Call for Nominations – Mozambique Country Advisory Board At REPSSI

Job Expired

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Would you like to nominate a volunteer to serve on the Board of a leading African psychosocial support organization?

REPSSI is seeking nominees for the organization’s board of directors – both self-nominations and nominations by your colleagues are enthusiastically welcomed. The nominees will be individuals with outstanding repute to serve on its Country Advisory Board in Mozambique for an initial term of 3 years renewable once for a second term of another 3 years. In all you will serve 6 years. The Regional Board oversees the Country Advisory Boards (CABs) and all country operations.

REPSSI (Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative) is the leading African psychosocial support organisation. REPSSI’s vision is that all girls, boys and youth enjoy psychosocial and mental wellbeing. REPSSI has strong partnerships with governments (particularly the ministries responsible for social services, education and health), development partners, international organisations and NGOs in thirteen countries of East and Southern Africa. REPSSI works in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. REPSSI is renowned for providing technical leadership, advocacy and innovative capacity enhancement in psychosocial support. Over more than 15 years REPSSI has developed high quality, evidence informed resources to mainstream psychosocial support into all programmes and services for girls, boys, youth, families and communities so that they live with hope, dignity and happiness.

The Country Advisory Board will comprise of a minimum of ten members who include the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and a Treasurer. The board meets quarterly and has different roles and responsibilities that are clearly spelt out in the Governance Charter. Board members serve as volunteers and offer their time and expertise in contribution to the attainment of the organisation’s noble cause of reaching out to the most vulnerable people in our community.

As a Board Member, you will be required to play the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Vision and Strategy formulation

Define, preserve, protect, maintain and promote the vision, mission, core values, and goals of REPSSI. Periodically participate in the development and review of the Country Strategic Plan and to ensure it is up- to- date and relevant to the context of the organization’s operations.

2. Planning and budget oversight

Review and approve the annual budget and work plan of the organization prepared by management, and ensure that the programmes and budget are in line with the strategic directions of the organization.

3. Programme Implementation

Through reviewing of activity reports and field monitoring visits, ensure that management is implementing all its projects as planned and approved in the annual budget and work plan.

4. Policy Formulation

Ensure that relevant policies that guide the operations of the organization have been formulated, updated, reviewed and approved by the Board and are being enforced by the Chief Executive Officer.

5. Corporate Image building, promotion, networking and fundraising

Support, promote and market the REPSSI programmes of nationally and internationally to Government, development partners, donors, and other like-minded organizations.

Help in identifying and developing local and international resources for the organization including finances, human resources, material, and other technical resources.

Participate in REPSSI related public events such as conferences, workshops, campaigns, etc.

6. Stewardship and accountability

Ensure functional systems are in place for good corporate governance, social accountability, and prudent management of organizational resources.

Appoint the external auditors and receive the audit report. Ensure that follow up of recommendations in the management letter are implemented.

Ensure that the organization complies with all the legal, tax and other relevant statutory regulations.

What do you gain from serving on the REPSSI Board of Directors?

  • Humanitarian work today is largely driven by kind hearted and altruistic individuals who donate their time and money with the hope of seeing a better and just world for all.
  • By giving only 32 hours of your time each year to serve on the REPSSI Board, and working with us to improve our programs targeting the disadvantaged, you will be making an invaluable contribution to transforming the lives of all girls, boys and youth.
  • You will join an eminent group of dedicated, diligent and hardworking individuals that have contributed to the growth of a leading African psychosocial support organisation that REPSSI is today.
  • As a policy maker, practitioner, researcher, academic or other professional, you will find the diverse array of REPSSI interventions very relevant to your profession. You will be able to access a wide range of literature and repository of materials as well as become part of our local and global networks

Person Specification:

Values: you will hold values very similar to our own; integrity, collaboration, excellence, respect, innovative, caring and value diversity.

Social skills: we are looking for someone who is at ease networking at both local and global levels; with governments, civil society organizations and academia. We shall be looking to grow our own profile and image from some of your contacts and networks. Membership to professional bodies and previous Board experience is desirable.

Organisational skills: Leadership skills, strategic planning, conceptualizing and designing innovative development concepts.

A minimum of a degree in the Finance/Accounting field. The nominee will possess more than 10 years of consistent service. Five (5) years active service providing financial management advice to non-profit organisations would be an advantage.

By submitting your CV, with a list of three contactable referees, the nominee thereby confirms their interest in serving on the board. The nominees will have a short virtual interview with members of the Nominating Committee shortly after the closing date.

How to apply

Submit your nominations to the Human Resources Manager, REPSSI

Application due date: 18 October 2024

Should not hear from us within 30 days after the due date, consider your application as unsuccessful.

  • This job has expired!
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