More Information
- Experience 2-5
- General Background
The ‘PROSPECTS’ Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons (FDPs), was launched by the Government of the Netherlands in 2019 in response to forced displacement crises, bringing together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. The partnership spans eight countries affected by forced displacement, namely Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, and Uganda.
It employs a holistic approach whereby each partner focuses on their area of expertise to collaboratively enhance access to education, protection schemes and decent jobs for both forcibly displaced persons and host communities. As of 2024, the partnership entered its second phase that aims to build on the results and draw on the lessons learned from the first phase and maximize impact.
In Iraq, the PROSPECTS partnership aims to support national efforts to strengthen systems and develop/implement policies that promote inclusion and socio-economic development of forcibly displaced and host communities, whilst working closely with local authorities, business/private sector, and communities to identify, maximize, and realize opportunities on the ground. With a geographic focus on the governorates of Duhok and Ninawa, the partnership focuses on three pillars, namely: education and learning; economic inclusion and protection; and critical infrastructure pillars.
Within the framework of the Education and Learning, Economic Inclusion, and Critical Infrastructure pillars of the PROSPECTS partnership in Iraq, ILO’s focus is on supporting thousands of forcibly displaced persons and host community members to access more and better livelihoods and decent job opportunities. It is doing so through an integrated approach that support market-driven skills training; improve public employment services; implement labour intensive infrastructure projects; promote financial inclusion; and support business start-ups and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).
- ASSIGNMENT Background
Within the framework of the Economic Inclusion of the PROSPECTS partnership in Iraq, the ILO is supporting the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq and its social partners in their efforts to develop an Employment Policy to facilitate job creation, improve working conditions and ultimately promote social and economic development.
In particular, the ILO is supporting the development of an Employment Policy for KRG through the provision a range of services to the national partners responsible for the drafting of the Employment Policy; knowledge building, provision of policy advice and technical assistance throughout the different phases of the Employment Policy formulation; and provision of support to the actual drafting of the Employment Policy.
Over the past decade, the ILO and KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA) have agreed to initiate the process of drafting an Employment Policy and its implementation plan, with the inclusion of the social partners of the ILO namely the workers and employers’ organizations in Kurdistan region. The earlier employment policy was submitted to the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan region and was endorsed by the Council by virtue of resolution No. 1704, dated 12/07/2012. Following the adoption of the policy, the ILO and the MOLSA signed an agreement to support its implementation, and worked together on the development of an action plan and detailed implementation mechanism.
Today, the situation in the Kurdistan region has changed drastically, requiring a revision of the Employment Policy to reflect the new realities on the ground and address the new and emerging challenges facing workers and businesses across the region. The drafting of the Employment Policy shall start with preparing an employment diagnostic report highlighting labour market trends, institutions and governance in Kurdistan Region, building on the latest data and statistics. The diagnostic report shall also map all existing employment programmes and services (both private and public), while assessing their impact and identifying their strengths and main shortfalls.
The diagnostic report shall inform the development of the first draft of the Employment Policy. Crucially, the present effort must leverage the lessons learnt from the implementation of (or lack thereof) previous employment strategies in Kurdistan Region of Iraq to avoid any possible pitfalls and build on any successful interventions to promote decent productive employment for all those who seek it in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
In this context, and in an effort to support the development of the Employment Policy that can help KRG navigate its way out of the crisis, the ILO will be recruiting a local consultant to conduct the diagnostic analysis and support drafting the Employment Policy, which could serve as the starting point for further validation and refinement with the ILO’s social constituents.
The overall objective of this assignment:
- Conducting the diagnostic analysis of labour market trends, institutions and governance in Kurdistan Region of Iraq and drafting a report highlighting the findings.
- Validating the findings of the diagnostic with tripartite constituents.
- Preparing a full first draft of the Employment Policy, in close cooperation with the KRG, workers and employers with the support of the ILO.
- With the support of the ILO, organizing a final presentation of the draft to the tripartite constituents and incorporating their feedback.
