Consultant At Oxfam

Oxfam – Iraq

Building Resilient Communities in Salahaddin, Iraq

Capacity Building Plan, tools and Curricula for Civil Society Organizations and Government Departments in Salahalddin Governorate

Terms of Reference

Ref No: RO-IQEBL-21-0281-IQEBL-0213

About Oxfam:

Oxfam first started working in northern and southern Iraq in the early 1990s following the first Gulf War and in 2003 Oxfam provided emergency assistance to internally displaced people in central and southern Iraq. During this time, Oxfam also worked on conflict resolution and strengthening the capacity of Iraqi NGOs. Oxfam then completely phased out its humanitarian presence from Iraq in 2008 while it continued to support women’s rights through its Regional Gender Justice Hub. Following the 2014 ISIS offensives, Oxfam resumed programming in Iraq in underserved and politically contested areas in the governorates of Kirkuk, Diyala, and Salahaddin and later expanded its programming to target a much larger geographical area affected by the ongoing conflict with ISIS, in total Oxfam is reaching over 1 million people.

Oxfam program focus on provision of humanitarian assistant strengthening resilience in conflict-affected areas of the country through rehabilitating existing basic services and providing longer-term interventions in the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and emergency food security and vulnerable livelihoods (EFSVL), Protection and Gender in coordination with local authorities and partners.


The project “Building Resilient Communities in Salahaddin” will contribute to recovery of conflict-affected women, men, boys and girls in Salahaddin Governorate and strengthening their resilience (impact). The project aims to strengthen governorate level institutional capacities.

Local civil society organisations and government departments in Salahaddin require WASH, EFSVL, financial management training and mentorship. Building Resilient Communities in Salahaddin will strengthen 4 local organisations and 4 government agencies’ capacities by training and mentoring 50 individual staff members. Oxfam will support the following local NGOs and government departments;

  1. Sorouh for Sustainable Development Foundation (SSDF)
  2. Justice Centre to Support Marginalized Groups in Iraq. (JCMGI)
  3. Tikrit Centre for Volunteer Work (TCVW)
  4. Foundation of United for Relief and Sustainable Development (FUAD)
  5. Directorate of Water
  6. Directorate of Health
  7. Directorate of Education
  8. Directorate of Civil defense

Prior to forming partnerships with local organizations, Oxfam in Iraq undertakes its Partner Capacity Mapping assessment. Through this assessment, these 4 NGOs were selected based on their proximity to the communities and their willingness to improve their implementation and organizational approaches in Salahaddin. Government departments were selected based on the needs specified in their National Strategic Plan and their alignment with this project’s activities. SSDF, JCMGI, TCVW, FUAD were part of Oxfam’s local humanitarian leadership project. FUAD worked with Oxfam in implementation of GFO project (Market rehabilitation and assets replacement) and a previous BMZ project.


Oxfam is looking for consultant/ consultancy firm to support Oxfam Partnership team in Erbil Office and Tikrit Office in Salahalddin to contribute to strengthening the capacity of 4 local civil society organizations and 4 government departments and increasing their capacity as well as develop their mandates and values to better serve their communities – during both emergency and non-emergency settings.. Oxfam is looking for long-term capacity building plan that could contribute to sustainable institutional change that would eventually contribute to creation of strong local actors and improving the capacity of local actors, as a result these local actors will be better equipped to respond to emergencies and implement projects. By building on past experiences, local actors; particularly community-based organizations (CBOs) will contribute to the relevance and quality of programming. This also has strong linkage to Oxfam’s commitment to local humanitarian leadership for which Oxfam supports and facilitates capacity strengthening, exchanges and creation of space, voice and strength for local actors including NGOs, and govt. departments.

The constancy agency will be responsible to conduct training/capacity need assessment of the partners (4 local civil society organizations and 4 government departments mentioned above), prepare capacity development plan based on the needs assessment and deliver a minimum of 5 trainings (on the top identified needs as per the needs assessment) for 75 persons /people (staff and employees) in the partners in Salahalddin; and conduct the impact assessment of the capacity investment made. The training will be delivered face to face / directly (most probably in Baghdad and/or Tikrit).

