Consultancy Mission Adaptation Of The Training Module For Trainers Of Protection Actors Of The Ejm Project At Hell

More Information

Project: Children and Youth on Migratory Routes in North and West Africa

Mission: Consultancy Mission Adaptation of the Training Module for Trainers of Protection Actors of the EJM project

Contacts :

  • Aurora Mela: Project Manager:
  • Kéba Badiane: Regional Innovation and Digitalization Coordinator:

Implementation consortium: Helvetas, GIZ , Terre des hommes

Estimated start date: March 15, 2025

Estimated completion date: June 15, 2025

Location: Remote

1. Background and rationale

Children and youth on the move (CYM) face a multitude of challenges on migration routes, including protection, mental health, and rights risks. Although protection actors, both state and civil society, have been trained on the profiles and needs of CYM, gaps remain in the knowledge and practical tools available to effectively address their specific needs.

The EJM project, implemented by a consortium including Helvetas, Terre des hommes (Tdh), and GIZ, aims to strengthen the capacity of protection actors through a systemic and sustainable approach. This project is based on the Training of Trainers Kit (KFF or ToT in English) already developed within the framework of the PROTEJEM project which was used in face-to-face group training. The EJM project now wishes to develop an interactive digital module based on this KFF, for individual and autonomous use, in order to improve the effectiveness of training and make knowledge more accessible and sustainable for EJM protection actors.

2. Mission objectives

General objective

Develop the script and sequencing of the training module for EJM protection actors on migratory routes, building on the existing Training of Trainers Kit, with multimedia content to reinforce dynamic learning and understanding.

Specific objectives

Develop the script and sequencing of the training module for EJM protection actors on migratory routes, building on the existing Training of Trainers Kit, with multimedia content to reinforce dynamic learning and understanding.

Specific objectives

  • Develop Organization and Creation of Educational Modules : This involves identifying the parts to be highlighted in the kit and transforming them into an animated format (videos or animation), structuring and sequencing, in a detailed script, the training modules in collaboration with the project team, integrating the educational priorities. Produce five interactive educational videos illustrating the key concepts of the program.
  • Improvement of Educational Resources and Assessment : Enrich existing PowerPoint presentations with detailed explanations and improve their interactivity. Adapt group activities into interactive and autonomous individual quizzes, allowing for reliable assessment. Participate in testing the modules after their deployment in the dedicated digital platform.

3. Scope of the mission

The consultant will have to work closely with the project stakeholders, in particular the Digitalization Manager, to finalize the organization of the modules and the educational resources to be integrated into the interactive digital module. The consultant will also have to produce videos, complete presentations, transform group activities into individual quizzes and participate in the module testing activities after deployment in the dedicated platform.

The main deliverables expected are as follows:

  • A startup report detailing the process of creating videos, quizzes, and presentation enhancements.
  • A complete module, including videos, quizzes, and enriched PowerPoint presentations.
  • Report of the tests carried out including the strengths and aspects to be improved in relation to the deployment of the modules in the dedicated digital platform.

4. Deliverables

  • Complete interactive digital module including:
    • 5 educational videos (5 to 10 min). The consultant is expected to make suggestions for video formats in his methodological note.
    • Interactive quizzes adapted to each module sequence
    • Enriched PowerPoint presentations
  • Start-up report detailing the activities carried out, the adjustments made, and the feedback after testing the modules on the platform.

All deliverables will be written in French.

5. Duration of the service

The overall workload of the mission is estimated at 20 working days and will extend over a period of 3 months, starting from April 1, 2025, with delivery of the final products at the end of May, subject to change due to developments in the digital platform.

