Recruitment of a National Consultant to Support the Adaptation of the Job Search Clubs Manuals to the Lebanese Context At International Labour Organization

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1. Project Background

General Background

The ‘PROSPECTS’ Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons (FDPs), was launched by the Government of the Netherlands in 2019 in response to forced displacement crises, bringing together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. The partnership spans eight countries affected by forced displacement, namely Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, and Uganda.
It employs a holistic approach whereby each partner focuses on their area of expertise to collaboratively enhance access to education, protection schemes and decent jobs for both forcibly displaced persons and host communities. As of 2024, the partnership entered its second phase that aims to build on the results and draw on the lessons learned from the first phase and maximize impact.

PROSPECTS in Lebanon

Within the framework of the PROSPECTS programme in Lebanon, ILO focuses on enhancing resilience of Lebanon’s crisis-hit labour market and creating better livelihoods for both Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees. It is doing so through an integrated approach supporting market-driven skills training (pillar 1: Education and Learning); enhancing value chains using Access to Markets system approach, enhancing career guidance and employment placement services and labour market governance, and promoting financial inclusion and entrepreneurship with focus on supporting business start-ups, and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) namely in the agriculture sector and with emphasis on enterprises with social and environmental impact (Pillar 2: Economic Inclusion Pillar); and strengthening social protection schemes for vulnerable host communities and refugees (Pillar 3: Protection and Social Protection). Through Phase II, which will be implemented from 2024-2027, ILO will build on the results and lessons learned under the main pillars of phase I, while also introducing new interventions in the second phase that were identified with the PROSPECTS partners to respond to evolving needs and priorities in Lebanon. Under the Education & Learning pillar, the ILO aims to improve the learning outcomes for children and market-relevant skills of adolescents and youth living in Lebanon.

2. Assignment Background

Under pillar 2 on Economic inclusion, ILO PROSPECTS is developing and implementing in phase 2 a roll-out of “job search clubs” for refugees and host communities, young women and men in Lebanon, as part of its broader efforts to support career guidance and facilitate transition to employment
The objective of the Job Search Club is to enable job seekers to find a suitable job within the shortest feasible time period by creating supportive groups of individuals who share the same need while receiving intensive coaching on job search related skills. Club members meet daily for two weeks (10 working days) or until they find a job, under the supervision of a trained facilitator who provides them with the guidance, information and tools they need during their search for employment. In addition, members assist one another to enhance their job-hunting skills, providing a peer-to-peer learning and mutual support and encouragement. Ideally, a new Club is started each month.

Following an initial assessment of their personal interests, skills and occupational goals, the members learn and practice various skills such as telephone and interview skills, dealing with potentially stressful situations, gathering job leads from various sources; conducting information interviews with practitioners of the occupation that interests them, discovering the “hidden job market”; filling out applications; writing CVs; making telephone contacts; and handling oneself effectively in a job interview. In addition to the regular group meetings, members also receive one-to-one coaching with the facilitator.

JSCs have proven successful in many countries in Europe, Canada, the US, Argentina and Central Asian countries, Algeria, and Egypt. The JSC uses a specific methodology that activates and engages youth in job search activities during the Club, coaches them to reach out to the hidden job market and creates a support group and network that fosters successful job hunting.

In a regional study tour in Egypt in May 2024, several key strategies were highlighted for the expansion and institutionalization of Job Search Clubs (JSCs) across the region. Key among these strategies is the integration of JSCs into existing governmental frameworks, with a focus on training master trainers to ensure long-term sustainability, despite challenges like securing funding and maintaining consistent quality. The modularization of the JSC curriculum into digital formats was discussed, aiming to make it more accessible to job seekers with varying schedules, particularly university students. In Jordan, a significant update to the JSC manual in 2024 will include new digital components, reflecting the positive impact of digital tools on job search efficiency, as evidenced by a 67% improvement in participant skills. The expansion into Iraq and Lebanon will involve adapting the JSC methodology to local contexts, with an emphasis on digital tools and sustainable platforms as much as possible. Future cooperation among the countries involved will focus on joint training, sharing resources, and continuous knowledge exchange to refine and enhance the JSC approach, particularly in the green and technology sectors.

In Egypt, the ILO has been implementing JSCs for many years within the framework of its youth employment programs. Under these programs, the JSCs have provided an enabling environment for young people to gather and share resources and contacts, while searching for jobs in their various fields under the supervision of trained facilitators. Building on the experience in Egypt and taking into account the local contexts, the ILO PROSPECTS has been implementing it in Jordan and Iraq since 2022 and early 2024, respectively.

In Lebanon, the compounded economic and financial crises that the country has been witnessing since 2019, which came over and above the Syrian refugee crisis, has resulted in increased levels of poverty, vulnerabilities and unemployment amongst Lebanese and Syrian refugees. The unemployment rate has surged to 29.6% in 2023 and youth unemployment reached an alarming 47.8%. This dire situation has led to a sharp increase in the number of young people not in employment, education, or training (NEET).

