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Country Offices ACF Country Office Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso YERETALI Project
Donor French Development Agency (AFD)
Project duration 01/11/2022 – 31/01/2026 (39 months)
Mission focal point Regional project coordinator BF and RCI field coordinators BF and RCI communication referents
Improve the notoriety of the YERETALI project, promote the results and productions, and contribute to the adhesion of stakeholders and beneficiaries to the targeted approach for greater sustainability of the project’s actions in the intervention areas, while fulfilling the visibility objectives of the donor and ACF.
Increase the visibility of the project through the creation of multimedia content (photos + videos)
1) Visit from a photographer/videographer under contract, for broadcast on country office networks + ACF France channels.
2) Photo exhibition organized in the two countries concerned.
Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis linked to the intensification of armed violence. It is now one of the Sahelian countries most targeted by attacks by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs). Between December 2018 and November 2022, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Burkina Faso increased from 47,029 to 1,810,105, or nearly 10% of the total population, spread across all 13 regions of the country, according to the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR).
The crisis was initially localized in the North and Sahel regions, then in the East, before spreading to the Boucle du Mouhoun, in the North, the Center-North and the Center-East. Since 2021, it has increased in the western regions of Burkina Faso, particularly in the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins and Cascades, and has progressed towards the border area with Côte d’Ivoire.
Population movements from Burkina Faso in the Bounkani and Tchologo regions are intensifying. The first displacements of these Burkinabe populations in the Tougbo area occurred between June and September 2021. On November 30, 2024, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) identified 68,505 refugees and asylum seekers in Côte d’Ivoire (including an estimated 25,762 arrivals in the Téhini department where the Yèrètali project operates), most of whom come from Burkina Faso.
In Côte d’Ivoire, the arrival of populations from Burkina Faso constitutes an additional factor of crisis in the face of an unbalanced situation of territorial development in the north compared to the rest of the country. This is felt in the pressure on land and primary infrastructure, which are very poorly developed in these areas. Intercommunity tensions are also increasing, and certain ethnic groups are stigmatized. The socio-economic situation of the area and the increasing pressure on basic social services are fueling this growing tension, with a risk of more generalized community conflicts.
The current situation in northern Côte d’Ivoire is reminiscent of that in Burkina Faso seven years ago, hence the importance of acting without delay, to anticipate and mitigate the probable effects of a similar deterioration in the months and years to come. Borders most often remain artificial lines for local communities, faced with common issues of food and nutritional insecurity, low socio-economic integration and limited access to social services. Added to this are conflicts over the management of natural resources (including land), socio-cultural and ethnic tensions, and protection issues regarding children and women who make up the majority of displaced persons.
The YεRεTALI Community Recovery and Resilience Support Project – which means “Self-sufficiency” in Dioula – is part of this fragile context and in a perspective of linking the emergency response and the contribution to the socio-economic inclusion of the most vulnerable (nexus approach) in areas experiencing food and nutrition insecurity and/or affected by the deterioration of the security context in the Cascades and Hauts-Bassins regions of Burkina Faso and in the Bounkani region of Côte d’Ivoire. A multi-sectoral and integrated package of activities, adapted to the specificities of the intervention areas and the targeted populations, aims to sustainably and integratedly strengthen the livelihoods and access to basic social services of targeted individuals, households and communities.
Project objectives:
– Enable vulnerable households, including displaced and refugee households, to meet their priority needs and reduce the risks of resorting to negative survival strategies;
– Support the recovery and empowerment of targeted beneficiaries towards sustainable livelihoods in Burkina Faso;
– Strengthen the capacity of communities and local authorities to cope with crises and meet their needs in the event of a shock.
To achieve these ambitious objectives, the project also aims to capitalize and communicate on its merits and results. The production of multimedia content (video and photos), objectives of these ToR, will therefore serve as a capitalization and communication support to highlight the successes of the project.
Duration of the visit: Considering the travel times between countries, from the capitals to the intervention areas and between the intervention areas in each country, it is prudent to allow three full weeks to cover both countries. If the service providers are able, these visits could take place simultaneously in both countries and thus the time spent in the field could be reduced by half.
The ideal period for collecting multimedia content will be between April and May 2025, a period corresponding to the end of the lean season and the preparation of activities that will be carried out during the rainy season. Angles: Impact of the displacement of Burkinabe populations in the South of the country and in the North of Côte d’Ivoire on their living conditions and those of the host communities.
Highlight the impacts of the project on social cohesion, living together, the resilience of populations and protection. The links and benefits between the actions undertaken by the project on both sides of the border must be clearly visible.
Things to do (for both countries):
– Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) – Main project sector:
- Distribution of food, agricultural kits and Essential Household Items (EHA) kits;
- Support for market gardening and rice production;
- Support for the employability of young people and women: training, AGRs, AVEC/IMF;
- Activities on pastoralism (carried out with our implementation partners).
– Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH):
- Rehabilitation, construction and management of community water points
- WASH-FIT approach in health centers.
– Health and nutrition:
– Advanced strategy (mobile clinic) in CI;
– Disaster Risk Management:
– Approaches developed at BF (Vulnerability study, SAP + contingency plan and stock) + PEWS– Mental Health and Care Practices (SMPS):
– Comparison of approaches between the two countries: prevention, referral, care management and protection needs (support for civil documentation in BF), etc.– Direct or indirect activities influence community cohesion.