6. Qualifications required of bidders

Technical skills:

  • Expertise in the protection of children and young people on the move in West and North Africa: Understanding local challenges and contexts.
  • Teaching skills : Proven experience in training trainers, designing and sequencing training modules, particularly in humanitarian contexts.
  • Multimedia production : Knowledge of video production and interactive animation tools.
  • Proficiency in Office suite : PowerPoint, Word, Excel

Professional experience:

  • Minimum 10 years in similar missions, including the production of educational resources.
  • Experience in collaboration with international organizations or consortia.
  • Knowledge of the EJM project is an asset

Other qualities:

  • Analytical capacity : To transform existing content into accessible and relevant educational tools.
  • Excellent communication skills : To work with diverse stakeholders.
  • Flexibility and adaptability : In order to respond to team feedback and adjust deliverables.
  1. Key Features
  • Module management: Hierarchical organization with introductory sections, educational objectives, and explanatory sheets.
  • Multimedia content: Integration of videos, interactive quizzes, voice narration, and interactive texts.
  • Engagement: Forums, surveys, and guided discussions.
  • Tracking: User dashboard to track progress and scores.
  • Accessibility: Multilingualism, audio playback options, and offline compatibility.
  • Administration: Interface to manage content and monitor learner performance.

8. Criteria for evaluating offers

8.1 Formal requirements

Qualification criteria:

  • Validity of the offer: The bidder confirms the validity of the offer and the availability of the proposed experts. – supporting document: Signed cover letter
  • Page limitation: The technical offer and the price list do not exceed eight (8) pages. – Supporting document: Technical and financial offer
  • Signed financial offer/price list: The financial offer includes the price list. – supporting document: Signed price list
  • Submission of the offer: The offer in electronic version only is submitted before the time and date indicated. – Proof: Acknowledgment of receipt
  • Language: The language accepted for this offer is French. – Supporting document: Technical and financial offer in French

8.2 Award criteria

Award criteria:

Technical offer: 70%

Bidder’s experience and qualifications (50%)

  • Qualification and expertise of the service provider in connection with the design and implementation of similar services:
  • Proven experience in training trainers, designing and sequencing training modules, particularly in humanitarian contexts.
  • Knowledge of video production and interactive animation tools.

Methodology proposed for the service (20%)

  • Proposed methodology for the design and implementation of the digital learning course taking into account the specific conditions of end users

Financial offer (30%)

  • Estimate of the cost of the service
  • Formula for calculating the price:

Note = (Pmin* max Points)/P

P: Price of the service to be evaluated

P min = Price of the lowest proposal

How to apply

7. Presentation of proposals and budgets

The application file must include a technical proposal and a budget proposal. Please adhere to the following structure for your offer and required documents . The number of pages indicated for each section is not binding, but the offer (without annexes) must not exceed eight (8) pages (Arial font, size 11, single spacing, standard margins):

  1. Cover letter indicating validity of offer (1 page)

2. Technical offer

2.1 Presentation of the bidder (3 pages max)

  • Presentation of the structure, expertise in managing similar services,
  • Thematic and methodological experience, skills relevant to the service
  • Status of similar services

2.2 Approach Methodology (3 pages max)

3. Financial offer: Price list proposal (1 page)

Price list proposal for each section , each containing:

  • Fees
  • Unit cost of service for each component
  • Other costs

For each line, please indicate: the nature of the unit, the cost per unit and the total cost

Financial offer must be made in Swiss francs (CHF) including all actual costs and expenses of the mission and detailing the costs for each stage for a total amount not exceeding ten thousand Swiss francs (CHF 10,000).

The mission will be validated on the basis of actual costs and presentation of the related invoices.

Indicative schedule and deadlines: D ate/deadline

  • February 18, 2025: Publication of the expression of interest
  • February 25, 2025: Submission of written questions by email
  • March 15, 2025: Deadline for submission of offers
  • March 17 – 21, 2025: Analysis of offers
  • Early April 2025: Conclusion of the contract
  • April 15, 2025: Contract Start

8.4 Submission of written questions

No information is provided by telephone. Any questions may be submitted until November 15, 2024 to with the subject: “Question on the ToRs for the digitization of the Professional Training Kit”. Questions submitted late cannot be processed.

8.5. Submission of files

Application files must be sent by email to the following address: with a copy to

The closing date for receipt of applications is March 15, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. CET .

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