Consultant -Mid-line and End line Evaluation of the Project: Fostering Recruitment agencies Ethical practices and accountability


CFA Number : IOMKCO/CFA/022/2021

Position title : Mid-line and End-line Evaluation for the Project: Fostering Recruitment Agencies’ Ethical Practices and Accountability & Supporting the Government of Kenya to Pilot a Recruitment Oversight Mechanism

Duty station : Nairobi, Kenya

Duration of Assignment : 5 months (2 months midline evaluation, 3 months endline evaluation)

Job family: Core Migration

Organizational unit: Labour Mobility & Human Development and Migrant Protection and Assistance Department

Reporting directly to : Programme Manager – Labour Mobility & Human Development and Migrant Protection and Assistance Department


Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

Unscrupulous recruitment practices are prevalent among both licensed and unlicensed recruitment agencies and contribute to high cases of human trafficking among migrant workers who leave Kenya for various countries around the world, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Recruiters often charge illegal recruitment fees and costs to migrant workers, they also do not divulge real terms and conditions of employment contracts, and often do not carry out due diligence over employers thereby putting migrants at risk of forced labour and human trafficking. As a rule, in the recruitment for low skilled/ low paid jobs, workers themselves pay the costs of recruitment which adds up to overall migration costs. It creates additional financial burden for many Kenyan migrant workers who take loans before even taking the job which leads to debt bondage.

Kenyan migrant workers are falling through the cracks of regulatory systems. They often find themselves in trafficking situations exploited and exposed to modern slavery. Little is documented on the extent of internal trafficking with the majority of the affected communities coming from rural areas where information on indicators, recourse and available assistance to survivors is inadequately disseminated. Following from this, Kenya has been described as a country of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking. The most prevalent forms of trafficking in Kenya are labour and sex trafficking especially along the coastal and major urban cities including Nairobi and Kisumu. The clandestine and under reported nature of human trafficking, has led to a shortage of data regarding prevalence of the crime. The US Trafficking in persons report for 2020 ranked Kenya in the second tier as it does not meet the minimum standards for the elimination of Trafficking in Persons (TIP). Like many countries in the continent and globe, Kenya faces the great challenge of growing number of unemployed youths, both from rural and urban areas who are increasingly seeking employment and opportunities abroad.


IOM Kenya is currently implementing a project: “*Fostering Recruitment Agencies’* Ethical Practices and Accountability & Supporting the Government of Kenya to Pilot a Recruitment Oversight Mechanism. This project takes on a multi-stakeholder approach that will contribute to the transformation of the recruitment industry in Kenya towards ethical recruitment practices. It is expected to support the creation of sustainable business models for recruitment of migrant workers that are consistent with international ethical recruitment standards. It will also address the drivers of human trafficking by enhancing ethical recruitment services on the supply side, while piloting an oversight mechanism with the National Employment Authority (NEA) to monitor and report unscrupulous practices by recruitment agencies. This will be achieved through two main interventions:

  1. Engaging with 40 Private Recruitment Agencies (PRAs) and providing them with training, tools and support to shift towards ethical recruitment practices through the IRIS Labour Recruiter Capacity Building Programme (IRIS LR CBP).
  2. Supporting the GoK with establishing and piloting an oversight mechanism through which illegal and unethical recruitment practices of recruiters are identified and reported.

Through enhancing Private Recruitment Agencies’ (PRAs) ethical practice, the project is targeting to reach and impact the migration journeys of an estimated 500,000 people being served by more than 300 accredited PRAs. Using IOM’s IRIS, the project is expected to train 40 PRAs on ethical recruitment practice and enroll 5 PRAs into the IRIS Capacity Building Programme (IRIS CBP) with an aim to prepare them for IRIS certification.

Additionally, the project will pilot a monitoring mechanism to strengthen ongoing vetting and regulatory initiatives by the NEA.

The objective of this project is to reduce prevalence of modern slavery among target population

Outcome 1: PRAs bring shift towards more ethical recruitment practices in their business operations by adopting IRIS Standards

· Output 1.1: National PRAs are aware of and interested in applying ethical recruitment practice.

· *Output 1.2:** PRAs are supported in improving their activities to comply with IRIS Standard requirements and apply for certification.

Outcome 2: Illegal and unethical recruitment practices are reported through a functioning oversight mechanism

· Output 2.1: Multi-stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee is set up.

· Output 2.2: National Employment Authority has a functioning oversight mechanism to monitor PRAs recruitment practice.

· *Output 2.3**: Community feedback mechanism for reporting unethical practice/survivor voice is set up.

· Output 2.4: Information/sensitization to the public in targeted hotspots to report on unethical recruitment agencies.


