Assistant Project Manager (National Position) At World Wide Fund For Nature

More Information

I. Main function

  • Assist the WWF-PNMB Project Manager in the implementation of component 5 of the additional financing for the Natural Resources Governance Project (FA-PGRN) on the ground in accordance with the requirements of said project and the WWF strategic plan.

II. Main tasks and responsibilities

Under the supervision of the WWF Project Manager at PNMB, the WWF-PNMB Project Manager Assistant will have the following main tasks:

  • Support the carrying out of additional studies (carbon stock estimation, HVC, ecotourism, identification of zoonoses, etc.) with a view to updating the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the PNMB business plan;
  • Support the implementation of good practices to reduce the impacts of logging on the ecosystems of the PNMB and surrounding areas;
  • Participate in the process of updating the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the business plan of the PNMB and peripheries;
  • Contribute to the establishment of community wildlife monitoring activities alongside the PNMB administration;
  • Support the rehabilitation work of PNMB infrastructure to facilitate the resumption of management activities;
  • Participate in the development of a long-term strategy and roadmap to mobilize Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs) for the PNMB and peripheries;
  • Participate in the recruitment and training of field staff for additional studies.

III. Project management, monitoring and evaluation

  • Contribute to the development of annual work plans and technical reports;
  • Develop budgets for conservation activities, on a quarterly basis or more frequently if necessary;
  • Support the WWF-PNMB Project Manager in ensuring effective management of project resources in accordance with planning and contractual obligations, in collaboration with the WWF-RCA Finance Manager;
  • Contribute, where appropriate, to research, development and education programs related to the management of the PNMB and its peripheries;
  • Perform other additional tasks as requested by the WWF-PNMB Project Manager.

IV. Profile

4.1. Required qualifications

  • Minimum level Forestry Engineer or Master in Biology/Ecology or in a field related to forest management or protected areas;
  • Substantial experience working with conservation and civil society organisations;
  • Proven field experience in the South West region of the CAR.

4.2. Required skills and competencies

  • Knowledge of wildlife laws and legal procedures related to law enforcement;
  • Practical experience in forest, wildlife and protected areas management;
  • Ability to analyze data from wildlife monitoring and forest management activities;
  • Practical field knowledge to plan forest conservation and management activities;
  • Ability to act proactively to improve the impact of forest conservation and management activities;
  • Fluency in French, good knowledge of English is an advantage.
  • Adhere to WWF values: Courage, Integrity, Respect and Collaboration .

4.3. Labor relations

Internal : Work under the hierarchical responsibility of the WWF-PNMB Project Manager and in collaboration with the PNMB management.

External : Collaborate with local and national authorities, the PGRN team, forestry companies, community representatives, civil society, financial partners.

This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the type of tasks that are proactively expected of staff. Other tasks may be assigned by the WWF-PNMB Project Manager as necessary and according to the needs of the organization.

How to apply

V. How to apply

Interested candidates should prepare and submit: a cover letter and a curriculum vitae to the following address: e-mail: clearly indicating in the subject line  Application for the position of Assistant to the Project Manager WWF-PNMB  no later than March 24, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

PLEASE note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

WWF is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to having a diverse workforce!

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