Children’s rights: awareness and mobilization in FH schools (Internship) At Asmae

Asmae – Association soeur Emmanuelle is an international solidarity NGO specializing in child development. Independent, secular and apolitical, it is open to all. Its actions aim to support children and their families and to promote their autonomy, through access to education and protection. Created by Sister Emmanuelle in 1980, Asmae continues its action in accordance with the values ​​of trust, listening and reciprocity inherited from its founder.

Present in 7 countries (Madagascar, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Philippines, France) on 3 continents, Asmae allows more than 50,000 people to “live upright”.

Because we are convinced that solutions come from the populations themselves, we act in partnership with local associations to bring out initiatives and support them. We promote skills and help strengthen them by training professionals on site in the fields of education and protection. We help structures improve their operating methods and strengthen themselves. This is how together we manage to give maximum scope and effectiveness to local actions, for the benefit of children, their families and their communities.

And to learn more about our actions:

The project “YALLA! For the rights of the child”

It is a project of education in citizenship and international solidarity, which aims to raise awareness of children’s rights, so that they are better respected and applied.

The objective? To give children and young people the keys to knowing and understanding their rights, becoming aware of the inequalities in the application of these rights in the world, and becoming actors in a solidarity action.

Since its creation in 2014, the project has made it possible to meet more than 12,500 students from kindergarten to high school, in 90 partner schools.

Based on participatory teaching methods, our fun and interactive tools aim to encourage speaking out, discussions, to get students moving, and to develop their desire to act for a fairer world.

The project is now in the expansion phase: we want to increase the number of partner schools and reach a wider and more diverse audience in more areas.

Here is a video to discover the project:

Your future mission

Working with young people of various ages on topics that concern them, participating in the organization of a project, and immersion in the life of an international solidarity NGO: this civic service mission is a unique opportunity to be in the field, in contact with children and young people, to transmit values ​​of solidarity to them!

As part of a dynamic and creative team, you will be supported and trained by the project manager. During your mission, you will have the opportunity to implement awareness-raising and mobilization activities and to actively take part in the development of the “Yalla! For Children’s Rights” project with other volunteers.

In this context, you will carry out your mission in close collaboration with partners (educational teams of schools), and Asmae’s internal teams.


  • Participate in the implementation of the awareness project “Yalla! For the rights of the child” within schools.
  • Lead awareness workshops alone (according to your skills and wishes) and/or in pairs.
  • Support the solidarity actions carried out in favor of children’s rights by participating classes.
  • Promoting the virtues of engagement with children and young people.
  • Occasionally participate in awareness-raising activities led by the project manager with employees of partner companies.
  • Use your creativity to help create new educational tools.
  • Participate in the search for new partner establishments.
  • Help create communication materials for the project in conjunction with the communications department.
  • Participate in the different times of Asmae’s associative life.
  • Participate in training courses offered as part of the mission.

Valued qualities

No diplomas or special skills required. Above all, we are looking for a candidate who wants to fulfill this mission as a team, with seriousness and enthusiasm!

The following qualities will be assets:

– Attraction to the associative environment and international solidarity;

– Sensitivity to projects around education and child protection;

– Sense of organization and autonomy;

– Fluency in speaking;

– Resourcefulness and initiative;

– Taste for teamwork and sense of humor.

Practical arrangements

– Internship start date: September 2024

– Duration: 6 months

– Full-time internship (35 hours/week)

– Remuneration: In accordance with legal provisions

– Others: 50% coverage of public transport network subscriptions. Meal vouchers. Full coverage of any expenses related to the mission.

– Internship based in Montreuil (93) with very frequent travel in Ile-de-France and occasional national travel .

How to apply

We look forward to receiving your CV and motivation at!

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