Objectives of the exercise:

Following are the key objectives of the capacity mapping exercise:

  1. To assess the current state of capacity of 4 partner organizations and 4 government departments as mentioned above in delivering a quality humanitarian, DRR, peacebuilding, social cohesion and durable solutions programming and define the gap to be addressed.
  2. To develop a roadmap for capacity development for the partner organizations and govt. departments in quality humanitarian, DRR, peacebuilding, social cohesion and durable solutions programming (with tailor-made plans for different partners based on their specific needs and requirements).
  3. To build capacity of the partner organizations and govt. departments in 5 topics as identified through the capacity mapping exercise.
  4. To conduct impact assessment of the capacity investment made in the partners.


  1. Conduct capacity need assessment for 4 local civil society organizations and 4 government departments and produce a capacity assessment report.
  2. Based on the Capacity Need Assessment findings and recommendations, identify and develop realistic, feasible and time-bound Capacity Development plan that can be implemented over the life of the Project/ within two months.

    One month – 21st August – 21st September 2021

  3. Develop trainings materials (participants manual, modules, contents, materials, slides, exercises, case studies, activities, i.e. full training package) for 5 topics based on the outcomes / needs/ gaps from the capacity need assessment. Language in English and Arabic

    By 27th September 2021

  4. Delivery of five training live sessions and workshop

Six weeks – 27th September – 11th November 2021

  1. Final reports of the 5 trainings delivered by the consultant (on the provided training topics, attendance list, summary of the pre-and post-test of the trainees and with clear recommendations on the trainings.

Three weeks – 15th November – 7th December 2021

  1. Analysis report of impact of the 5 trainings delivered.


1- The capacity needs assessment will provide identified capacity and gap areas for as many topics as possible or relevant to the partners. These need not be limited to only 5 topics that the consultant is expected to deliver trainings on. Out of the total identified needs, the consultant is expected to deliver trainings on only 5 topics which may be finalized out of the list of training/capacity building topics in consultation with the Oxfam partnership team.

2- The capacity strengthening plan may provide a range / variety of capacity strengthening opportunities which may not remain limited to only trainings. They may consider exchange visits, exposures, secondments, shadowing, mentoring, on-job-trainings, education, equipment support etc. (list not exhaustive).

Suggested methodology for trainings

· The training should follow the contemporary and interactive training provision style which is based on ‘sharing’ or ‘**learning together’** or acting as a ‘**facilitator**’, rather than the conventional approach of ‘**giving’** in a training situation. The role of a facilitator is to encourage participation without being judgmental and by listening with interest and empathy to help the trainees (participants) to tap into the reservoir of their own abilities gained through their experiences. **

· Other training methods such as practical events, scenarios, use of pictures and even stories about the subject matter and group work should be incorporated. The practical part of the training should be given paramount importance to develop the skill of trainees on the training topics. **

· Provide the hard copy of handouts of the material for the participants during the training session. **

· Provide hard and soft copies of the materials for Oxfam staff in Arabic version and English **

· Trainer should conduct pre-and post-training test to evaluate the success of each training. **

Responsibilities of the service provider/training institute.

· Conduct in-depth assessment of the capacity of (the 4 civil society organizations and 4 government departments) and identify capacity needs and assess institutional and technical capacities and areas for further strengthening for quality humanitarian, DRR, peacebuilding, social cohesion and durable solutions programming.

· Carry out an analysis on the capacity of (the 4 civil society organizations and 4 government departments) to mainstream gender, human rights, and environment and fully apply result-based management principles.

· Assess institutional strategy, business processes, human resource management, information, equipment and communications technology in regard to the programme.

· Assess capacity strengthening needs and requirement of (the 4 civil society organizations and 4 government departments) staff to access to training.

· Using the information gathered from the assessments and analysis, propose capacity strengthening strategy and plan.

· Design and prepare the action plan (agenda) of five trainings.

· Prepare pre-and post-training forms and make sure all trainees fill it before and after the training.

· Prepare all the documents required to deliver training sessions (participants manual, modules, contents, materials, slides, exercises, case studies, activities, i.e. full training package)

· Provide the full training materials, manuals, handouts, pre and posttests samples and the end of training survey as a full training package for the trained beneficiaries.

· Register the attendance of the participants and share it with Oxfam at the end of the training.

· Deliver the training sessions in-person in Baghdad and/or Tikrit.

· Following Oxfam’s data protection policy regarding the sensitive information of participants’ personal and contact info.

· Provide certificates for the 75 participants in the training (co-signed by Oxfam and the consultant agency). Certificate design to be approved by Oxfam before use.

· Write and submit training report to Oxfam after the trainings are completed.