The mid-line evaluation is being conducted for use by the IOM and GFEMS to assess project progress at mid-point, to get familiar with good practices, evaluate the project impact (if any at this stage) and accordingly assess value for money for the results it has funded and for IOM staff supporting similar projects by sharing lessons learned and good practices. The endline evaluation will assess the project outcomes and contribute towards assessing Impact in the mid-long term. In addition to the set criteria at midline, the endline evaluation will also assess sustainability and impact. Both evaluations will be conducted in line with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) and United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Evaluation Norms and Guidelines, using mixed method approach and building both on qualitative and quantitative data to review the performance of the programme and provide greater insight into the implementation processes and determine the extent to which results are being achieved.

Evaluation scope

The midline evaluation will cover the project implementation period, from 03 November 2020 to 30 September 2021. The endline evaluation will cover the entire project period from 03 November to July 2022. It will also cover the entire geographic coverage, with field visits taking place in counties, where the main stakeholders are located.

Evaluation criteria

Given the above stated purposes, the midline evaluation will emphasize mainly relevance, effectiveness, and more limited attention to efficiency. The endline will assess all the criteria in their entirety, including Impact and sustainability.

Evaluation questions for midline evaluation


· To what extent are the project interventions relevant and appropriate in relation to national and international legal and policy frameworks?

· Has the project responded to the needs of the target beneficiaries?

· Is the project aligned with and supportive of IOM national, regional, and/or global strategies and the Migration Governance Framework?

Relevance Learning agenda questions:

· How will a critical number of PRA’s be motivated to move their businesses to IRIS Ethical Recruitment Model?

· What will the cost benefit of adopting IRIS for recruitment businesses in the Kenyan context?

· What are the challenges to enrol in the IRIS registration process ?


· To what extent were intended outputs and outcomes achieved in accordance with stated plans?

· To what extent did the project adapt to changing external conditions to ensure project outcomes?

· What are the major factors influencing the achievement of the project’s expected outcomes?

Effectiveness Learning agenda questions:

· What are the available community feedback mechanism platform, what is the most effective community feedback mechanism for communities and individuals to report unethical practice?

· What is the level of awareness in target communities re: what constitutes unethical/illegal recruitment practices to ensure that the community feedback mechanism as well as associated awareness material is relevant and contextualized?

· What are the bottlenecks to communities and individuals reporting unethical practices using the methods adopted?

· How are complaints handled? is it in a private and confidential manner that keeps the whistleblower safe?


· Was the project management of the project appropriately carried out?

· How well were the resources (funds, expertise, and time) converted into results?

Efficiency Learning Agenda questions

· How capable is the Technical Advisory Committee in fulfilling their mandate in advising government: Is it constituted correctly?.

· How can the government efforts in recruitment monitoring be enhanced?

· Is there synergy between the community, the PRAs and the Government actions to ensure illegal recruitment practices are curbed?

Evaluation Questions for Endline Assessment: these will include all the above as well as the following

Sustainability ****

· To what extent have target groups including Government stakeholders (NEA and MoLSP), PRAs, trade unions, migrant workers, affected communities, etc) and partners been involved in the planning and implementation?

· Are any results or benefits likely to continue after the project? Which ones, and how/why?

· Do migrant worker, MoLSP and other beneficiaries have plans to continue making use of services/products produced in the project?

Sustainability Learning Agenda question

· Are the oversight monitoring structures that are set up by the Government self sustaining after the project?


· What changes can be observed in the target population/key stakeholders?

· What other unplanned changes can be observed, whether positive or negative?

· What is the likely contribution of the project to the observed changes?


Under the overall guidance of the Head of Programme and Policy Development in IOM Kenya, the direct supervision of the Project Manager of Labour Mobility and Human Development and Migrant Protection and Assistance Department, the Consultant will undertake the below responsibilities: –

  1. Conduct a review of existing foreign recruitment practice in Kenya and best practices at national level including exploring systems of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MoLSP).
  2. Meet and interview the PRAs in the IRIS capacity building program as well as those opting not to continue/dropouts to identify the benefits and challenges of IRIS certification process.
  3. Conduct interviews with potential migrant workers as well as returning migrants on their recruitment experience – challenges, opportunities, case studies.
  4. Meeting with the MoLSP and National Employment Authority, including some members of the Advisory committee and the Technical Committee and related stakeholders to assess ethical recruitment through interactive discussion and in depth interviews.
  5. Create monitoring tools for the Oversight mechanism and feedback mechanism.
  6. Assess Community Feedback Mechanism, ascertain effectiveness, appropriateness, efficiency, sustainability, etc for local communities in the four cascaded counties.
  7. Data collection and analysis from the counties where feedback mechanism is piloted;
  8. Support to facilitate workshop with the MoLSP and related stakeholders to assess the Oversight mechanism/Feedback mechanism.
  9. Participatory programme monitoring meeting with key stakeholders to validate programme relevance and share key achievements and findings.
  10. Support to facilitate project closure workshop.
  11. Gather information to answer the learning agenda, prepare and finalize the evaluation reports.