Under the overall supervision of the Senior Regional Employment Policy Specialist at the Regional Office for Arab States, and in close coordination with the ILO team in Iraq, the national Consultant will undertake the following tasks:
- Review literature and studies in relation to the Iraqi labour market, including labour force and school-to-work transition surveys, socioeconomic reports and analytical studies on working conditions, OSH, the legal framework, social dialogue etc.
- Review previous Employment Policies and other related strategies.
- Conduct Employment Diagnostic analysis for labour market trends, institutions and governance in Kurdistan Region in Iraq. The diagnostic analysis shall also map all existing employment programmes and services (both private and public), while assessing their impact and identifying their strengths and main shortfalls.
- The diagnostic analysis development shall include data collection and analysis, and wide consultations with tripartite constituents and other major stakeholders in the labour market.
- Present the Employment Diagnostic report to the tripartite Drafting Committee and validate its main findings.
- Agree with MOLSA, workers and employers’ representatives on the main vision, objectives, targets and timespan of the upcoming Employment Policy.
- Consult with the representatives of the sectoral line ministries in the Employment Policy Committee, as well as the social partners, in order to elaborate an actionable framework in the different priority areas covered by the Employment Policy.
- Conduct regular meetings to update the Committee on the progress – the frequency of those meetings will be agreed upon with the Committee members and the ILO.
- Develop a draft Employment Policy document, based on the analysis of the Employment Diagnostic, and in line with International Labour Conventions and Standards especially the Employment Policy Convention (No. 122), the Employment Policy (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation (No. 169) and the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation (No. 205).
- Present the draft policy document to the Drafting Committee, attend discussions of that draft, and incorporate any requested changes/modifications into the final Policy Document.
The draft Employment Policy is expected to build on the lessons and challenges faced during previous efforts in the labour regulation are in Kurdistan Region in Iraq. Special consideration should be given to vulnerable populations especially women, youth, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Specifically, the draft Employment Policy should address longstanding issues related to the challenges of access of forced displaced people to labour market, low labour force participation among women, high youth unemployment and informality among vulnerable populations.
The main deliverables of this assignments are:
Deliverable 1: Employment Diagnostic Report after incorporating comments by national stakeholders and the ILO
Deliverable 2: Workshop to validate diagnostic and identify the employment policy’s vision, objectives, targets and timeframe.
Deliverable 3: First draft of the Employment Policy incorporating any comments by the ILO regional specialist.
Deliverable 4: Full draft of the Employment Policy approved by the Drafting Committee.
All payments will be made upon the delivery of the assignment’s deliverables and the satisfaction of the ILO.
1. Employment Diagnostic Report
Employment Diagnostic Report for labour market trends, institutions and governance in Kurdistan Region. The Diagnostic Report shall also map all existing employment programmes and services (both private and public), while assessing their impact and identifying their strengths and main shortfalls. The final report should incorporate comments from the ILO team and national stakeholders.
20 days
1st payment
Upon submission of deliverables 1 and 2
2. Validation Workshop for the Diagnostic
Workshop to validate diagnostic and identify the employment policy’s vision, objectives, targets and timeframe.
3. First draft of the Employment Policy
In Arabic
Full draft of the Employment Policy document, based on the analysis of the Employment Diagnostic Report, and in line with International Labour Conventions and Standards especially the Employment Policy Convention (No. 122), the Employment Policy (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation (No. 169) and the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation (No. 205).
15 days
2nd payment
Upon submission of deliverable 3
4. Full draft of the Employment Policy
In Arabic
Final Employment Policy after revision and validation from all social partners and KRG.
5 days
3rd payment
Upon submission of deliverable 4
The Consultant is expected to have the following functional qualifications, experience and competencies:
- Education: Advanced University degree in Economics (preferably labour or development economics), Development Studies, Social Sciences or a related discipline.
- At least 10 years of relevant professional experience.
- Knowledge and previous working experience within the field of labour, employment and development in the Arab Region, preferably in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
- Experience working with governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations.
- Familiarity with the ILO mandate and the ILO Employment Policy process.
- Excellent command of spoken and written Arabic language.
- Excellent command of spoken and written Kurdish language.
- Excellent analytical and organizational skills.
