Adviser on Solutions to Internal Displacement At Expertise France

  1. Provide strategic and technical support to the Resident Coordinator and the UNCT to lead national/local partnerships on solutions and ensure that UN strategies and programs have a solutions approach to displacement

has. Provide advice and coordination to support the UN Country Team on strategic engagement and agency programming on solutions to internal displacement between humanitarian, development and peace actors. –

b. Act as a link between the Resident Coordinator and individual UN agency programs, keeping abreast of relevant UN agency program interventions and initiatives and, in conjunction with OCHA, ensure that these programs are coordinated and will support their coordination if necessary

vs. Promote/advise on how to leverage programmatic investments from development and humanitarian actors against advocacy objectives related to the inclusion of displaced people in national planning and prioritization.

d. Provide technical and operational tools to support authorities and UN agencies, as well as other stakeholders, in integrating the multi-sectoral and long-term development responses needed to resolve internal displacement.

e. Ensure that the issue of solutions is integrated into the work of the UN country team coordination mechanisms, where appropriate.

f. Support for strengthening the conceptualization and integration of durable solutions into work on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus by UN agencies and other relevant stakeholders.

g. Provide combined analysis of humanitarian, development and peace data and evidence on solutions in development cooperation and humanitarian aid instruments

h. Organize or contribute to joint evaluations and impact analyses, advocating for common approaches, identification of collective outcomes and evidence-based programming on solutions to ensure coherence and avoid duplication of efforts.

i. Support resource mobilization activities for solutions activities and programs under the leadership of the UN Country Team and/or Resident Coordinator.

Facilitate and promote national/local ownership and capacity in solution strategies and prevention of internal displacement

has. Initiate or support efforts to build national capacity and infrastructure to find solutions, for example by establishing multi-stakeholder national solutions working groups, solutions units within a ministry or government agency ensuring the action and participation of displaced people, particularly displaced women.

b. Support the implementation of required capacity building activities with partners, government and existing coordination mechanisms to improve solution collaboration processes.

vs. Support the capacity of government at national, regional and local levels to operationalize a national internal displacement strategy.

d. Provide support to the government, where possible, for the development of a national strategy/action plan on solutions to internal displacement and associated policies in line with the regional strategy, the Yaoundé Declaration and the Platform regional support for solutions for forcibly displaced people from the Central African crisis, including the identification of priorities and potential opportunities.

e. Improve national/local ownership of data collection, profiling of displaced people and host communities, analysis of socio-economic/political economy, measurement of progress towards solutions and application to programming of national/local solutions. Particular attention must be paid to the collection of disaggregated data and the analysis of differentiated consequences according to age, gender and diversity. – Support authorities and partners to systematically monitor and evaluate solutions programs for rapid adjustment and course correction if necessary.

f. Support advocacy and knowledge sharing activities with national/subnational/local authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

Maintain positive working relationships create synergies and manage information flows between and among key stakeholders, including government counterparts, UN focal points/agencies, international NGOs, the private sector, civil society and the donor community so that projects have the greatest possible impact.

has. Establish and maintain a network of key stakeholders, including national and subnational counterparts, NGOs, the donor community, the diaspora, the private sector and academia.

b. Contribute to relevant policy dialogue and policy development processes.

vs. Support the exchanges and contributions of high-level advisors, facilitating their in-country missions when necessary and maintaining momentum around displacement issues, including solutions.

d. Actively participate in Global Solutions Practice Networks and other knowledge networking forums and share relevant information with UN agencies.

Qualifications : Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in international development, international affairs, migration and displacement studies, or other relevant field. An undergraduate degree will also be considered with an additional two years of relevant professional experience. ). Excellent command of French (Level C1 at least in the CEFR system) and very good command (at least) of English (Level B1 at least in the CEFR system).

Professional experience : At least 7 years of relevant experience in the public (national or multilateral, including UN), private (academia, non-governmental sector, corporate) sector, with increasing level of responsibility. At least 4 years of experience in crisis and fragile contexts with strong relevant experience in forced displacement and sustainable development/solutions. Experience in the field of humanitarian coordination would be an asset.

How to apply

Please apply on the France Expertise job description page: Advisor on the issue of solutions to internal displacement (M/F) (


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