  1. Methodology:

The Consultant needs to detail out a methodology for the proposed activities, however, the methodology can be including, but not limited to the following:

· Literature review: Existing foreign recruitment industry trends and practice in Kenya. Project documents, reports, data, etc. Kenyan laws and policies that create enabling environment for ethical recruitment. Assessment of any good practices of recruitment systems in Kenya. Review of other ethical recruitment systems apart from IRIS.

· Primary Information collection from GoK and related stakeholders for guidance of Oversight mechanism development.

· Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)/Key informant interviews (KII) with GoK Officials from MoLSP, Advisory Committee and technical committee members, NEA and other agencies on Oversight mechanism.

· Key informant interviews with PRAs, potential migrants, returning migrants on engaging with PRAs who are practicing ethically and those that are not.

· Surveys, questionnaires, KIIs, to examine efficacy of the oversight mechanism and community feedback mechanism.

This will be revised and updated through the development of a more detailed methodology following discussions with the selected consultant. The evaluation must follow the IOM Data Protection Principles, UNEG norms and standards for evaluations, and relevant ethical guidelines.

  1. Deliverables:

The following are the expected deliverables from the consultancy for both midline and endline evaluations):

a) An inception report – should include an evaluation matrix, the understanding of the TORs, methodology, literature review, the needed data collection tools, and the vision proposed for conducting the evaluation data collection and analysis. It should be submitted to the evaluation manager after the desk review and before the data collection, for review and comments.

b) A draft evaluation report with annexed data instruments and dataset– to be shared with the project manager for review and comments.

c) A final evaluation report – the final report shall be written in English and meet good language standards, being grammatically correct, proofread and laid out well, At minimum, it should include an executive summary, list of acronyms, introduction, evaluation context and purpose, evaluation framework and methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendations.

d) A 2-page Evaluation Brief to summarize key findings, conclusions and recommendations for the main intended evaluation users.

  1. Coordination and Reporting

The consultant and team will work under direct supervision of the IOM Project Manager of the GFEMS project. Satisfactory completion of the deliverables and final submission will be subject to approval of IOM and GFEMS. Coordination with IOM should be maintained through regular updates on work progress (either through email, virtual meetings or in person meetings), or as needed, submitted to IOM. All work submitted must be in line with the programme communication guidelines including IOM spelling list (2013) and IOM House Style Manual and further guidance that will be shared with the selected Consultant.

  1. Duration/ Timeline:

The total duration for this assignment is proposed to be approximately 5 months.

2 months for midline evaluation and 3 months for endline evaluation.

*The above is an indicative timeline. In the proposal, Consultant can propose to modify/add according to justified perspectives/reasons and IOM approval.


Education and experience

The consultant should have following professional and related experience:

  1. Master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, International Development, International Relations, Social Sciences or related fields.
  2. Experience of 5-10 years’ implementing project evaluations and impact assessments, with a focus on migration thematic areas.
  3. Demonstrate academic and practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research methodology, baseline, end-line and evaluation design, and implementation.
  4. Possess strong analytical, data interpretation, facilitation and communication skills.
  5. Excellent reporting and presentation skills.
  6. Experience working in communities in conducting project baselines, evaluations and impact assessments.
  7. Ability to deliver according to a specified timeline while maintaining the quality of the output.

Behavioral Competencies

a) Takes responsibility and manages constructive criticism.

b) Works effectively with all clients and stakeholders.

c) Promotes continuous learning; communicates clearly.

d) Takes initiative and drives high levels of performance management.

e) Plans work, anticipates risks, and sets goals within area of responsibility.

f) Displays mastery of subject matter.

g) Contributes to a collegial team environment.

h) Creates a respectful office environment free of harassment and retaliation and promotes the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA).

i) Incorporates gender-related needs, perspectives, and concerns, and promotes equal gender participation.

j) Displays awareness of relevant technological solutions; k) works with internal and external stakeholders to meet resource needs of IOM.

Technical Competencies

  1. Delivers on set objectives on hardship situations.
  2. Effectively coordinates actions with other implementing partners.
  3. Works effectively with local authorities, stakeholders, beneficiaries and the broader community to advance country office or regional objectives.


Should be fluent in spoken and written English and the mostly used language in target counties – Swahili.

How to apply

Mode of Application

To apply for this consultancy, interested and eligible applicants can send copies of the following documents to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Human Resources Department at

Each Submission must Include the following:-

1) Consultant Profile: A detailed CV of the expert including records on experience in similar assignments and name, contacts and designation of the references.

2) Technical Proposal: Detailed methodology, tools and work plan along with samples (at least two) of previous work.

3) Financial proposal: Total Budget to carry out the assignment, including travel and accommodation of field visits.


· The Proposal should be written in English.

· Please keep the attachment size to under 5 MB.

Closing Date: 29 July 2021

Only Shortlisted Applicants will be contacted.



The International Organization for Migration (IOM) does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, process or training). IOM does not concern itself with information on applicants’ bank details.

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