Throughout the assignment, the consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Senior Regional Employment Policy Specialist at the Regional Office for Arab States, and in close coordination with the PROSPECTS project and ILO office in Iraq.
The assignment is deliverable-based and will be conducted over 40 working days during a period of 6 months, from 02 April 2025 to 30 September 2025).
This position is open exclusively to national Iraqi consultants.
The ILO invites technical and financial proposals from qualified consultants who have relevant experience in delivering similar services, as mentioned in this Terms of Reference (TOR). One consultant technically responsive and financially viable will be chosen following ILO procurement rules/procedures on evaluation by an ILO team of professionals.
A two stages evaluation method will be applied for this procurement exercise and the contract will be awarded to the highest scorer- (70% of the total grade) will be allocated for the technical proposal and the (30 % of the total grade) for the financial one. Any candidate that scores less than 70% in the evaluation of the technical proposal shall not be considered further.
If multiple candidates achieve high scores, only the top three individuals with the highest overall scores will be invited for interviews to determine the final selection.
- Technical Proposal
- The Consultant/ External Collaborator shall describe in the Technical Proposal how he/she intends to meet the requirements described in the Terms of Reference.
- Provide a maximum of two pages outlining the methodology and steps for completing the assignment.
- In preparing the proposal, the External Collaborator shall thoroughly review all requirements and demonstrate its understanding and approach to meeting these requirements within the proposal.
- In preparing the Technical Proposal, the Consultant/ External Collaborator shall provide details of the proposed assignment methodology and implementation and management plan as well as his/her personal CV, indicating candidate’s qualifications and relevant experiences from similar assignments, the candidate’s contact details and at least three professional references.
- The External Collaborator may also add any other document(s) and information to demonstrate its technical and professional capacities and competencies to fulfil the requirements as specified in the Terms of Reference.
- Financial Proposal
- A financial proposal for conducting this assignment, based on a total of 40 working days. conduct this assignment with a total number of 40 days.
- Daily fees excluding transportations and daily allowances.
- Local transportation within each city will be the responsibility of the consultant.
- Transportation fees between cities and daily substantial allowances will be covered by the agreement as per UN regulations and standards when/if applicable.
- Evaluation Process and Criteria of Selection
Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by an Evaluation Panel from the ILO to determine compliance with the requirements specified in the TOR. A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating the proposals:
First Stage: Technical Proposal (70% of total grade) will be evaluated first, followed by the consideration of Financial Offers (30% of total grade).
Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Consultant qualification and competences
Relevant education background and competences.
Professional experience relevant to the TOR
A solid professional experience
Compliance with the TOR
The proposal should demonstrate a solid compliance with the TOR showing the methodology to be used to conduct the assignment and estimated schedule to achieve all deliverables described in this TOR.
Previous experience with international organizations in conducting similar missions in at least 2 Arab countries
Previous experience for developing similar assignments.
Providing evidence of developing high-quality strategic documents
Provide samples of previous work showing excellence in writing high-level strategic documents.
Familiarity with local context in Iraq and KRI
Good knowledge of the labour market context in Kurdistan region of Iraq, its issues and opportunities and of the role played by the public and private sector.
Note : Any candidate that scores less than 70% in the evaluation of the technical proposal shall not be considered further.
Second Stage: Evaluation of Financial Proposal
- During the second stage of the evaluation, the Financial Offers (30% of the total grade) of all bidders who have attained at least the minimum score during the technical evaluation will be compared.
- The process of evaluating proposals will be based on the combined percentage of Technical and Financial elements.
- One consultant technically responsive and financially viable will be chosen following ILO rules and procedures shown in this TOR and the evaluation conducted by an ILO team of professionals.
How to apply
The bidding consultant is required to submit their proposals in two separate digital folders: one for the Technical Proposal and the other for the Financial Proposal. Each folder must be clearly labeled as “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal,” ensuring that financial information remains confidential until after the technical evaluation.
The subject of the submission email should be: “RFQ-012-25: Local consultant in KRI – National Employment Policy.”
Applications should be submitted via email to:
The deadline for submitting the technical and financial proposals is March 27, 2025.
Both the technical and financial proposals must remain valid for 30 days from the submission date.