Against this backdrop, ILO PROSPECTS has integrated career guidance within UNHCR community development centers to support over 500 Lebanese and Syrian refugees through referrals and apprenticeship opportunities. As such and based on consultations with PROSPECTS partners and local institutions, it became evident that rolling out of JSCs is a strategic response to the rising demand for targeted interventions that equip young people, particularly the more vulnerable ones with the necessary skills to navigate Lebanon’s challenging and evolving job market. ILO PROSPECTS is planning under phase 2 to roll out the JSC in Lebanon, building on the quite mature experience in Egypt and Jordan and the more nascent experience in Iraq.

The Job Search Club Methodology:

The Job Club was first conceived as a behaviorally oriented, client-responsible model of job search and placement (Azrin et al., 1975). The Job Club approach is based on two main hypotheses: (1) that job seekers can function independently and effectively in their own job search; and (2) that finding employment is in itself a full-time job, which is easier done with a group of people. The Job Club methodology has since been updated to include more recent job search strategies incorporating the latest information and communication (ICT) technologies and other innovations such as social media mechanisms in job finding. The latest revised version of a Job Club was developed in 2022 in Jordan.

Job Clubs are intended for members who lack adequate job search skills or the ability to market themselves to employers. Job Clubs, compared to other job search trainings that commonly last between one hour and two days, are more intensive and aim to activate particularly disadvantaged jobseekers. This usually includes long-term unemployed and young people facing specific challenges to enter the labour market.

3. Objectives and key activities

The assignment objective is to support the lead consultant in adapting the developed JSC facilitators’ manual to the Lebanese context.

This assignment will include the following key activities:
1)Prepare and submit an inception report including the support plan to the lead consultant and suggested dates based on discussions with the lead consultant.
2)Review the current JSC facilitators’ manual (EN/AR) developed by the ILO.
3)Coordinate with the lead consultant on the support plan and in-country meetings required.
4)Conduct in person meetings, desk review and focus group discussions with stakeholders to formulate and gather the needed data to adapt the material.
5)Support to deliver a validation workshop on the adapted manuals, in person or virtually. The validation workshop will target participants of implementing partner NGOs as well as partner UN organizations, such as UNICEF and UNHCR, and government institutions and ministries such as DGVTE, MEHE, MoY

No. Key Deliverables Date
1-Inception Report (up to 1 WD) – Activity (1) By 14 February 2025
2-Adaptation report including all the findings from meetings with different partners and stakeholders – Activity (2 to 5) – up to 14 WDs) By 31 March 2025

All data and information received from ILO for this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference (TOR). The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the express advance written authorization of the ILO. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these TOR are assigned to the International Labour Organization.

The intellectual property rights of the materials modified through the assignment remains with the International Labour Organization.

4. Required Qualifications
ILO shall be recruiting a national consultant that possess the following minimum qualifications:
•Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or related fields.
•At least 5 years of experience in the field of labour, employment, career counselling and/or TVET.
•Proven previous experience in a similar assignments.
•Good understanding of the current context of multiple crises in Lebanon, particularly contexts of vulnerable host communities and Syrian refugees.
•Excellent reporting skills.
•Strong communication and inter-personal skills.
•Fluency in written English and Arabic.
•The consultant is expected to visit the different governorates of Lebanon; have a good understanding of the context of the different areas and local cultures & traditions.
•The consultant should make him/herself available to collaborate with project partners when needed/requested.

5. Time Frame and Budget

This assignment will be implemented a period up 15 WDs between the period February-March 2025. All deliverables are expected to be delivered to the satisfaction of the ILO no later than 31 March 2025 The contract shall not exceed a total value of USD xxx

6. Supervision and Logistical Arrangements

The consultant will conduct the assignment under the overall guidance of the PROSPECTS Regional Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) and direct supervision of the PROSPECTS Skills and Job Promotion Officer in Lebanon. The national consultant will need to closely collaborate with the International Lead Consultant responsible for adapting the JSC material to the local context.

7. Payment Schedule

Below payments will be processed upon reception of related deliverables to the satisfaction of the ILO.

First payment – Upon the submission of all deliverables to the satisfaction of the ILO – Amount (percentage).

How to apply

Interested national applicants are advised to check the enclosed Terms of Reference for further elaboration of the tasks and deliverables expected within the scope of this assignment.

To apply. please share the below documents:

  • A detailed CV with relevant experience to the assignment
  • 1 – 2 pages Technical proposal in English
  • Financial Offer quoting an all-inclusive daily fee in USD

The ILO promotes equal opportunities for women, men, and disabled candidates to obtain decent and productive employment in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.

The application with all the mentioned supporting documents is to be received by 3 February 2025, 11:59 PM, Beirut time, by:

  1. Shatha Eisouh – Skills and Job Promotion Officer
  2. Lara Al Hajj – Administrative and Finance Officer

Proposals to be submitted by email and shall be valid for 90 days.

  • This job has expired!
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