Hiring of a Consultant/Company for the modeling of flood areas for the Motagua, San Carlos-Aguas Zarcas and Paz River basins At German Red Cross

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The German Red Cross has defined two focus areas and seven sub-areas of intervention in its roadmap for the Americas. These seven sub-areas include support for the development of climate change adaptation actions, disaster preparedness, promotion of anticipatory action, and response to disasters and crises.
Within this framework, various initiatives are being developed to strengthen the capacities of National Societies (NS) in Latin America. These initiatives range from support for actions in response to the cross-border migrant crisis to community-level work aimed at improving disaster resilience. This work requires a precise technical approach, which implies having trained human resources that can provide methodological solutions to the various challenges that arise during its implementation.

Estimated duration : 2 months.

Start date: March, 2025. End date: April, 2025

Objective: To provide the German Red Cross Delegation with floodplain modelling products from the specified basins of Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador. These products will be used to better understand flood dynamics and inform the development of effective risk mitigation and disaster response plans. They are also essential for assessing the likelihood of flooding and understanding the potential impact on communities and infrastructure.

Product/service supervisor: IM Officer of the German Red Cross in Honduras (CRAL).

Travel description: It is established that all consulting will be carried out virtually. There will be no field trips or physical displacements for the execution of activities. All meetings, deliverables and tasks will be managed remotely through digital platforms, guaranteeing the continuity and efficiency of the process in a virtual environment.

Workplace: Remote

Payment methods: per product

Dedication: exclusive

Contact address: isabel.tercero@germanredcross.de

Required profile:

The consultant/firm selected to carry out this consultancy must possess the following profile and skills to ensure the successful delivery of high quality floodplain models:

  • Experience in flood risk management and hydrological modelling: The consultant/firm should have proven experience in flood risk management, including knowledge in hydrological modelling, floodplain mapping and flood risk assessments. They should have successfully completed similar projects for government agencies, international organisations or non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
  • Proven track record in GIS and remote sensing technologies: The consultant/firm should have experience in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies, including data processing, spatial analysis, and flood modeling software.


  1. Stains/simulations for the Río Paz basin, El Salvador. T/5 years, T/10 years, T/25 years, T/50 years and T/100 years.
  2. Stains/simulations for the San Carlos basin, Costa Rica. T/5 years, T/10 years, T/25 years, T/50 years and T/100 years.
  3. Stains/simulations for the Motagua basin, Guatemala. T/5 years, T/10 years, T/25 years, T/50 years and T/100 years. A total of 15 files will be provided in vector format (.shp or GeoJSON) and 15 in raster format (.tif).
  4. A consolidated methodology document outlining the specific approach and steps taken to generate the delivered flood patches. This document will detail how the floodplain simulations were developed, the tools and techniques used to obtain the flood prone areas, and how the data was processed and analysed to generate the delivered products.

How to apply


Evaluation of proposals:
The consultant or the company will be directly responsible for the development of the consultancy and the sole focal point.
If the application is from outside Honduras, the economic proposal must consider that the Honduran tax regime withholds 25% of the sales tax. Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Cumulative analysis: The contract will be awarded to the individual consultant or company that obtains the best technical-economic combination, where technical experience is equivalent to 60% and economic experience to 40% of the total qualification.

Interested parties must send the following documents to isabel.tercero@germanredcross.de before February 12, 2025:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Financial proposal
  • Technical and methodological proposal
  • This job has expired!
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