Advocacy Consultant at Baan Dek Foundation

Terms of Reference

Capacity development for creating an advocacy strategy and action plan

1.0 Organization Background
Established in 2002, BDF is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with the mission to
provide access to essential education, health, and child protection services to disadvantaged
children and families living in construction site camps. Through field projects and advocacy
activities, BDF aims to improve access to services for the estimated 60,000 children connected
to the construction sector in Thailand. BDF’s activities reach over 1,600 children and 10,000
workers in the construction industry per year.

2.0 Project Background
Migrant workers connected to the construction sector in Thailand move around from project to
project regularly with their children and live in construction site camps with slum-like conditions.
Due to constant migration, a lack of Thai language skills, and other barriers, their access to
essential public services is heavily affected. As a result, many of these children live in unsuitable
conditions, are often out of school, and lack access to social protection and healthcare, and social

Baan Dek Foundation (BDF) advocates for systemic change in the Thai construction sector,
encouraging the sector to provide better living conditions for construction workers and their
children in camps, and to facilitate their access to public education, health, and social services.
To do this, BDF develops key partnerships with major real estate developers and construction
companies and supports them to implement changes in camps with training and a toolkit
containing Guidelines and a Self-Assessment Tool. This strategy and the toolkit are based on the
BSI Framework for Action, 12 recommendations for companies to implement improvements and
access to services in construction site camps, which was developed by BDF and UNICEF
Thailand in collaboration with partner companies. These recommendations focus on the four key
areas of infrastructure, welfare and services, healthcare and education.

3.0 Project Objectives, outcome and outputs
With funding and support from Kindernothilfe (KNH), a German child rights NGO active in
Thailand and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),
BDF is implementing a 3.5-year project to scale up the systemic impact work and BSI Initiative.
The project has four key outputs 1) Thai construction companies apply the BSI Framework for
Action and BSI Toolkit in construction camps; 2) Relevant Thai ministries create an enabling
environment for integrating business and human rights principles in the construction sector‘s

value chains, 3) Camp managers, camp bosses, camp residents, and the local service providers
work together for the access to services for workers and children in the camps, 4) The voices of
migrant workers and their children are incorporated into the BSI initiative. The project outcome is:
Up to 14,000 migrant workers use the improved infrastructure in the 36 camps and start to use
public services for themselves and their children to contribute to the overall objective that migrant
workers and their children live in decent conditions in construction site camps and have effective
and equitable access to key public services.
Output 2 is largely characterized by advocacy work with the Royal Thai Government, in particular
the Ministry of Justice – Rights and Liberties Protection Department, the entity with the
responsibility to integrate the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. With the aim
of creating an enabling environment for integrating business and human rights principles in the
construction sector’s value chain, the project is seeking to position the BSI Initiative as a key ally
of the RLPD in promoting the business and human rights agenda within the sector. The Ministry
of Labour, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health are also targeted by the project
activities due to their mandates in ensuring protection and promotion of migrant workers’ rights
and their children’s rights.

4.0 Purpose of the capacity development
To enable the project staff to accomplish above mentioned target, the project is seeking to hire a
consultant/facilitator/trainer/training institute to develop the capacity of the project team for
evolving and implementing an advocacy strategy and rendering consultancy support if needs

5.0 Objectives for the capacity development activity
Objective 1) The project staff are enabled to draft their own project-related advocacy strategy.
Objective 2) The project staff has finalised the advocacy action plan for implementation.
Objective 3) If needs arise, the project staff adapts (if necessary) the advocacy action plan for
future implementation.

5.0 Scope and Methodology of the capacity development activity
Despite the below mentioned suggestion, the consultant/facilitator/trainer/training institute is

asked to propose a meaningful capacity development process which ensures that the above-
mentioned objectives are met. Methods and tools to be implemented during the activity should be

clearly described.
Number of participants in the capacity development: Twelve.

Language of the capacity development: Thai and/or English. A translation on request from Thai
to English or vice versa needs to be ensured by the consultant(s) at all times.
Venue of the capacity development: Bangkok, BDF office.
To ensure objective 1) the project suggests that the twelve project staff should be equipped with
theoretical and practical knowledge on advocacy approaches, methods and tools for starting,
implementing and maintaining advocacy work with state stakeholders, and do’s and don’ts of
effective advocacy towards state stakeholders and the steps involved in developing a relevant
advocacy strategy and action plan. The knowledge should be delivered in a 3-days-training
workshop using appropriate theoretical and practical training methods.
To ensure objective 2) the project suggests that the twelve project staff reflect on the draft
advocacy strategy based on the feedback given by the consultant, complete it and develop a

feasible action plan. The feedback, reflection and finalising should be delivered in a 2-days-
reflection-workshop using appropriate workshop tools.

To ensure objective 3) the project suggests that the twelve project staff reflect on the applicability
of the action plan based on their experience and the input given by the consultant and adapt it if

necessary. The reflection and adaptation should be delivered in a 1-day-implementation-
workshop using appropriate workshop tools.

6.0 Deliverables
The consultant/facilitator/trainer/training institute are expected to deliver the following:

  1. Implementation of the capacity development activity as indicated in the contract/proposal
  2. Provide guidance on request after the capacity development activity has been finalised.
  3. Report of the capacity development activity with list of participants, actual implementation
    schedule (date, timed slots, subjects covered), content of each activity with applied methods
    and tools, evaluation of the participants on their individual learning output and applicability of the
    learned aspects, photos of the capacity development outcome.
  4. Report on the guidance provided on request stating the topic of discussion and the advice

7.0 Qualifications and Competencies of Applicant

● University degree, preferable postgraduate degree in a relevant field such as public policy,
international development, political studies, international relations
● At least 10 years proven experience in designing and implementing advocacy strategies and
projects that target state actors.
● Ability to write and speak fluently in English; ability to write and speak in Thai is highly
● Proven experience in facilitating participatory workshops applying meaningful methods and
tools for participants with diverse advocacy experience.
● Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work with a diverse and multicultural team.
● Experience in managing or evaluating private sector engagement projects is an asset.

8.0 Submission of Proposal:
● CV of the consultant(s)
● List of similar assignments conducted by the applicant, and at least 2 examples submitted
along with the application
● A technical proposal of 2-3 pages including the methodology and a work plan with a
timeframe for completing the deliverables
● A financial proposal with a detailed budget breakdown in Thai Baht including all relevant

9.0 Evaluation Criteria
Submitted proposals will be evaluated on the quality of the technical proposal and the
consultant’s experience on the subject matter. The proposal will also be evaluated based on the
competitiveness of the financial offer.

How to apply

Applicants should submit their proposals to and

Deadline for submission : No later than midnight of 27/02/2023

Only short-listed consultants will be contacted. Baan Dek Foundation will take affirmative action
measures to avoid discrimination in advertisements for consultancies preventing discrimination
against any consultant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The selected consultant will

be requested to comply with our Child Protection and Safeguarding, PSEA Policy, Anti-
Corruption Policy.

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