· Conduct impact analysis of the trainings to reflect on the impact level changes that happened due to the delivery of the 5 trainings by the consultant in comparison to the pre-training knowledge and behaviour.

· Conduct regular (minimum monthly) progress update meeting with Oxfam to share the updates and discuss challenges if any.**

· Consultant will cover transport, accommodation and meals for their trainers from the consultant for the 5 trainings to be delivered by the consultant. They will also be responsible for the necessary travel permission, and access letters if needed.**

Responsibilities of Oxfam.

· Manage all logistics preparations for the 5 trainings that will be delivered by the consultant including: Venue, breaks and Lunch, accommodation (including breakfast), participants’ transportation for the training/ workshops.

· Provide the list of participants for each training / activity.

· Coordinate with Salahalddin governorate office (or Baghdad office) to provide the training venue for the in-person training.**

· Monitor the consultancy regularly and provide support, inputs, advise to the consultant as necessary.**

Time period

The service provider shall consult and coordinate with the project manager and project officers to accomplish the assignment successfully, the service provider needs to report the progress of the assigned tasks on regular basis.

The duration of the assignment should be 3.5 months, and the expected start date will be 21th August 2021 and end on first week of December 2021

Payment Procedure

The service provider (training institute) will be paid agreed rate, upon satisfactory completion of the assignment including submission of reports and manuals.

The payment of the awarded contract will be made in USD, and will be made in different installments, upon the completion of the key assignment milestones.

· 10 %, upon approval of the inception report and capacity assessment tools

· 15% will be made upon the completion and delivery of capacity need assessment and submission of report

· 10% will be made upon the completion and submission of all training agenda, materials, handouts, pre-posttests formats, and training evaluation forms.

· 25 %, will be made after the successful delivery of the training sessions (when achieving 100% of the targeted beneficiaries).

· 40 %, will be made after the submission and approval of the final reports including but not limited to attendance sheets, pre-posttests results, training evaluation reports, and photos.

Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

The major criteria to evaluate the service provider/training institute competing for the assignment will include the following:

· Legally registered as a trust, NGO, private company or training institute.

· Authorized and accredited to issue training certificates for the participants.

· Proven experience in conducing capacity mapping and training needs assessment exercises.

· Proven Experience in designing and delivering similar trainings.

· Experienced trainers holding ToT certificates.

· Presence in the area of operations or willing to move easily to area of operation for the period of assignment or be able to mobilize local staff for the purpose of the assignment.

· Language (English and Arabic) – the consultant team should have members fluent in Arabic and English.

· Ready to travel between the governorates (Salah-al-din, Baghdad and Erbil) as per need of the assignment.

Scoring criteria and selection of the service provider/training institute



Weight %

Evaluation method


Technical Capacity

60 % – Service provider profile and interviews with the trainers/career counselors.


Delivery time/assignment schedule

20 % – Submitted workplan/schedule


Financial offer

20 % – Submitted financial offer.

Total – 100 %


Application requirements

  1. Technical offer may include:

a. approach and broad methodologies

b. use of technology

c. working in covid-safe and covid-appropriate manner

d. includes the service provider profile

e. CVs of the trainers/career counselors

f. assignment workplan/schedule.

g. Previous work experience details (copies of assignment reports if shareable)

h. Assignment schedule and time plan

  1. Financial offer may include:

a. Indicating the cost for the three categories; capacity need assessment, delivery of trainings, and impact analysis.

b. Estimated budget between (30,000 – 35,000 USD)

How to apply

As part of your online application, please send the application requirements to the following email:

Application requirements

  1. Technical offer may include:
    1. approach and broad methodologies
    2. use of technology
    3. working in covid-safe and covid-appropriate manner
    4. includes the service provider profile
    5. CVs of the trainers/career counselors
    6. assignment workplan/schedule.
    7. Previous work experience details (copies of assignment reports if shareable)
    8. Assignment schedule and time plan
  2. Financial offer may include:
    1. Indicating the cost for the three categories; capacity need assessment, delivery of trainings, and impact analysis.
    2. Estimated budget between (30,000 – 35,000 USD)

Deadline and place of submission

Interested and qualified applicants with the required expertise to conduct the above exercise should submit their application (Technical and Financial Proposals in closed envelopes) by 11 August 2021 to Please mention “Proposal for Capacity Building Plan, tools and Curricula for Civil Society Organizations and Government Departments in Salahalddin Governorate

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