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The PLAN INTERNATIONAL Regional Office for the Americas publishes the Terms of Reference for the Contracting of Consulting Services to develop: A Regional Study on the Impact of Violence in Educational Environments in Multiple Threat Contexts Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
The region faces multiple and overlapping crises, including increased natural and man-made hazards, large population movements/displacements, worsening insecurity and violence, armed conflict, and high inequality and socio-economic vulnerability. In the education sector, these growing threats impact access and retention, especially of the most vulnerable children, creating an urgent need for more resilient educational communities, better prepared and able to cope with different socio-natural and other violence threats, while addressing interrelated child protection concerns.
The study has a multi-risk and threat analysis approach with an emphasis on violence from a disaster risk reduction perspective, education in emergencies from the different challenges that children face in continuing their educational paths, and also the protection of children in emergencies. The study is planned to be developed in collaboration with the Ministries of Education, the governing entities of disaster risk management in the education sector, CEPREDENAC, CECC/SICA and the Regional Education Group for Latin America and the Caribbean REWG-LAC, as well as with local representatives of the education system and the children themselves, their parents and caregivers, members of the local community, the educational community, as well as civil society organizations. The regional study aims to contribute to improving safe and inclusive access to education for all children and adolescents in disaster-prone regions, as well as educational continuity during and after emergencies.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To develop a study on the impact of violence in educational environments in multi-threat contexts and provide recommendations for adapting national and territorial public education policies and education programs, including measures to support a protective learning environment and strengthen risk preparation and management in educational environments.
To analyse the impact of violence in educational environments (including, in addition to the school, its immediate surroundings at the neighbourhood, community or smaller administrative level/project intervention area) in the three countries mentioned in contexts of multiple threats (of natural and anthropic origin).
Provide recommendations to strengthen national and territorial educational public policies to address violence in educational settings, including recommendations to improve education programs so that they promote protective learning environments, address violence, and strengthen disaster preparedness.
Ensure a comprehensive intersectional analysis (gender, ethnicity, disability, nationality, among others), including gender-based violence and xenophobia, as well as an assessment of the differentiated impact of different types of violence on different population groups.
Promote coordination and collaboration between the Ministries of Education, the Interior, National Disaster Risk Management Systems, NGOs, the educational community, and other key actors for disaster risk management in the education sector.
Please see the full Terms of Reference here:
How to apply
The proposal consists of the following documents:
a) A cover letter describing how they meet the expected criteria, including relevant experience, signed by the Proponent. In this letter, the Proponent must expressly state that it authorizes PLAN INTERNATIONAL to verify all the information included in its proposal. (Annex No. 1)
b) Declaration that you are not subject to any disqualification, incompatibility or legal prohibition or actual or potential conflict of interest to contract with PLAN INTERNATIONAL (Annex No. 2)
c) Authorization to consult the Anti-Terrorist Scanner (Annex No. 3)
d) Technical proposal
e) Economic proposal
f) Legal Documents (see Annex 4)
Send your complete proposal to: before October 14, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Panama time, quoting in the subject “Consultancy Impact of violence in educational environments …..”.