Service Provider for the update of the remuneration policy At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion


Update of the remuneration policy (August – September 2021)

1. Introduction about Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. The organisation works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

HI works in around sixty countries in emergency, reconstruction, chronic crisis and development contexts. Since 1982, the organisation has been working alongside vulnerable populations, in particular people with disabilities. Our combat is guided by HI’s vision, mission, and values.

Handicap International is the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for its work on the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. It also won the 2011 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize, for its commitment to people with disabilities living in situations of poverty, exclusion, conflict, and natural disasters.

HI in the Philippines has been operational since 1985 and is one of the key organizations in the disability sector in the country. It has a wide range of complementary projects which assists to promote inclusion of persons with disabilities and their issues in development policies and actions, build capacities of key local stakeholders, and reduce the impact of natural disasters and conflicts. Handicap International in the Philippines is committed to enhance the access of persons with disabilities to various services, promoting their active participation and social inclusion, and developing partnerships at all levels, in the frame of the national and international policies on disability.

An operational strategy for Philippines and Indonesia was develop from 2020-2023 which aims to foster meaningful participation of people at risk of exclusion towards the improvement of their safety, resilience, and quality of life and will focus on the following frameworks:

  • Employment & Livelihood Support vulnerable peoples’ access to sustainable and resilient livelihoods;
  • Protection & Risk Reduction-save lives, reduce risks, and boost resilience of vulnerable people and communities;
  • Health & Prevention-Promote health and well-being of vulnerable people of all ages, and prevent disabilities.

2. Objective of the consultancy

HI Philippines is looking for a competent external expertise to support the update of its remuneration policy in particular its salary grid

This work on the updated remuneration policy should fulfil the 2 following sub-objectives:

  • Internal Equity: Management must determine the “worth” or “value” of one job in relation to other jobs in the organisation for the purpose of salary review. Maintaining appropriate pay relative to value or worth is achieving internal equity.
  • External Equity: To have competitive salary structure in line with the existing market rates for jobs in Philippines (a benchmark of salaries in Philippines has been recently carried out and the result will be shared with the assigned organization/person)

In addition, 5 core principles are in the heart of HI remuneration policy and should be also considered:

  • Ethical reward
  • Transparency
  • Equity
  • Sustainability
  • Compliance and Risks

3. Scope of work:

The general objectives of the consultancy is to review the remuneration policy. This includes:

  1. To review the organizational structure of HI Philippines, Job Descriptions or Position Profiles (Not just Job Title) in terms of qualifications, experience/ seniority, knowledge/ skills, nature of work for comparison & clarity within the organization in line with the global organizational reorganization launched by HI HQ and the career pathways developed by HQ
  2. To identify the INGOs /Non-Profit Organizations (targeted as per similar size of HI) in Philippines with which comparisons may be made, while considering Cost of Living Index, inflation, currency devaluation and such factors in Philippines (similar work /benchmark has been recently carried out and will be shared to support this point). This benchmark should be done based on the “Total reward” this includes gross salary+ all benefits (food/transportation allowances, health insurance, and any other social benefits)
  3. To carry out a comprehensive Compensation & Benefits Survey amongst these targeted organizations and to draw information/ comparisons on a number of parameters, such as:
  4. Compensation & Benefits: Consultant will analyze the Compensation, Allowances and Benefits data of the targeted organizations, and submit Data Report drawing analysis & comparative similarities/ differences with these organizations;
  5. HR Practices including Reward & Recognition policies, Performance Management System, Performance or productivity incentives, criteria and mechanism for salaries increase etc.;
  6. Attraction & Retention Strategies – Employee perks & benefits (cash & non-cash benefits); retirement benefits, medical health & disability benefits, etc.

4. Expected Results

  • To benchmark compensation and benefits across organisations, levels and functions within HI.
  • To provide recommendations to HI on compensation and all benefits (transport/food allowance, health insurance, annual and sick leave days, working time etc.) based on comparative analysis.
  • To produce a draft of an updated remuneration policy, in close coordination with our HQ referent, including the adjusted salary scale based on comparative analysis, and analysis of the cost per month per employee compared to current pay and cost.

5. Time line

The duration for submitting the deliverable should be within the 45 days

How to apply

6. Procedure for expression of interest

  • Interested parties may submit “*Expressions of Interest – Remuneration policy HI*” including their profiles and indicating details of experience in handling similar assignments.
  • Individuals/Organizations must present their bids as follows:
  1. A Curriculum vitae of the assigned personnel (max. 3 pages)
  2. A motivation letter (max. 1 page) stressing experiences in HR management, salary grid update, salaries benchmarking and HR policies development or update
  3. Proposed methodology (max. 3 pages) and schedule for the mission detailing the mission outputs and approaches
  4. A financial quotation, indicating a daily fee (PHP) per full working day. The financial quotation should be all taxes included (10% of tax to be considered in Philippines).
  • Applications are to be sent by e-mail to : and

Deadline for applications is August 18th, 2021 by 23.00pm, with an expected start date on August 25th, 2021.

Incomplete applications will not be considered, only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

Applicants agree to abide by HI’s general terms and conditions and good business practices ( ) including Humanity & Inclusion’s protection policies and its Code of Conduct, in particular the Policy on the Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment, the Protection of Children and the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy.

Humanity & Inclusion does not discriminate in hiring and strongly encourages people with disabilities to apply.

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