South Asia Programme Manager At Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development

More Information

Job descriptions

The South Asia Programme Manager shall do the following:

1. Programme Management and Coordination

  • Assist in implementation of FORUM-ASIA’s programmes in South Asia,
  • Project management and administration, including work plan development, implementation and
    monitoring, reporting and budgeting;
  • Be responsible for the overall management of FORUM-ASIA’s office in Kathmandu.
  • Supervise a team composed of programme officer(s), associate(s), consultant(s), and fellows/interns, and ensure the quality of the Programme’s delivery;
  • Assume advocacy leadership role in South Asia human rights monitoring and documentation initiatives;
  • Lead regular Programme team meetings and implement decisions as agreed;
  • Report regularly to the SMT about any developments vis-à-vis the Programme;
  • Coordinate with other programmes on Programme-related and other organisational activities;
  • Facilitate the strengthening the capacity of members in the area of human rights advocacy and intermember coordination vis-à-vis programme implementation at all levels;
  • Maintain close contacts and engagement with relevant networks of civil society organisations,
    diplomatic missions, media, and other relevant stakeholders

    2. Planning and Budgeting

  • Lead the programme and budget planning process of the South Asia Programme;
  • Revise and update the plan periodically in light of field performance and effectiveness;
  • Assist in overall organisational planning, including budgets;
  • Assist the SMT in drafting concept notes and proposals related to the Programme; and
  • Provide active support for developing proposals and engaging with donors to raise regular resources to strengthen the Programme in South Asia.

    3. Lead the Programme Implementation

  • Lead and coordinate the implementation of activities in a cost-effective way;
  • Organise, facilitate, and participate in missions as necessary and planned; and
  • Assist the SMT in developing and/or expanding and implementing other thematic issues relevant to the Programme.

    4. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

  • Lead and coordinate regular monitoring and evaluation of the programme’s plans and budgets;
  • Develop periodic programme reports within a results-based monitoring and evaluation framework
    against the annual work plan and budget and as per donor requirements;
  • Produce and coordinate the production of reports on missions under the programme; and
  • Conduct performance management and evaluation sessions of team members.
    Participation and Representation
  • Participate in the Executive Committee meetings when required, and sub-regional forums organised by members; and
  • Represent the Secretariat in other relevant meetings, forums, platforms, and processes both at regional and international levels.

Other Tasks

  • Assist the Resource Mobilisation team in drafting fundraising proposals in coordination with the all relevant programmes of FORUM-ASIA;
  • Implement other relevant tasks and activities as assigned by the SMT

Full job announcement could be found HERE

How to apply

Application Process: Interested candidates should submit an application form, motivation letter, and two recommendation letters to by 1 October 2024, midnight Bangkok Time (UTC+7). with “South Asia Programme Manager” in the subject line. Late applications will not be considered.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview during the week of 14-18 October 2024.

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