Consultancy N°3ABA ROLI Consultant Team or Individual Consultant to conduct social media awareness campaign on the risks associated with ML/TOC/FT.**
Objective of this Request for Proposals
Banks, financial institutions, CSOs and vulnerable communities in the three countries are at risk of being used for money laundering, transnational organized crime and financing of terrorism (ML/TOC/FT) activities due to weaknesses in their internal policies and controls to prevent these crimes. To better inform these sectors who might be at risk of being used to launder money or finance terrorist activities and transnational organized crime, the consultant will conduct a social media awareness campaign for Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay on the risks associated with ML/TF/TOC, including recommendations from the action plan or other analysis developed by the Program, and highlighting risks of non-compliance and consequences.
Considering this the following deliverables has been stablished
- Define campaign scope, including content, main messages, target audience, region, and methodology.
Time of Delivery: 30 days after signing the contract.
- Design of campaign and including changes proposed by supervisory bodies.
The final version must be delivered 60 days after signing the contract.
- Implementation of a social media awareness campaign for five months on the risks linked to ML/TF/TOC among vulnerable sectors of society.
Objetivo de esta Solicitud de Propuestas
Los bancos, las instituciones financieras, las OSC y las comunidades vulnerables de los tres países corren el riesgo de ser utilizados para actividades de lavado de dinero, financiamiento del terrorismo y el crimen organizado transnacional, debido a las debilidades en sus políticas y controles internos para prevenir estos delitos. Para informar mejor a estos sectores que podrían estar en riesgo de ser utilizados para lavar dinero, financiar actividades terroristas y al crimen organizado transnacional, el consultor realizará una campaña de concientización en las redes sociales para Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay sobre los riesgos asociados con el LA/COT/FT, incluidas las recomendaciones de la acción. plan u otro análisis desarrollado por el Programa, y destacando los riesgos de incumplimiento y las consecuencias.
Considerando esto se han establecido los siguientes entregables
- Definir el alcance de la campaña, incluido el contenido, los mensajes principales, el público objetivo, la región y la metodología.
Tiempo de Entrega: 30 días después de la firma del contrato.
- Diseño de campaña e inclusión de cambios propuestos por los órganos de control.
La versión final deberá ser entregada 60 días después de la firma del contrato.
- Implementación de una campaña de sensibilización en redes sociales durante cinco meses sobre los riesgos vinculados al LA/COT/FT entre los sectores vulnerables de la sociedad.
For more information:
See this document:
This request for proposal (RFP) covers 5 (five) consultation services ABA ROLI Paraguay seeks to hire according to the Workplan of the Program “Countering Money Laundering, Transnational Organized Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (ML/TOC/FT) in South America”
The four other consultancies under this RFP are: ABA ROLI Consultancy to build capacity of justice sector actors, ABA ROLI Consultancy to build capacity on countering ML/TOC/FT, ABA ROLI Consultancy on use of cryptocurrencies for ML/TOC/FT, and ABA ROLI Consultancy to promote collaboration of police in ML/TOC/FT
The American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) is looking for 5 Short-Term paid consultants or a Consultant Team to conduct trainings, carry out roundtables, and develop guides and pocketbooks for Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. These activities are intended to provide necessary tools to design and effectively develop anti-money laundering, countering transnational organized crime and terrorism financing (AML/TOC/FT) policies and monitoring strategies, as well as information sharing and jointly establishing the due process of adjudication and prosecution of cases related to ML/TOC/FT.
How to apply
Consultancy 3: ABA ROLI Consultant Team or Individual Consultant to conduct social media awareness campaign on the risks associated with Money Laundering, Transnational Organized Crime and Financing of Terrorism (ML/TOC/FT).
Please submit your responses here: