2022 SDG Gender Index Content Producer and Storyteller At Equal Measures 2030


Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) is a collaboration of national, regional and global leaders from feminist networks, civil society, international development and the private sector. We connect data and evidence with advocacy and action on gender equality, to transform the lives of women and girls and realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

EM2030’s flagship data product is the SDG Gender Index, first launched in 2019. The index aims to drive accountability for commitments to and for girls and women and their rights in line with the Sustainable Development Goals with just 9 years left to achieve the SDGs, EM2030 is launching its second iteration of the SDG Gender Index in early 2022.

The index and associated products and analysis will aim to engage and galvanise gender equality advocates and policymakers to reflect on progress to date and to commit to accelerated action with and for girls and women.

Scope of Work

Equal Measures 2030 seeks the services of an experienced content producer and storyteller. The successful Content Producer/Storyteller will be a strategic and creative writer who can deliver character-driven, emotionally engaging content tailored for different target audiences and organizational goals. They will help to shape EM2030’s distinct brand voice. They will be able to do both long- and short-form pieces (Op-ed, blogs, interviews…) for target audiences with varying levels of understanding of EM2030’s work. They are an experienced interviewer, researcher, editor, and writer who can take rough, and often technical content, and translate it into polished, professional stories.

The EM2030 Secretariat team and partners are based across time zones and countries, meaning the ability to work remotely and flexibly will be essential. However, the consultant will have a single point of contact within the EM2030 team, and not be expected to play a liaison role with different authors.

Expected Deliverables

The consultant is expected to write:

· website and landing page content, incorporate SEO keywords into web content

· narrative, long-format blog and online articles

· crafting headlines and body copy for website

· biographies

· engaging and shareable web and social media content

· news-worthy press releases

· editorial stories

Qualifications, skills and experience

• At least 5 years of demonstrated experience in journalism and/or writing editorial content related to gender equality for magazines, journals, websites or other relevant content platform

• Creativity to communicate technical content in compelling ways for non-expert audiences

• Demonstrated experience conducting interviews, crafting engaging character-focused stories and opinions pieces

• Superior English-language skills

• Excellent organisational skills, including project management skills and ability to meet deadlines

• Ability to solve problems and propose solutions

• Demonstrated commitment to EM2030’s feminist and anti-racist values and principles

Timelines and ways of working:

• This work is expected to commence in early November 2021 on a retainer basis (November 2021 to mid-January 2022 are expected to be a “crunch period”).

• Prospective candidates should submit:

o A letter of interest including availability, recent writing samples, proposed approach and considerations

o A CV

o Your daily rate

How to apply

• Please submit to alison.livingstone@equalmeasures2030.org with the Subject Line “EM2030 2022 SDG Gender Index Content Producer/Storyteller”

• The deadline for submissions is 31st October 2021. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and we may choose to appoint early if we find the right candidate. The mission of Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) is to connect data and evidence with advocacy and action on gender equality, to transform the lives of women and girls. EM2030 is a joint effort of leading global, regional and national actors from feminist movements, civil society, the international development and private sectors.

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