The film should include “mirror” testimonies from beneficiaries from both countries. These testimonies should be varied, including refugees, IDPs and host communities (do not multiply the interviews but first identify strong life stories that are representative of the context in which the project is integrated), but also authorities or technical services of the governments involved in the project, as well as ACF employees or those partners involved in the implementation of the project. For example, this could include:
– An interview with a representative of Action Against Hunger to discuss the overall context of intervention and the components of the project. Some other ACF technical managers may be interviewed as needed;
– An interview with a competent authority well involved in the project: Prefect of Téhini in Côte d’Ivoire, and a regional governor in Burkina Faso;– An interview with our intervention partners: RECOPA in Burkina and OPEN-CI in Ivory Coast. This list, which is not exhaustive, may be subject to adjustments during the activity framing meetings, depending on the needs and developments of the project.
B-Rolls (1h30 per country) and interviews (usable for production and broadcast on ACF internal and external channels) Editing of the video and booklet of the photo exhibition
Language : French
Duration : 1 video of 10 minutes (maximum) and variations via shorter video capsules (4-5 minutes maximum) to dissociate Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso and/or the different sectors;
Filming period : Between April and May 2025 for both countries.
Professional color photographs for reproduction as part of a photo exhibition. Can also be used for: ACF employees at headquarters and in country offices, the website, events, social networks, and Action Against Hunger partners. Approximately 100 photos per country including the different angles specified above.March 2025 : Preparation
April – May 2025 : Visit
May – June 2025: Production / Validation
June 2025 : Communication / Social Media / Photo exhibition
A maximum budget available is 19,000 euros.
1. Photos (digital version) including captions with the date taken, location, name and age of the people in the photo.Digital version, duly edited, including captions and metadata with the date taken, location, name and age of the people in the photo.
Portraits (with consent forms): beneficiaries including families with children of all ages, children under 5 years of age in care, and humanitarian workers (no naked children).
Each interview, filmed or written, must be accompanied by at least one photo portrait. Informed and documented consent (of beneficiaries and staff, scanned versions of consent forms). Response and activities implemented : teams in action, interacting with beneficiaries, support
Beneficiaries : Beneficiaries’ perspectives need to be captured in order to identify the problem, needs and how ACF helps, in the context of ACF activities.
o Community context, including photos/videos of health facilities; locations relevant to ACF program activities; natural environment;
o Resources provided by ACF (equipment etc.);
o Physical infrastructure or resources provided by ACF with ACF logos visible if possible.
o Visibility of ACF and program partners in the context: logos, caps, vests, badges, posters, educational materials, etc. Preferably:
o Action/activity photos
o Outdoor & bright photos
o Images that convey an emotion (look, position) Formats:
o Have an equal mix between vertical & landscape photos
o On social networks, vertical photos will now be favored with the changes to Instagram, portrait photos in “close-up” transcribing a strong emotion are the most engaging.2. Videos
B-roll must be cataloged and labeled appropriately. All video interviews must be accompanied by a French transcript and timecode.Framing : For any testimonial at size level to be able to crop vertically The products must clearly demonstrate the problem and how Action Against Hunger programs help to improve the living conditions of the community.
o Raw videos that communicate the specific challenges faced by individuals and communities and how ACF is helping them, and can be used to produce a variety of edited videos for the organization’s websites, social media, and other platforms.
o On-camera interviews with ACF staff, program beneficiaries, partners: only a select number of interlocutors; produce fewer but more developed stories.
o Context rushes: natural environment, ACF structure, homes, activities, etc. Preference:
Action/activity video
Outdoor & bright photos
ACF logo visibility (vest, cap, t-shirt, etc.)
Ex: interview filmed outside, in front of an ACF activity, an establishment where ACF intervenes, a home / the environment
o Preferably an “immersive” way of filming:
The objective for us is to produce more engaging, personalized edited videos
We must have the impression of following a person / activity as if the viewer were there: for example, following an ACF staff member on camera, getting into the ACF car, shot of the car, following it going to the project, showing the activities, explaining
YouTube Vlog: Necessary Documentation
Written notes on the story including names, locations and relevant contextual details such as job titles for ACF staff, to ensure that each individual appearing in a photo or video content can be accurately identified, such as name/pseudonym, age, family, location, work/economic status if not working.
Transcription of interviews in French and accurate timecode.
Informed and documented consent (from beneficiaries, ACF staff and partners). scanned versions of consent forms).IV. SUBMISSION CONDITIONS:
This call for submissions is addressed to companies specialized in audiovisual, professional service providers of photography and video, individual consultants (independent experts, freelancers). Candidates must submit a financial and technical proposal:
a) Technical offer:Service providers interested in this notice must provide the following documents:
– Team composition: The CV(s) indicating the experience and skills of the person(s) involved in the performance of the service.
– A book, website or any visual support proving the experience and results of the service provider – NB: For companies, attach the registration and legal existence documents (RCCM, NCC, or any legal document depending on the country of registration)b) Financial offer:
The detailed financial offer specifying the different expenditure chapters for the service; the total amount excluding taxes. The offer must also contain a validity period (at least 30 days)
Note: Relating to the tax code in Ivory Coast for all individual applications (nationals and non-nationals), a withholding of 7.5% representing the Non-Commercial Profit Tax (IBNC) will be applied to the total amount of the offer.c) Deadline for submission of application files
Application files must be sent only by email to the address with the subject line “ 202502_YERETALI_Video and photo report ” no later than March 17, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (GMT+0).
How to apply
Deadline for submission of application files
Application files must be sent only by email to the address with the subject line “ 202502_YERETALI_Video and photo report ” no later than March 17, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (GMT+0).