Assessing Trócaire’s approach to exiting partnerships in countries where work is being phased out At Trócaire

Detailed TOR can be found on

I. Objectives

The objectives of this consultancy are as follows:

· To holistically assess Trócaire phase out process in Kenya and Uganda in line with previous recommendations to understand to what degree the recommendations were put into practice, at organisational level and in the specific country contexts. Strengths and areas for improvement should be identified, and lessons on how to carry out a responsible exit should be documented.

· Develop recommendations on good practices and areas of improvement for partnership phase out that will guide Trócaire’s work in the future.

II. Scope of the Work

The entry point for the final report is localisation, particularly in relation to partnership quality and how Trócaire supports organisations to become more sustainable, even after the end of funding cycles. The final report will be a learning document that will influence how Trócaire conceptualizes partnership over a period, and how phase out processes should best be planned and implemented. The research will be limited mainly to the experience of Trócaire’s country programmes and partners in Kenya and Uganda, though knowledge can also be drawn from Pakistan, where Trocaire´s programming phased out in 2020. The lessons learned can be applied to other country programmes and guide partner phase outs more broadly.

The main audience for this report includes Trócaire staff in country offices and head office, but the findings will also be useful for our engagements with partners and donors. As Trócaire’s partners in Kenya and Uganda will be key informants throughout this process, it is important that the findings are shared with them and that they have opportunities to openly reflect on and influence the recommendations generated.

The final report should summarize good practices, challenges, and lessons learned from Trócaire’s phase out approaches and process. The report should provide practical recommendations for Trócaire and its partners.

III. Methodology

The consultant is expected to provide a detailed proposal, indicating the methodologies that will be used for developing a final report in line with the objectives and scope of the terms of reference. The consultant will clarify the data to be collected, how it will be collected, and the timeframe for its collection and analysis, as well as the development of the final report.

The methodology and framework for the documentation should be designed based on a participatory approach, capturing views of Trócaire and partner staff. Due to safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, the consultancy will be conducted remotely, with interviews held over Zoom.

An anticipated methodology is as follows:

  1. Desk review of key documents

As an initial step, the consultant should plan for a desk review of available project key documents to understand the contexts and the support provided by Trócaire during the phase out process.

Documents to be reviewed might include but not limited to:

· Report: Trócaire’s Approach to Ending Partnerships in Phase Out Countries (2013)

· Review of Trócaire’s key documents: (Strategic Plan, Programme Strategy, Strategy on Partnership and Localisation)

· Programme Plans from Trócaire Kenya and Uganda

· Internal documentation related to the phase out process, including closure plans/checklists

· Documentation on resource mobilisation

· Keystone Survey Reports for Kenya and Uganda

· Global Keystone Survey Report

· Partner capacity building plans

· Reports on trainings/activities conducted as part of the phase out process

· Organisational documentation relating to the 2020 phaseout in Pakistan

· Any other related documents

  1. Interview

The consultant is expected to conduct key informant interviews with staff from Trócaire (including but not necessarily limited to the Country Director of Trócaire Kenya and Uganda, the Programme Managers and Finance & Admin Managers of Trócaire Kenya and Uganda, the Global Partnership Director, the Director of the International Division), and Programme Officers, among others. The consultant should also conduct interviews with staff from a sample of partner organisations.

  1. Survey

A voluntary feedback survey should be developed and administered to all local partners in Kenya and Uganda. The results will be analysed and feed into report findings.

  1. Writing of the final report, including time for review by Trócaire and editing.
  2. Finalisation of the report.

IV Timeline

20 to 30 days – approximately / December 2021

How to apply

Consultants meeting the above criteria should submit a proposal marked “Lessons Learned – Exiting Partnerships” by e-mail to by 5th November 2021.

Proposals should include the following:

· The CV of the consultant(s), outlining relevant experience, accomplishments, and contact information of 2 references.

· A written proposal, outlining the proposed schedule/work plan and the consultant’s proposed fees/daily rate, with justification. (Maximum 5 pages)

· Conflict of interest statement: Applicants should state clearly whether they have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the staff, volunteers, and/or board of Trócaire.

· 1 writing sample of similar/relevant work.

Each technical proposal will be evaluated based on technical quality; background and experience of the consultant; and value for money.

Any queries relating to this Terms of Reference should be directed by e-mail only to the Global Hub on Partnership and Localisation, at

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