathalie Herlemont-Zoritchak) and the Mérieux Foundation (Benoît Miribel).

In collaboration with a network of partner universities and institutes being developed: Université Laval (Québec), Chaire Raoul Dandurand / UQAM (Montréal), Université Lumière Lyon II / Université de Lyon, Institut Bioforce, CERIC – SCHUMAN/Université Aix-Marseille, Chaire Unesco pour la culture de la paix Abidjan/Université Félix Houphouët Boigny.

The project initiators have a triple ambition:

To create an open access journal, contributing to a critical thinking of the humanitarian sector on its own practices, challenges and evolutions. To create a meeting place and a space for dialogue, proximity and a dynamic exchange between researchers in humanities (sociology, history, economy, anthropology…) and practitioners of humanitarian action concerning the challenges that our sector is confronted with To give a broader international audience to a specific approach of humanitarian action rooted in the “without borders” movement, through the pooling of resources, thinking and projects;

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Maiduguri Borno State Nigeria

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