Activity manager – clip and conflict management At Wild Chimpanzee Foundation


Guinea is committed to protecting its national biodiversity by ratifying international conventions such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is committed, following the Aichi objective, to increasing the national territory from 15 to 25%. surface area of ​​protected areas. The Guinean Office of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves (OGPNRF) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) particularly wishes to develop a network of protected areas made up of 17 national parks. It is with this in mind that the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) has been supporting the Guinean government since 2015 with the project to create the Middle Bafing National Park (PNMB) with an area of ​​6,426 km2. This park was created in May 2021 by presidential decree. Building on this success, the WCF was mandated again by the European Union to create the Pinselli-Soyah-Sabouyah (PNPSS) and Badiar National Parks. In these new perspectives, the action of the Natura Guinea project aims to improve the resilience of ecosystems, flagship species and rural populations of Guinea in the areas of the future PNPSS and the Badiar National Park. This approach is based on three pillars: the conservation of biodiversity through the management of protected areas, the development of a green economy, and the improvement of territorial governance.

The WCF is looking for a CLIP activity manager, participatory conflict management and resolution in the Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah (PNPSS) component financed by the Natura Guinea project.


As part of the Natura Guinée project aimed at preserving key species and spaces in Guinea; The WCF and the OGPNRF are implementing a transversal program to improve local governance. The program aims to involve local authorities, communities and all socio-professional layers in the process of creating the future Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah National Park. The CLIP and conflict management activity manager responsible for ensuring the involvement of stakeholders through the process of Free Informed Consent in advance and ensuring healthy collaboration between communities, authorities and the management team of the future Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah National Park.


In accordance with the objectives of the Natura Guinea project, the CLIP manager works under the direct supervision of the head of the green economy, pasture management and local governance department; and its charges are focused on the following areas:

Support for strengthening local governance:

  • Structure local elites into sector councils, districts and communes affected by the project for their support in the program to create the future Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah National Park (PNPSS);
  • Facilitate training for district council and intercommunity structures and project staff on the CLIP process and participatory conflict management;
  • Ensure the involvement of the structures put in place, namely the district council, intercommunity, nature development and conservation associations, breeders’ groups in the effective activities of the future Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah National Park;
  • Contribute to improving the functioning of decentralized entities and local authorities by facilitating regular meetings of the municipal and district councils of the Pinselli Soyah Sabouyah National Park.
  • Organize and facilitate exchange meetings between the different entities and structures for the transfer of skills in participation in the PNPSS creation project.

Analysis and management of complaints and conflicts:

  • Implement the mechanism for collecting, receiving, recording complaints and managing the database of complaints and grievances of the PN PSS;
  • Supervise the process of analyzing root causes of complaints and the organization of consultation frameworks with stakeholders for proposals for resolution of complaints and conflicts;
  • Orient complainants to conflict sensitivity and the “ Do no Harm” approach during the conflict and complaints management process;
  • Ensure that the solutions proposed by the consultation frameworks fit into the project objectives;
  • Provide regular feedback on the complaints management and resolution process;
  • Ensure equitable sharing of income from the work of members of development groups and associations supported by the Park.


  • Have a general knowledge of the WCF association, its functioning, its structure and its values;
  • Is aware of objectives and activities in general and in the specific work context;
  • Is aware of the activities of other departments, respects rules and procedures;
  • Help with general understanding linked to the political and social context;
  • Translates documents and interprets conversations if necessary.


  • Confidentiality is an absolute rule for this position, it is strictly forbidden to disclose information and any breach of this rule will be considered a serious offense and punished in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Regulations;
  • He/She must report to his/her supervisor any significant difficulty that an employee may encounter;
  • He/She must treat all employees equally, without favoritism or privilege granted for any reason;
  • Respects the rules and customs of local populations (politeness and decorum) and ensures that the reputation of the WCF is maintained.


  • University degree in sociology, peace and development, communication, conflict management or similar fields.
  • Demonstrate prior experience in conflict management and transformation, mediation, and complaints management;
  • Knowledge of conflict sensitivity and “Do No Harm” principles
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, including writing reports and communications documents.
  • Ability to handle delicate and emotional situations in a calm and constructive manner.
  • Have successful experiences and/or strong interests in animation, advice and rural sociology because most of the activities will take place within village communities and in relation to them;
  • Have a taste for learning and active involvement in activities to support populations in the community development program;
  • Master IT management tools (Office Pack);
  • Master the local languages ​​Malinké, Poular and Sousou; mastery of at least 2 local languages ​​is required, knowledge of these 3 languages ​​is an asset;
  • Master the driving of all-terrain motorcycles (AG and others).

Required quality:

  • Have a sense of teamwork, organization and autonomy;
  • Demonstrate initiative and proposals;
  • Demonstrate real motivation and involvement in the protection of natural resources;
  • Have a strong taste for field work and be able to live in sometimes isolated living conditions with reduced comfort;
  • Confidentiality and discretion;
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize, critical sense, rigor and open-mindedness;
  • Good technical writing skills in French; reporting qualities;

In all areas of his/her activity, he/she must be proactive, that is to say, be proactive in proposing improvements or adaptations. His supervisor may ask him for additional tasks if necessary.

This job description covers the main responsibilities inherent to this position. However, he may be asked to carry out tasks other than those listed above as well as great flexibility in the management of his function without this being considered as a modification of the contract.

Type of contract: Fixed-term contract, 1 year renewable

Starting position: 07/15/2024 (ideally)

Remuneration: according to WCF salary scale and experience

Ad validity period: 05/29/2024 to 06/25/2024

How to apply

To apply, please send us your CV and a cover letter by email to copying with the subject “application + name of position”.

Only selected candidates will be contacted to take the test.

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