Consultancy – Youth Mapping: Employment Journey At Aga Khan Foundation

Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), founded by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1967, is a member of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), one of the world’s leading poverty solutions networks. AKDN’s integrated approach makes long-term investments, builds permanent institutions, and cultivates an active civil society, impacting tens of millions of people annually in 30 countries. Alongside its sister AKDN agencies, AKF implements innovative, community-driven solutions that are based in decades of experience, learning and evaluation. In Kenya, AKF is managing a robust and expanding portfolio of multi-sectorial initiatives that includes investments in education, early childhood development, Health, sustainable economic development, and civil society strengthening.


AKF, in partnership with a global consortium of private foundations, is co-launching Schools2030, a 10-year (2020-2030) learning improvement programme. The ten-year initiative is a participatory action research and learning improvement programme in 1,000 government schools across the ten countries. Using the principles of Human-Centred Design (HCD) and focusing on the key transition years of ages 5, 8 and 14, Schools2030 seeks to catalyse locally rooted education solutions that can inform systems-level approaches for improving holistic learning outcomes. In Kenya, AKF will partner with 100 sites in Lamu and Mombasa Counties to drive classroom level innovation to enable teacher generated solutions to identify and inform ‘what works in education’ for the Coast Region. The sites include 30 pre-primary schools, 30 primary schools, 31 secondary schools and 9 youth development partners/civil society organisations.

The goal of the intervention is that by 2030, Schools2030 will have contributed to 10 country governments to accelerate their progress in achieving SDG4 and SDG8:

  • SDG4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • SDG8 – Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Ultimately, the project will ensure that 500,000 (50,000 in Kenya) marginalised children and youth in ten countries over ten years are equipped with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to help them interact effectively with the world and become contributing members of a pluralistic society.

Objective of the assignment

AKF intends to undertake a study in Mombasa and Lamu to understand young people’s (14- to 15-year-olds) perspectives around education, skill development, work, employability, and entrepreneurship, and generate insights around youth employment and self-employment within the Counties. Specifically, the consultant will be required to design a methodology that will assess the extent to which secondary school academic programme meet the needs/goals of different career pathways mainly preferred by 14 to15 years old including but not limited to; Issues that motivate student’s pathways selection, the extent to which school academic and non-academic programme influence their choices of career pathways, how school academic programme create or fail to create connections to their aspired career pathways, the factors that drive students selection of career pathways and, if there are fundamental differences in the pathway choices for male and female students.

The proposed study will serve as a document to catalyse dialogues among key stakeholders on the services and support that young people need to make informed market driven and relevant career choices.

Scope of work

AKF is looking to identify a consultant to work with us and undertake:

  1. Desk review of how different studies have analysed and explored youth skilling, livelihoods, and Government initiatives targeting youth, across the last 10 years.
  2. Understanding youth perspectives, especially with regards to

a. skilling –

  • the influence of the education system in skills acquisition for employment
  • what they understand about opportunities available for skill development,
  • the relevance of existing skills (in the education system) to the needs in the market.

b. identify gaps – young people’s perceptions about the gap areas and what they feel are reasons for these gaps

c. their needs – skills which youth feel / believe is critical in sync with employability and entrepreneurship lens

d. key factors (barriers, enablers etc.) that influence young people’s choices around work and transition to work

  1. Mapping of the youth employment eco – system – Understand the government mechanism, create network maps of key actors including Government, NGOs / private players, partners and programmes with youth.


This assignment is expected to be completed in 3-4 months. AKF expects the contract to commence from mid-July 2021 and close by late November 2021. The timeline below is suggested; the agency is encouraged to suggest a timeline in alignment with their proposed approach.

Activity and Duration

  • Onboarding and induction – 1 week
  • Inception report – 1 week
  • Development of study tools – 1-2 weeks
  • Data collection and analysis – 4-5 weeks
  • Submission of interim report and feedback session with team – 1 week
  • Additional data collection and/or analysis required based on feedback – 1-2 weeks
  • Submission of draft report – 2 weeks
  • Review meeting with AKF on the draft report – 1 week
  • Final report submission – 2 weeks


The budget will be based on need to complete the deliverables but will not exceed the pre-approved budget under AKF’s Schools2030 budget. Funds will be disbursed in instalments and the said budget is reflected on an indicated duration.

Qualifications and Experience Required

AKF is seeking an experienced and committed consultant with:

  • Extensive knowledge in designing and conducting quantitative / qualitative surveys, research studies, especially in the youth / skill development domain.
  • Human resources (the team with capacity and related expertise on youth and/or skill development and research) to carry out this assignment.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the education and youth ecosystem in Kenya.
  • Excellent communication skills (spoken and written) in English and Swahili.

How to apply

All interested partners must submit the following documents in a folder, to Aga Khan Foundation Kenya through email to by July 23rd , 2021 with ‘Youth Mapping: Employment Journey’ in the subject line:

  1. A detailed write up, describing their understanding of the assignment, possible study approach and methods.
  2. A detailed financial proposal indicating all expenses associated with the task and professional fees, with all travel costs included.
  3. The relevant institutional experience on similar assignments, including competencies in both data collection, analysis and report writing. Including CVs for each staff of the team identified for this assignment.
  4. The copies of relevant legal documents mandating existence and operations such as Registration Certificates, Business license and Tax Certificates will be required.

Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

AKF Is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is Committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Expects all Staff and Partners to Share this Commitment.

The Aga Khan Foundation is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (

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